
Chapter 55


Hearing the words of the third brother, the shark-loving face turned stiff in an instant. He raised his head and looked at the third brother blankly, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said after a while: "Third brother , are you kidding..."

"Tie Mian is the leader of the law enforcement team in Liuhu Hall. Although his status is lower than that of Hei Zai, his strength is truly one of the best in Binhai!" When he said this, Shark's face was still a little pale. .

Now let alone being addicted to sharks, even Hei Zai and Dao Zi standing next to him are the same. They are both very nervous now. To be honest, and not bragging, Tiemian's strength in Binhai is indeed one of the best. Everyone knows this...

However, when they heard the third brother talking like this, these people were dubious.

At the same time, at the window upstairs of the bar behind, Wang Xin was staring closely at what was happening in front of her. Sweat was constantly flowing down her forehead, and she kept muttering, "Lu Yan, don't Let me down, don't let me down...'

At this time, Tie Mian was walking towards me with a smile on his face, and at the same time he kept muttering, "Lu Yan, judging from your strength just now, it is indeed comparable to mine three years ago, but now, haha. .. ... '

As he spoke, Tie Mian looked at me, slowly took off his shirt, and said, "Come on, I won't make a move within three moves!"

Hearing Tie Mian's words, Hei Zai smiled from behind, looked at me, and said, "Lu Yan, be careful. Tie Mian is invincible in Binhai. If you say you can't beat me, it's okay to admit defeat now!"

I sneered, glanced at the clothes Tiemen threw on the ground, and said, "Then I'll wait and see how you get under my crotch!"

My words just fell!

Suddenly, I saw the iron-faced expression turn extremely ugly.

"Arrogant, Lu Yan, you are the most arrogant person I, Tiemen, have seen in Binhai in the past few years!"

At the same time, Tie Mian strode towards me with a cold look on his face, "Lu Yan, after three moves, I will give you a taste of what a real fight is!"

After he said this, I smiled coldly, clenched my fists, and murmured, 'You seem to talk a lot! '

After saying that, I started moving like crazy!

From this moment, I started my counterattack plan. I want to get back the five years I lost bit by bit!

I will make all of you who have framed me regret it, and I will make you regret it for the rest of your life!


Tie Mian snorted coldly and looked ahead with a look of contempt on his face, as if he didn't regard me as his enemy at all!

'call! '

I punched forward hard!

Tie Mian sneered, "How dare you act so arrogantly in front of me at such a slow speed?"

After saying that, the iron surface suddenly tilted to the right!

And my fist also passed by Tie Mian's cheek.


For a moment, the shark-loving people standing behind them all held their breath and did not dare to relax...

Hei Zai had a smile on his face and murmured, "The Iron Mask is the Iron Mask, and it didn't embarrass me!" 'At the same time, Hei Zai lowered his head and took out a cigar from his pocket.

But at that moment before Hei Zai raised his head!

At the moment when Tie Mian's head tilted to the right!

'call! '

I suddenly raised my right leg, and at the same time, I whipped my high whip towards Tie Mian's head!

Fast, so fast!

The eyes of everyone standing around were fixed on that moment.

No one could have imagined that I would actually use this trick!

You know, after the right punch passes, due to the effect of inertia, people's left leg is the fastest.

However, if you use your right leg now, not only will your speed be slower, but you will also be more likely to be counterattacked by the enemy.

But now I just used this trick!

Tie Mian didn't react at that time. When he saw my right leg coming towards me, he immediately started to dodge, and at the same time he swept towards me with a low whip kick.

But... ...

Tie Mian never thought that my move was not a high whip kick, but a side kick in the air!

The high whip kick and right straight punch are just a cover!

hehe... ...

What about the three moves you agreed to give me? Why are you starting to fight back now

At the moment when Iron Mask's right whip was swept toward me!

I kicked the ground hard with my left foot, and jumped up high. Without any doubts, the iron-faced right low whip swept away!

At the same time, I used the inertia of my left foot to suddenly turn around, and at the same time, I exerted force on my waist!

'call! '

The high whip with the right foot turned into a side kick with the right foot in the air!

'Bang! '

Without any doubt, my right foot kicked Tie Mian's face firmly!

In an instant, Tie Mian flew crazily towards the distance like a kite that had lost its string!

'brush! '

A gust of wind blew.

At this time, Hei Zai had just lit his cigar. At the same time, he raised his head and looked forward with a smile on his face...

Originally, Hei Zai thought that my three moves had just ended, and he was about to raise his head to see the beautiful scene of me being tortured.

But... the moment his eyes came into contact with what was happening in front of him, his face immediately turned purple, and the hand holding the cigar could not stop shaking...

'No... ...impossible, how is this possible! '

Hei Zai stared blankly ahead, and the cigar he had just lit fell weakly to the ground...

Not to mention Hei Zai, Fei Ge, Chen Fa, Zhang Guishou and the others were all stunned, their faces extremely ugly, and a little surprised.

They all knew Tie Mian's identity. They had just seen Tie Mian's counterattack against me. He asked me to strike three moves, and started to counterattack on the second move. However, after Tie Mian's counterattack, what he got was a kick in the face. A big kick!

"I... Damn it!"

Shark-loving couldn't help shouting, "Brother Yan, handsome, so handsome!"

The skeleton and the knife both looked surprised. Obviously, they didn't expect that the iron face, which was very powerful in the past and usually took seconds when fighting against others, was now so vulnerable in front of me.

The third brother just smiled, as if everything that happened in front of him was as it should be, and murmured, "Xiaoba, you don't have any rights. Is 30% of your power so useful?! You are still kind-hearted. , it seems I have to tell the boss to deal with you!"

I heard what the third brother said.

'Well... ... '

Shark-loving, Skeleton, and Knife people were all speechless. They looked at me with admiration...

Wang Xin also saw this scene, and the excitement and admiration for me on his face began to soar again!

At the same time, I laughed and walked slowly towards the iron face lying on the ground in front of me. Under the bombardment of 30% of my strength, the iron face became unable to move, and I kicked it away from my face. There were several cuts, and blood was constantly flowing out of these cuts.

"Brother, didn't you say you wanted me to make three moves? Why did you start counterattacking on the second move?"

After saying that, I stepped on Tie Mian's body hard. At the same time, I raised my head and looked at Hei Zai standing in the distance, and said, "Xiao Hei, you are not a good brother. How can you say that your strength is in Binhai?" It’s one of the best, is this what it is?”

'Bang! '

I kicked Tie Mian's body, and Tie Mian began to roll crazily towards the back. It stopped after three or four meters...

After hearing my words, Hei Zai's face became even more ugly, his eyes stared at me tightly, and for a moment, he couldn't say a word...

"Lu Yan, you..."

Hei Zai's voice began to tremble constantly when he spoke. He never thought that I would become so powerful now...

I gritted my teeth, a murderous look burst out from my face, I stepped forward fiercely, stared at Hei Zai closely, and roared, "Hei Zai, tell me, where is Yaoyao?"

After I finished speaking, Hei Zai paused for a moment, then looked at me with a sneer on his face, "Lu Yan, are you threatening me?!"

... ... ... ... ... .

Chapter 056 Third brother takes action!