
Chapter 21


'Bang bang bang! '

My heartbeat began to accelerate crazily, and I felt a soft feeling on my face, as if I had returned to my gentle hometown...

"Lu Yan, tell me, is that Kong Ci your girlfriend?"

After saying that, she hugged me tighter, "Lu Yan, since you have a girlfriend, why do you come to provoke me again?!"

She hugged me tightly, and her fragrant lips began to roam on my face, "Tell me, what do you mean to me!"

Damn, I was a little drunk at the time. I was already interested in Wang Xin. She was so beautiful and she was so proactive now!

No matter, I don’t care!

I was anxious, and I grabbed Wang Xin's T-shirt with my right hand, and then pulled hard!

'laugh! '

The T-shirt was torn directly by me.

"Lu Yan, you can never betray me in this life!"

Wang Xin closed her eyes, hugged me, and placed a pair of white and tender hands underneath me...

I didn't expect that Wang Xin was still a virgin.

When she went in, she endured the pain and shed tears, clutching the white sheets tightly with both hands...

"I promise you, I will never let you down in this life!"

Then, I started exercising like crazy. I haven’t touched a woman for five years. This time, I was like a beast. I made Wang Xin squirt several times. In the end, we both fell asleep from exhaustion. ...

... ...

When I woke up the next morning, I found myself lying in bed alone, and Wang Xin had gone.

I lit a cigarette and glanced at the breakfast on the table. A happy smile appeared on my face. I knew in my heart that I, Lu Yan, am in love!

'Ding dong! '

Just as I was smiling, the phone suddenly rang.

I picked it up and saw it was a text message from a stranger.

'Xiaoyan, I'm back, Yellow River Bay Bridge, waiting for you... yourlover Ci! '

'Kong Ci! '

I roared, jumped out of bed, and started getting dressed like crazy.

Kong Ci... ...Kong Ci is back...

I kept mumbling these two words.

After hurriedly brushing my teeth, I was about to go out when I glanced at the breakfast on the table. I felt guilty. When I took a closer look, I saw a note next to the breakfast.

I picked it up and saw that it was left by Wang Xin.

'I know you're going to see her later. Let's go after dinner...'

The font is so beautiful...

I couldn't help but laugh. I didn't expect that Wang Xin would be so generous.

Then I sat on the chair and started eating breakfast.

Half an hour later...

I was already driving towards the Yellow River Bay in my car...

At this moment, I don't care about anything. In my heart, I only have Kong Ci!

For five years, Kong Ci has been lingering in my mind for many days and nights. How many times have I almost wanted to run out and see Kong Ci.

The closer I get to the Yellow River Bend, the faster my heart beats. I can almost imagine what it will be like waiting at the Yellow River Bend. Maybe Kong Ci is waiting for me there...

And Hei Zai, those brothers from the past, where are they now

Time ticked by, and my heartbeat began to accelerate crazily!

"Young man, the Yellow River Bay is ahead, get off the car!"

The driver looked back at me with a smile and said.

'Reached? '

I looked out the window. There was a big bridge in front of me. There was a big plaque on it. There were a few words written on the big plaque, 'Yellow River Bay.' '

The driver agreed and unlocked the door for me.

I opened the car door, gave the money, and got out of the car.

'clatter! '

The lighter was lit, and I strode forward. I remembered that I had met Kong Ci on this bridge. In the blink of an eye, more than five years had passed, and the bridge was still the same, but things had changed.

'Hiss... '

I took a long drag on the cigarette, and then strode forward, my heartbeat speeding up crazily.

How I look forward to seeing that beautiful figure on the bridge at this moment.

But... When I walked onto the bridge, I didn't see anything...

'brush! '

A gust of cold wind blew by, and I glanced around, but I couldn't see anything, not a single person...

I put out the cigarette butt, took out the phone, and was about to call and ask.

at this time.

The roar of an engine suddenly came from a distance.

I looked up and saw a red Ferrari rushing towards me.

I smiled bitterly, Kong Ci and the others are indeed doing well now...

'Squeak... '

With a parking sound, the Ferrari parked next to me.

I just stared blankly at the car, feeling an indescribable feeling in my heart.

Slowly, the car window rolled down...

"Lu Yan, right? Get in the car!"

The person who spoke was not Kong Ci, but a woman in hot clothes. She was wearing sunglasses. She was very beautiful, but she seemed too lazy to look at me.

"Who are you? Where is Kong Ci?"

I asked.

But the woman just said angrily: "It doesn't matter who I am. Now the eldest sister wants to see you, so get in the car!"

As she spoke, she turned her head and glanced at me, her eyes swept across my body, and said angrily: "Take off your coat!"

'Why take off your coat? 'I'm a bit overwhelmed.

The woman glared at me, and then replied arrogantly: "Didn't you see that this is a Ferrari? What should I do if the car gets dirty?!"

Hearing this sentence, I gritted my teeth and asked, "Is your eldest sister Kong Ci?"

"Are you leaving? If you don't leave, I will leave!"

While talking.

'Boom! '

The engine starts.

I cursed angrily in my heart, "Okay, I'll put up with you first," then I threw my coat away and got in the car.

The woman didn't even look at me, she just turned around and headed in the opposite direction.

I took out a low-quality cigarette from my pocket and was about to light it.

The woman turned her head and looked at me fiercely and said, "Don't smoke such low-quality cigarettes in the car!"

Seeing the disgust on her face, I couldn't help but sneer, woman, woman, when I took your boss everywhere to kill people, I'm afraid you were still a virgin!

'clatter! '

The lighter was lit, 'hiss...' I took a deep puff of the cigarette, and at the same time looked back at the woman, and said: "It seems that your boss hasn't taught you the principles of life. Why, do you want to be a good person?" Don’t you want me to teach you how to behave, brother?!”

I took another puff and exhaled the smoke happily.

"Poor guy, no quality!"

The woman glared at me fiercely, and it was obvious that if she hadn't been driving right now, she would have rushed up to me and hit me!

I sneered and ignored her, but continued to smoke.

After about ten minutes.

'Squeak... '

The car stopped in front of Mingjian Shuntian Restaurant.

As soon as the car stopped, the waiter immediately came forward and opened the door. When he saw me, he didn't say anything, so he smiled at the woman and said, "Sister Ling, you are back. The eldest sister is waiting for you inside. Hurry up." Click in..."

The woman agreed, then looked at me and said, "You are deaf, I want you to get out of the car!"

I clenched my fists and could only open the car door and walk out. In order to see Kong Ci, I endured it!

The two got out of the car, and the woman walked inside under the guidance of the smiling waiter, while I followed behind and was ignored.

Because what I wore was indeed too simple. At first glance, everyone around me was wearing designer suits and ties, and I couldn’t compare.

Occasionally, a few men in suits looked at me and smiled.

"Old Zhang, you said that Shuntian is a bit casual now, letting anyone in, and that's true!"

"Yeah, I don't know what this person is here for!"

At this time, a young man in a white suit showed a sneer on his face: "Lu Yan, you are finally here. I have been waiting for you for five years..."

I just smiled and ignored the looks from the people around me...

We got on the elevator and stopped when we reached the third floor.

Finally, the woman and the waiter stood at the door of box 302.

At this time, the woman turned her head and looked at me and said, "Brother and sister are both inside. Please pay attention to me later. If you are disrespectful at all, I will kill you!"

I was shocked, big brother or big sister? Could it be Kong Ci and Hei Zai

Chapter 022 Betrayal!