Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 138: She can finally practice


The phoenix dance is so embarrassing...

Jun Linyuan is not interested in her at all, right

It's just being selfish, isn't it

Yu Mingye snorted coldly, he ignored Jun Linyuan, but dragged Feng Wu to the side and muttered: "I tell you, this man basically looks at his face, you Feng Wu is a disaster for the country and the people. The face is too easy to attract crime, you have to be vigilant at all times, don't walk with strangers casually..."

The phoenix dance is speechless and supports her forehead.

She looked at Jun Linyuan subconsciously, but saw that his face was getting darker and darker...

Could it be... Was that warm sunshine-like smile just her illusion? Feng Wu thought suspiciously.

Going all the way, Feng Wu suddenly found a problem.

That is-

Has it been five minutes? But she still didn't feel like she was going to exhaust.

Ten minutes... still no feeling.

twenty minutes…

Until I walked from the gate of the city to the gate of the city lord's mansion in the center of the city, Feng Wu was still fine!

The villain in Feng Wu's heart is laughing wildly with akimbo, it's really God who is helping her.

When the four teams met at the gate of the city lord's mansion, Feng Xun ran up and asked, "Did you not find it along the way?"

Feng Wu forcibly suppressed the joy in her heart and put on a sad expression: "No, like you said before, that special, fragrant and stinky gas, I really didn't smell it."

After speaking, Feng Wu turned to look at Yu Mingye: "Did you smell it?"

Yu Mingye frowned, shaking his head and staring at Feng Xun: "Didn't you say that you will definitely find her? Can you find him 100%? Do you have everything in your hands? What about people now?"

Feng Wu snickered and looked at Feng Xun.

Feng Xun's face was wrinkled into a bitter gourd shape, he didn't know, why didn't he suddenly stop exhausting

Feng Wu smiled and waved to everyone: "I have to rush home, if you are looking for it, look for it slowly."

Saying that, she waved her hand and walked away, her fluffy ponytail swaying, she was extremely youthful.

Feng Xun didn't stop Feng Wu this time, and let Feng Wu run home.

He thought that the ugly girl had tricked him time and time again to deceive him... He couldn't bear it!

"I will definitely catch her! Definitely!" Feng Xun gritted his teeth in anger.

Feng Wu trotted home all the way, humming a ditty while jumping, poor brother Feng Xun, if he knew in the future that he would run away under his nose like this, would he vomit blood

Hey, he should be used to it anyway, right? Thinking of this, Feng Wu laughed out loud.

Immortal Spirit Fruit Spirit Liquid has been refined into Jiuzhuan Huiling Pill, and now Jiuzhuan Huiling Pill has been taken. Feng Wu raised her hand and touched her abdomen. Dantian, which has been quiet for five years, is now rising. A touch of warmth.

The smile on the corner of Feng Wu's mouth widened...

She can finally practice.

The phoenix dance ran under the wall, a run-up flew away, the right hand supported the wall, a beautiful backflip, turned over like a feather and entered the Su residence.

Feng Wu clenched her fists, taking advantage of the absence of Jun Linyuan's group, she has to start practicing quickly, at least she has to enter the door first and be promoted to the first level of spiritual masters, right

I don't know if the speed will be much faster after this re-cultivation.

Just when Feng Wu was walking and thinking wildly, suddenly, she glanced and saw the clothes drying in the backyard.

(End of this chapter)