Goddess of Interstellar Gourmet Food

Chapter 75: Yogurt [Midnight]


After Tu Rongrong made the raspberry milk, Tu Yuanyuan, who smelled the smell, had already woken up, calling "sister" in a daze.

"Sister?" After waking up, Tu Yuanyuan, who was still lying on the hammock and rubbing her eyes, called her sister directly, she was very cute. When Tu Rongrong heard the sound, she smiled and leaned over to hug the cub and kissed it.

"Yuanyuan woke up? Did you sleep well?" Tu Rongrong was very happy to see her sister in a daze. How could my sister be so cute

"How about we drink some milk when we wake up? My sister made it for you, it's super delicious." Tu Rongrong took out a feeding bottle from the spaceā€”God knows why she stocked up on feeding bottles when she was stockpiling things.

After Tu Rongrong took out the bottle and sterilized it, he poured the raspberry milk that had cooled down to only 20 to 30 degrees into the bottle, put the lid on and gave it to Tu Yuanyuan.

"Come on, have a taste." Tu Yuanyuan doesn't like the taste of pure milk, but she still drinks fruit milk, especially strawberry milk.

"Yeah." Tu Yuanyuan took a sip of the milk while holding the bottle. She felt that the sweet milk was mixed with the sweet and sour raspberry jam. She liked it very much, and narrowed her eyes happily.

"Uncle Che, try it too." Tu Rongrong poured a cup of raspberry milk for Uncle Che and asked him to taste it.

Tu Rongrong also poured a glass, she doesn't like the taste of milk, but the milk with fruit is quite good, so she can be regarded as drinking milk, right

Tulurong put away all the leftovers, and she put the raspberry milk in the refrigerator. Sometimes the frozen fruit milk tastes better.

After drinking the milk, Tu Rongrong decided not to go out to do anything in the afternoon, and she wanted to deal with the leftover milk. After all, with so much milk, you can't just drink fresh milk, no, she is going to make yogurt.

Tu Yuanyuan sat on the sidelines holding the baby bottle and watched her sister busy. Tu Che didn't join in the fun, but just helped Tu Rongrong, deal with utensils and so on.

The fresh milk needs to be boiled to sterilize, so put the fresh milk in a large pot to boil, and then pour the boiled fresh milk into the inner tank of the yogurt machine that has been scalded with boiling water.

The yogurt machine was still Tu Nongrong looking through various books in his own space, only then did he find the structural diagram of the yogurt machine, and then asked Tu Che to help make it. Tu Che can still make a simple yogurt machine.

When the temperature of the fresh milk is about the same as that of your hands, add the yogurt starter to the milk.

Add white sugar or honey to the milk, and add or subtract according to your own taste.

Stir for 5-10 minutes, add a small amount of warm water to the yogurt machine, put the liner with milk into the yogurt machine and cover the lid.

The yogurt machine is powered on and adjusted to the yogurt gear, and the time is adjusted to 8 hours. After 8 hours, the yogurt is ready.

After the velvet is finished, I don't care about it, and it's already afternoon.

Tu Rongrong found some straw, and she planned to make a straw hat. After all, she had to go out to work in such a bright sun, and it would be more convenient to have a straw hat.

Tu Yuanyuan squatted next to her sister in a straw hat, and Tu Che watched her work. As for Tu Che, he would go to check the progress of the construction robot after studying the materials for a while.

After weaving for a while, the two straw hats were finished, and she and her sister each had a straw hat and were ready to go out to plant wheat and corn seeds.

"Uncle Che, Yuanyuan and I are going out." Tu Rongrong, like her sister, was ready to go out, wearing a straw hat and carrying a small basket.

"Go." Tu Che didn't stop them either, young people should go out and walk more, right? There are indeed more pampered people in the interstellar era, but most of them are still very skilled, so Tu Che also intends to train their sisters.

During the afternoon, the two agricultural robots had cultivated several acres of land, and Tu Rongrong was very satisfied with the land that had been plowed and consolidated.

She took her sister to scatter the corn seeds together, and Tu Rongrong poked it with a small stick, and then Tu Yuanyuan sprinkled two or three corn seeds. After covering the soil, Tu Rongrong used her own ability to give birth They sprout.

The two sisters planted slowly according to this division of labor. When the sun went down, the two sisters had just planted two acres of land, which was a bit inefficient.

But Tu Rongrong didn't feel that she was holding back. She just wanted to find something to do, and she didn't plan to plant all the hundreds of acres of land by herself.

After Tu Rongrong planted corn, she planned to plant wheat tomorrow. The corn was delicious no matter how it was cooked, but she wanted to use wheat flour to make noodles and steamed buns.

Of course, Turongrong has already planted soybeans, mung beans and other miscellaneous grains and beans. She also wants to eat tofu. To be honest, Turongrong also likes tofu very much. It is tender and delicious.

After thinking about it, Tu Rongrong sprinkled a handful of soybeans on the land around her house to stimulate ripening. She immediately put away all the soybeans. She planned to soak the soybeans tonight and grind the soybean milk to make tofu tomorrow morning. .

The wood ability is very good. When she wants to eat, she can grow it herself, and she can harvest it very quickly. Of course, it is more difficult when you want to eat meat.

Tu Yuanyuan followed her sister, and after planting the corn in the basket, she picked a lot of soybeans and put them in the basket. The little girl was very happy to work with her sister all the time, and her workload was not too heavy, Tu Rongrong was not afraid Tired to my sister.

"Are you back? Are you tired?" Tu Che felt a little distressed when he saw the sweat on the faces of the two sisters. Distressed, after all, this is the child I watched grow up.

"It's really a bit tired." Tu Rongrong put the basket full of soybeans on the table beside him, then slumped on the hammock and said with a smile.

"I'm tired, come, drink some milk to quench my thirst." Tu Che took out cold raspberry milk from the refrigerator and gave it to Tu Rongrong to quench her thirst. Tu Yuanyuan also got normal temperature raspberry milk.

After all, Tu Rongrong is an adult, she has no problem drinking frozen milk, but Tu Yuanyuan is just a two-year-old cub, drinking such a cold drink is not good for the stomach.

"What is this?" Tu Che looked at the soybeans brought back by the two sisters and asked curiously, "Are you going to cook a new dish?"

"This is soy beans. I'm going to use them to make tofu. Soy milk is also drinkable and nourishing." Tu Rongrong said while drinking milk.

"How?" Tu Che asked.

"Uncle Che, help me take it to soak in water first, soak it in clean water for a few hours, and then grind it when I get up tomorrow." Tu Rongrong didn't want to move lazily, so he asked Tu Che to help.

"Uncle Che can grind it for me if he gets up early tomorrow. Just put it in the refiner and grind it into soybean milk."
