Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 14: Heart is broken


What surprised Feng Wu even more was that the hive of the big-horned blood bee was not far from her sight!

The hope that Feng Wu had extinguished was instantly ignited, and it burned in her heart!

Queen of the Great Horned Blood Bee... Now unguarded queen!

The phoenix dance is very clear, it is the so-called time not to be missed and never come again! After this village, there is no such shop!

"Wealth is at risk!" Feng Wu made up her mind instantly, the queen of this big horned blood bee, she has to make up her mind!

Feng Wu's agile body is like a petite civet cat swaying on the branches. Although she has no spiritual power, her physical quality is extraordinary, so she quickly circled to the side of the hive!

When Feng Wu walked before, she was holding a branch and knotting it, so when she stood in front of the beehive, she already had a hook-shaped wooden product in her hand!

It's too late to say it!

Extend the long hook into the hive!

The next second, a shrill scream resounded through the world!

It is the voice of the queen bee calling her people!

Feng Wu didn't have time to think about it, when she was about to throw the queen bee into the dragon and phoenix spirit world, and at the same time, her figure was lightning fast and rushed in one direction!

Feng Wu held her breath, took her steps lightly, and quickly shuttled through the jungle with her cat on her waist.

Soon, soon, we will soon be able to rush out of the action area of this big horned blood bee.

Just when Feng Wu was about to breathe a sigh of relief, suddenly, a swaggering voice sounded behind her.

"Hey, little girl, are you here too? This is too coincidental!"

This voice is so familiar!

Feng Wu turned back subconsciously and saw him at a glance, Feng Xun.

The young man has a deep outline, is handsome and handsome, his eyebrows are full of energy, and his smile is warm and cheerful, just like the noon sun, which makes people feel bright at first sight.

But now the phoenix dance really can't laugh.

Feng Xun was followed by a long string of densely packed blood bees with big horns. At a glance, there were thousands of them, all covered in darkness!

The buzzing sound came from behind him.

It turns out that the person who attracted the big-horned blood bees just now was Feng Xun!

She managed to avoid the big-horned blood bee swarm and secretly stole the big-horned blood bee's queen... Feng Xun actually attracted this big-horned blood bee!

They'll smell the queen bee smell on her!

Thinking of this, Feng Wu's face instantly turned green!

She pretended not to recognize Feng Xun, and rushed forward at a flying speed!

Don't come, don't come, please don't come here, big brother~ Feng Wu shouted loudly in her heart, hoping that Feng Xun could hear her inner cry.

However, Feng Xun and her did not have the same heart. He was very happy with a group of big-horned blood bees, and rushed towards Feng Wu with enthusiasm: "Little girl, so you are not dead? I thought you were dead."

Feng Dance: "..."

Where does she dare to stop? Immediately let go and run like crazy!

Feng Xun shouted behind Feng Wu: "Little girl, what are you running for, wait for me!"

While shouting, he reached out and grabbed Feng Wu.

At this moment, the group of big-horned blood bees behind Feng Xun suddenly fell into a kind of crazy riot.

The big-horned blood bees that originally surrounded Feng Xun, at this moment, all turned to Feng Wu with murderous intent!

The phoenix dance's hairs stand upright instantly!

It's over... The thing about the bee-stealing queen must have been discovered!

Want, finish, egg, finish!

Thinking of this, Feng Wu glared at Feng Xun angrily.

Feng Xun was inexplicably stared at by Feng Wu: "What's the matter? Are your eyes uncomfortable? Why do you have cramps?"

cramp? This girl still wants to fuck you! Feng Wu's heart collapsed, she could have escaped, if not caught by Feng Xun...

(End of this chapter)