Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 116: This is embarrassing


Feng Xun and Xuan Yi originally ran towards the street, but soon they realized something was wrong.

"Hey, this breath is not right..." Xuan Yi frowned.

Feng Xun also frowned: "Why do I think... the breath is coming from behind? Was it deceived by the little beggar?!"

The two looked at each other and rushed back immediately!

At the corner of the street, it was already empty, where could there be a little beggar

The broken bowl was still left in place, and there were a few scattered gold coins in the broken bowl.

How could a real little beggar throw away his bowl and coins

When Feng Xun saw the situation, his face suddenly turned green, and he shouted loudly: "I'm tired! What does this mean?!"

Xuan Yi's face also became quite ugly, and he had already thought of a very terrifying possibility.

Just when the two were stunned in place, a girl happened to pass by.

This girl Feng Xun still knew, the girl Lin Ling who used to chase after him.

Feng Xun still had lingering fears about this sturdy North City girl, but now he couldn't care about it anymore, so he rushed up and grabbed Lin Ling, almost scaring Lin Ling to death.

Without waiting for Lin Ling to scold, Feng Xun asked loudly, "Where are the little beggars here? Where are the little beggars here?!"

Lin Ling looked at Feng Xun with a look of idiots: "Little beggar? Are you dazzled? I go back and forth on this street dozens of times every day from Wonton, but I've never seen a little beggar here?"

Feng Xun's eyes shrank violently, and he was so angry that he was speechless: "..."

Lin Ling glanced at Feng Xun strangely: "Don't you know? Our City Lord Bi does not allow beggars to affect the appearance of the city, so all the beggars in the city are concentrated on another street."

Feng Xun and Xuan Yi looked at each other, and the expressions of the two of them were already… unreadable.

"It's her! It must be her! It's that ugly girl!" Feng Xun shouted angrily: "It's actually let someone run away under the nose! And you know what? I even caught her! Not only did I catch her , I even asked her for directions? I-I-I'm just a pig!"

Feng Xun said as he raised his hand and patted his forehead!

Ask Feng Xun's psychological shadow area at the moment...

Xuan Yi looked at Feng Xun sympathetically, although he was also cheated, but at least it was not as miserable as Feng Xun.

"Don't feel sorry for yourself, waste your time, hurry up to chase, I really don't believe it, and she can run away next time." Xuan Yi dragged Feng Xun and rushed forward.

Feng Xun suffered a serious blow in his heart. He was both angry and aggrieved... His anger caused a stuffy pain in his chest.

He secretly clenched his fist and said that when he caught that ugly girl, he would definitely hang her up!

At this moment, Feng Wu was jumping out of the alley of Uncle Zhao's house, and said hello to Xiaobao of Uncle Zhao's house.

Just as I was walking down the road, all of a sudden—


A peach pit hit her on the forehead.

Feng Wu covered her smashed forehead and turned back angrily! It wasn't enough for Feng Xun to bully her, but who came to bully her

At this glance, her eyeballs almost fell out!

Not Feng Xun, nor Xuan Yi, nor Jun Linyuan—

The young man sitting on the high fence at this moment is the Yu Mingye children's shoes who had been miserable by her...

"You—" Feng Wu felt like she was struck by lightning!

PS: After seeing the comments in the previous chapter and brushing to the four or five hundred floors, I was really shocked by you. Hahaha, it's over. Good night~ I wish you all a good dream~

Don't forget to recommend tickets `~^_^

(End of this chapter)