Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 122: come down


Feng Liu crossed her arms with her hands, and looked down at Feng Wu from a high position, her attitude was extremely arrogant.

Fairy Mu Yao glanced at Feng Wu disdainfully, looking at the slender figure of the fairy and jade bones, thinking of the words Feng Xun praised her, Fairy Mu Yao sighed in her heart, and was particularly angry.

Feng Wu frowned slightly: "What do you want to do?"

Feng Liu sneered: "We have seen all the good things you did just now! Don't you feel ashamed? How can a woman like you be so spontaneous with such a face?"

This sentence immediately reminded Fairy Mu Yao.

Feng Xiaowang has always praised Feng Wu for her beauty, so that Prince Jun looked at her a few more times. With such a beautiful Feng Wu, how could Prince Jun marry her? Thinking of this, Fairy Mu Yao moved her hand, and a cold dagger appeared in her hand in an instant.

Feng Liu frowned: "You want to kill her? Will this movement be a little big?"

Fairy Mu Yao sneered: "Kill her? How could I get my hands dirty? It's just that this face is really unpleasant to look at." There is an urge to destroy it.

Fairy Mu Yao glanced at Feng Liu: "If she didn't have this face, why would she come out to attract bees and butterflies? It wouldn't ruin the reputation of the Phoenix clan, wouldn't it? You are here to protect the reputation of the entire Phoenix clan. And righteousness kills relatives, doesn't it?"

Fairy Mu Yao chose a reason for Feng Liu that sounded particularly glamorous.

Because Feng Wu has always been the legendary "children's family" since she was a child, Feng Liu has been full of hatred for Feng Wu since she was born, so after hearing this reason, she suddenly felt heartbroken!

But she remembered what Feng Yiran had taught her before, don't do it yourself, let others do it, so Feng Liu said: "But...she is my sister after all, I can't do it..."

Fairy Mu Yao is also a no-brainer, she sneered: "You don't need to start, you just need to shut up and don't say it out in the future!"

As she said that, the dagger in Fairy Mu Yao's hand was beside Feng Wu's neck, she approached her, and her voice was as soft as a feather brushing in Feng Wu's ear: "Feng Wu, do you want this life or this face? ?"

"What if I want all of them?" Feng Wu looked at Fairy Mu Yao who threatened her with a faint smile, her eyes flashing with a deep arc.

At this time, she is not afraid? Fairy Mu Yao felt that she was being provoked!

Fairy Mu Yao gritted her teeth and stared at Feng Wu angrily: "Feng Wu, do you know what I hate most about you?!"

"Which point?" Feng Wu is as good as she is.

"It's your attitude of winning no matter what situation you are in. It seems that nothing can stop you! It seems to tear your face and tear your eyes!"

While speaking, the dagger in Fairy Mu Yao's hand slashed towards Feng Wu's snow-white skin that could be broken by frost and snow!

There was a hideous and twisted grin in her eyes! Finally, I can finally destroy this jealous face!

Not only her, but Feng Liu also had a sneer on her face!

"Feng Wu, go to hell!"

It's too late to say it!

No one expected that in an instant, Feng Wu's body flew out to the side!

You know, the side is the unfathomable moat!

Just as Feng Wu fell into the moat, she dragged Fairy Mu Yao with one hand and Feng Liu with the other, dragging them both into the moat!

This turn of events happened too fast-

(End of this chapter)