
Chapter 125


'Bang, bang, bang! '

Under the supervision of the boss next to him, the three Liluo kowtows were unusually deep, and blood almost flowed from their scalps!

After ringing his head three times, Liluo raised his head and looked at the photo of Brother Fei and Brother Zhang not far in front of him and bowed. Then he put the three sticks of incense in his hand and at the same time raised his head and looked at me, but he couldn't say a word. Did not say.

I can see that Li Luo is very excited at this moment. He wants to come up and kill me and the boss, but he doesn't have the strength today!

After I finished kowtowing, I turned my head sharply, looked behind me, and growled, "Carry the coffin!"

'brush! '

After I said these words, the boys standing around immediately stood neatly on both sides, and at the same time, a low roar of mournful music sounded in the field...

There is an inexplicable sadness in the air, Li Shang...

Liluo took a long breath, as if he thought he had nothing to do now. He turned around and glanced behind him before preparing to walk back. He put his hand in his pocket, apparently ready to take out his cell phone.

"Li Luo, come and carry the coffin!" I stepped forward suddenly, looked ahead with blood-red eyes, and growled.

'What? ! '

The moment he heard what I said, Liluo was a little confused, and his face was full of doubts. He didn't know what I meant.

"Let me carry the coffin?" Li Luo looked reluctant, even a little angry.

I strode forward and took a look at Li Hu, Glory, Hong Kong Tian and others who were standing behind Li Luo. They did not pay attention to what Li Luo had just said, but directly replied: "Li Luo and Li Hu Carry Brother Fei’s coffin, and Guangrong and Hong Kong Tian carry Brother Zhang’s coffin!”


After I said this, the faces of Li Luo, Li Hu and others suddenly became extremely ugly. After a long time, they raised their heads and looked at me. They were about to get angry, but when they saw the boss standing next to me Waiting for someone, he suddenly became well-behaved.

They know the boss's character well in their hearts. If they dare to reject me today, there will only be one outcome, and that is to be abolished!

'Squeak... '

With a dull sound, the big coffin came out, and Li Luo and Li Hu reluctantly walked up.

Now for Liluo, it was already a great shame for him to kneel down and worship Brother Fei and Brother Zhang. Now he has to carry the coffin again, and he can't bear it anymore!

Sad music continued to ripple in the sky, and Fei Ge's coffin was slowly lifted up.

Me, Daozi, Chen Fa, Lingkong, Skeleton, Xingshark, plus Liluo and Li Hu, carried Fei Ge's big coffin out of the funeral home.

And behind him was the big coffin of Brother Zhang carried by Prince Edward, Xue Ge, Glory and Hong Kong Tian!

Both sides of the road were covered with white streaks, and the boys standing around all bowed their heads in silence...

'Tap, tap, tap! '

At this moment, every time I take a step forward, my heart becomes heavier!

Those memories suddenly flooded into my mind like an endless stream!

'Brother Fei, I'm sorry, I'll let you go on your way in peace. '

'Brother Zhang, be nice to Brother Fei over there, I will take good care of your family...'

The funeral procession was one kilometer long, like a long white dragon, walking through the streets. Gongsun Jiujiu had already led his men to clear the streets we were passing through of all the pedestrians, and all the vehicles had moved to the streets next to us!

More and more people are watching this scene on both sides of the road...

And just when we passed the door of a building called "Tiankeng Studio", a man in black stood with his hands behind his back in the transparent window on the second floor, and behind him stood eighteen young people!

Tears slowly shed from the eyes of the man in black, and he said to the outside in an almost hoarse, trembling voice: "Da Fei, Lao Zhang, you are all gone, why do you leave me alone?"

"Haha... He can give you such a large-scale funeral, which can be regarded as allowing you to rest in peace."

"Hey... As for the hatred between the two of you, leave it to him. I want to fulfill our dream back then... "

"When I finish that thing, I will come to accompany you two..."

This voice is very sad, like a piece of mourning, scattered everywhere!

After saying this, the man in black suddenly turned his head and looked behind him, and at the same time growled, "Sirius, obey the order!"

"Sirius is here!" The eighteen young men behind him lowered their heads at the same time, their bodies constantly exuding a cold murderous aura!

"Get ready to start planning now!"

The man in black waved his sleeves, his blood-red eyes swept across the line of people still passing below, sighed, and then left...

"Yes, my lord!"

"Yes, my lord!"

"Yes, my lord!"

After a series of promises, the eighteen young people suddenly started to move, and then jumped directly from the back window to the second floor, heading into the distance...

... ...

After walking through the crowded streets, we arrived at the cemetery!

An hour later, the tombstones of Brother Fei and Brother Zhang had been erected!

I stood in front, lit the incense, then turned around and looked at the sea of black and white people behind me, and roared, "Send Brother Fei, send Brother Zhang!"

My words just fell!

"Send it to Brother Fei, send it to Brother Zhang!"

Thousands of people in front of him knelt down on one knee at the same time, worshiping in front of him.

My eyes were red, and I stared closely at Li Luo, Li Hu and others who were kneeling on the ground not far away, and my heart felt like it was being cut by a knife.

At this moment, the enemy who killed Brother Fei and Brother Zhang is beside me, but I can't do anything.

It hurts, really, the pain in my heart really cannot be expressed in words!

Time ticked by, and the funeral went very quickly...

In the evening, I sat alone in front of Fei Ge's tombstone. I didn't know how much wine I drank and how many cigarettes I smoked today...

All of this seems like a passing cloud.

Really, I hate, I hate myself!

'Pah, pah, pah! '

I slapped myself on the face one slap after another, but I couldn't feel the slightest pain!

The two people I, Lu Yan, owe the most to in my life are Brother Fei and Brother Zhang!

I don’t know how long it took...

"you're drunk... .."

A familiar voice sounded from beside me.

I turned around and saw that the person speaking was Wang Xin...

"Don't be like this, I feel bad..." Her eyes were a little red, she came to my side and hugged my head tightly.

Suddenly, tears began to flow from my eyes uncontrollably.

At this moment, it was as if I had found a source of support, and my emotions finally found a place to vent.

She helped me up and took me away from the cemetery of Brother Fei and Brother Zhang.

From then on, I would come to the gravesites of Brother Fei and Brother Zhang every year. Every year, I would come here with a different identity. I would sit in front of their graves and talk about all the things I experienced this year. .. ...

After leaving the cemetery, Wang Xin and I came to a hotel. That night, we were very quiet and did nothing. We just hugged each other and slept...

Time passed very quickly, and one night passed like this.

When I woke up the next morning, Wang Xin had already left. She must have gone to school. There was a glass of milk and a few pieces of bread on the table in front of her...

I smiled, feeling a sense of happiness in my heart...

'clatter! '

The lighter was lit, I smoked my first cigarette in the morning, drank a glass of milk, then sat at the dining table and started to taste the breakfast Wang Xin made for me.

As I was eating, I remembered that scene five years ago. At that time, Kong Ci was the same. She would bring me breakfast to school every morning...

After eating, I stood by the window and looked at the sky outside the window. I sighed and began to wonder, why am I, Lu Yan, like this? Why do all the misfortunes happen to me

For some reason, I now have a vague feeling in my heart. I feel that my misfortune has reached its end. From now on, fate will take care of me again!

'Hei Zai, Li Luo, Kui Hu! '

I couldn't help clenching my fists and looking out the window with blood-red eyes!

'Dong-dong-dong! '

At this moment, a hurried knock on the door came from outside, "Brother Yan, Brother Yan, open the door quickly, no, something happened!"

Chapter 126 Eternal pain!