
Chapter 37


Song Ci ran to the top of the stairs, then looked down and said, "Brother Zhang Kui, how are you doing these days? Why don't you bring your brothers and we go to Nestlé tonight?"

Song Ci was groveling and looked like a little brother.


At this time, Zhang Kui only heard a promise, and then replied: "Xiao Song, there are also fights among your teachers. I thought intellectuals didn't fight!"

Song Ci laughed and continued: "Brother Zhang Kui is joking, how can we teachers be so different from each other? Today is just a foreign gangster causing trouble in our school."

At this time, Song Ci looked at me with a proud look on his face, and murmured in his mouth, "Brother Zhang Kui, that little gangster just now said he was your younger brother!"

'Um? '

Zhang Kui raised his head and glanced at Song Ci, then said, "Really? I want to see who dares to cause trouble on my brother's territory!"

Afterwards, Zhang Kui came over with someone.

At this time, the smile on Song Ci's face began to bloom, and he followed Zhang Kui closely. At the same time, he raised his head and looked at me. His face clearly said, 'You brat, let me show off, hum! Today I not only want to take care of you, but even Xiaoxin is mine! '

At this time, Song Ci felt so proud in his heart that he kept walking towards me with a look of ridicule on his face.

The teachers standing nearby all nodded and bowed when they saw Zhang Kui!

Damn, I was so angry when I saw the appearance of these teachers in front of me. Damn it, these are what people call servants of the people. What have you done with taxpayers' money? !

Of course, all the teachers are like this from time to time. The teachers who are watching now are all close to the Director of Academic Affairs, Director Zhang, and Song Ci. These people all think that they know gangsters, and then they can show off everywhere. Bullying...

"What are you doing?!"

At this moment, an older teacher walked over from the side.

This teacher is the leader of the Chinese language group, his name is Liu Hai, and he is a loyal public servant of the people.

Liu Hai glanced ahead, and his expression suddenly turned ugly.

"Teacher Song, what are you doing? Why are they in the school?"

While talking, Liu Hai looked at Zhang Kui who was standing next to Song Ci and said: "Brother, what do you want to do in our school? If you are a guest, I, Liu, will definitely entertain you, but if you are If you are fighting and causing trouble, please leave!"

'Um? '

Hearing this sentence, I couldn't help but look back at Liu Hai and nodded. This is a teacher...

I looked at Wang Xin and saw Wang Xin nodded to me and said, "Teacher Liu has been in No. 2 Middle School for decades. He has always been the most respected object among the students, and he always cares for me." There is a plus.”


I nodded and raised my head to look in front of me.

At this time, Song Ci turned his head and looked at Liu Hai, with a look of anger on his face, and snorted coldly at the same time, "Old man Liu, it's not your turn to take care of what I, Mr. Song, do!"

At the same time, Song Ci pointed at Zhang Kui who was standing next to him and said, "Brother Zhang Kui is my brother. Liu, what do you mean by what you just said? Are you slandering my brother?"

At this time, a look of anger appeared on Zhang Kui's face. He looked at Liu Hai and said: "Old guy, I will answer your words now. I came to your school to fight and cause trouble in an emergency, and I don't want to now." Leave, what do you want to do?!"

Hearing Zhang Kui's words, Liu Hai understood what he meant, but a smile appeared on his face. At the same time, he took two steps forward and said, "If you don't want to leave, I will naturally find a way to make you leave!"

'Fuck, old guy, why are you talking to Brother Zhang Kui? I see you are looking for a fight! '

As he was speaking, he saw Song Ci striding forward, grabbing Liu Hai's collar with a slap, and snorted coldly at the same time, "Old guy, I've warned you a long time ago, don't go against me in school. Otherwise, I will make you look good!"

"hehe... ... "

At this time, a cold smile appeared on Song Ci's face, and he said: "Old guy, since you are so ignorant of current affairs, don't blame me!"

After saying that, Song Ci pushed his bangs away and went up to hit her.

Wang Xin became anxious and rushed forward, stood in front of Liu Hai, and shouted, "Song Ci, what are you doing?! Teacher Liu is an old man in our No. 2 Middle School, what do you want to do?!"

Song Ci was anxious at the time, but after seeing Wang Xin, he immediately softened a little and said, "Xiao Xin, please get out of the way first. This is a matter between us men, and it is up to us men to resolve it. You wait first." , after I deal with this old guy, I will deal with that stinky loser who bullied you!"

I sneered and looked ahead. Because I was standing in the corner, Zhang Kui didn't see me.

But at this time, Zhang Kui had already seen Wang Xin, and his face immediately turned ugly. He stood there blankly, watching everything that happened in front of him. For a moment, he couldn't say a word... .

"Damn it, what the hell is this woman doing! Let's settle the matter quickly, I have to go back to do some work!"

One of Zhang Kui's subordinates rushed forward and pushed Wang Xin away.

Damn it!

Seeing this scene, the fire in my heart immediately rushed up. You can touch anyone, but if you fucking touch my wife, I will kill you, fuck you!

I strode forward...

"Damn you old guy, you are causing trouble!"

After saying that.

'call! '

The boy went up and slapped his bangs hard!

"Stop!" Wang Xin roared angrily, but there was nothing he could do...

After a moment!

'Snapped! '

There was a sharp sound.

The little brother's slap stopped there...

But at this moment, everyone standing around was stunned, and their burning eyes fell on the face of Zhang Kui's subordinate.

"You... what are you doing..."

The little brother's voice was almost trembling when he spoke, and his face turned purple with anger...

Because, his slap did not fall on Liu Hai’s face, but I grabbed him hard!

Song Ci was also stunned at that time. He originally thought that I was extremely scared at this time and did not dare to come over at all, but he did not expect that not only did I come over, but I also took action!

"Brother, public servants of the people cannot be beaten!"

I frowned, glanced at Wang Xin standing next to me, and said, "Of course, more importantly, my wife can't move either!"

After saying this!

'call! '

I went up and slapped the little brother hard back!

'Snapped! '

The slap fell hard on the little brother's face, and pain immediately began to spread throughout his body!

At this time, the teachers were all deceived. In their hearts, Zhang Kui was the overlord of No. 2 Middle School, and no one dared to be an enemy of Zhang Kui.

But now...

I directly hit Zhang Kui's younger brother.

Moreover, I told them clearly just now that I was with Zhang Kui, but now...

At this time, Wang Xin was a little confused by my sudden action and did not react, but her face was a little red because I was standing up for her now!

After a long time, the boy reacted, grabbed me hard, and roared, "What the hell are you doing?! Do you dare to hit me?!"

At this time, Song Ci also walked towards me aggressively. At the same time, he looked at me with a mocking look in his eyes, "Brother Zhang Kui, this brat is the one who caused trouble with me. Look, he is still beating our brothers now. This brat I think I’m getting impatient with life!”

After finishing speaking, Song Ci stood in front of me and snorted coldly, "You brat, listen to me, kneel down and kowtow to apologize, and..."

Listening to Song Ci's words, I slowly raised my head and looked at Zhang Kui, only to see that his legs were constantly trembling, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead...

Chapter 038 Well, the person you called is awesome!