Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 171: Dragon and Phoenix twins


Mrs. Yan waved her hand: "I opened the window and took a nap a few days ago. I only felt a cold, and I just took a few patches. Where is the incurable disease? This girl is talking nonsense!"

Yan Yan glared at Feng Wu fiercely: "What else do you have to say?!"

Feng Wu smiled indifferently: "It's the worst thing you can do to avoid diseases. Since you don't cherish this life yourself, who will cherish it for you?"

Mrs. Yan stared at Feng Wu: "Enough! A little girl dares to control me! Who lent you the courage!"

Feng Wu looked at Madam Yan with a smile but not a smile, and sighed: "Mrs Yan, don't get excited, you are excited, the blood tumor in your brain explodes, then if you falsely accuse me of being mad at you, then I will Jumping into the Yellow River can’t wash it out, so hurry up and go back calmly.”

"Stinky girl, you—" Yan Yan rushed up and was about to fight Feng Wu.

But Feng Wu waved her hand: "Miss Yan, you have the skill to lose your temper with me, why don't you spend more time with your mother during the last time."

"Little girl, your mouth is a bit poisonous." Mrs. Ning stared at Feng Wu. To be honest, she still admired Feng Wu, but she was not happy.

Feng Wu's gaze moved to Mrs. Ning's abdomen, frowned, and asked Mrs. Ning: "Is it convenient for me to take a pulse?"

"It's inconvenient!" Yan Yan directly refused for Mrs. Ning, "Do you know who she is? She is the wife of the provincial governor of Anyuan Province. What if you do something when you're feeling the pulse? What's more, you As soon as the girl saw it, she knew that the evil spirit was soaring to the sky, and she was close to you, what should I do if the evil spirit collided with my little aunt?"

Mrs. Ning signaled to Yan Yan to be calm, and she stretched out her hand to Feng Wu: "The little girl seems to be a bit of a doorway, or you can help me take a pulse and talk to me."

Feng Liu and Feng Yiran, who were not far away, looked at each other. This Feng Wu was really interesting, and she started talking nonsense again. They never knew that she was skilled in medicine.

Feng Wu's hand was on Madam Ning's veins, but she retracted her hand in three seconds.

Yan Yan and Mrs. Yan's mouth suddenly evoked a sneer of disdain.

The time to cut the pulse varies, but it is absolutely impossible for only three seconds. Even the pulse may not be touched in such a short time, so this little girl can say that it is actually an embroidered pillow.

"Little aunt, she must be talking to you again." Yan Yan sneered.

Feng Wu smiled lightly: "Mrs. Ning is already eight months pregnant, one of the twins in your belly grows very well and has plenty of nutrients, but the other one is... and their umbilical cords are wrapped around their necks, so I'm afraid they are a little bit awkward during childbirth. difficulty."

"Pfft—" Yan Yan snorted with a smile, "Little aunt, look, I'm right, she will definitely be alarmist, and then she will definitely blackmail you!"

Mrs. Ning ignored Yan Yan, she stared at Feng Wu, and only asked: "They?"

Feng Wu nodded: "Dragon and Phoenix twins."

"Hahahahaha—" Yan Yan laughed, "Little aunt, look at her serious face, she actually said it was twins, or twins of dragon and phoenix! It's ridiculous, we just invited us when we came out of the house. The alchemists have seen it, and they all said that there is only one in it."

Feng Wu looked at Madam Ning lightly: "Two, but the baby girl's nutrients were taken away by the baby boy, the heartbeat is weak, and the umbilical cord is surrounded, the chance of surviving is not high."

(End of this chapter)