Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 221: I've been fooled by you!


"What did you just say?" Feng Xun looked back at Feng Wu.

"I said, I'm really not what you imagined to be your boss!" Feng Wu really wanted to explain this matter clearly.

"What's that like?" Feng Xun looked blank.

"I don't like him." Feng Wu stared at Feng Xun's eyes, word by word, and said very seriously, she said while raising her right hand, "It's true! The old man is not deceived!"

Feng Xun glanced at Feng Wu with the same eyes as an idiot, then turned around and left.

The phoenix dance is stupid...

What is this reaction

Feng Xun's reaction was either believing or not believing, but his reaction to turn around and leave... What does it mean? Feng Wu couldn't understand it.

So she quickly chased after her, grabbed Feng Xun's arm and asked, "What do you mean?"

Feng Xun's deep eyes stared at Feng Wu, and after three seconds of deep eyes, she continued to move forward.

Feng Wu was dumbfounded, and she grabbed Feng Wu: "Wait, do you believe it or not?"

Feng Xun took a deep breath and looked at Feng Wu with a look of hatred for iron and steel, with a little sympathy and pity in his eyes, and a bit of distress and pity.

Feng Wu was stunned: "..."

Although he couldn't understand the meaning in Feng Xun's deep eyes, because he couldn't keep up with his brain circuit, Feng Wu still had a very bad premonition.

Sure enough, Feng Xun sighed and said to Feng Wu seriously: "Xiao Wu, listen to Brother Feng's truth?"

"Ah?" Feng Wu's beautiful and agile deep eyes looked at Feng Xun, with a question mark hanging on her forehead.

"Brother Feng has seen a lot of people like you, alas, they are all the same as you, and they promised that they would never like Jun Linyuan again, but when they turned around and appeared, they seemed to be crazy again. The screaming screamed and rushed up, your girls are all the same." Feng Xun looked at Feng Wu with pity.

Feng Dance: "!!!"

Feng Xun patted Feng Wu's head: "So, if you like it, you like it. Don't deceive yourself. Happiness is to be won by yourself. Don't worry, your brother Feng will help you~"

Feng Dance: "!!!"

She took a deep breath, took another deep breath, and didn't slap Feng Xun on the back.

Why is Feng Xun's brain circuit different from normal people? ! She dared to swear to God that she really, really didn't like Jun Linyuan! Really do not have! ! !

But no matter how she explained, no matter how she clarified, Feng Xun was serious and she liked Jun Linyuan...

The scariest thing is-

Feng Wu thought of what Jun Linyuan said when he was on the mountain before—

His eyes that were originally sharp as blades were deep and beautiful at that time, and they stared at her deeply and brightly. Do you feel so sorry for me

Feng Dance: "!!!"

She is still human, why is it distressed? In addition to relatives, only if you like someone, you will express your heartache. Jun Linyuan, he... Shouldn't he be brainwashed by Feng Xun, and she also thinks that she has a deep-rooted love for him

Thinking of this possibility, Feng Wu only felt flushed, she whimpered, covered her face with her hands, and cried up to the sky—

Feng Xun looked at Feng Wu beside him in confusion.

In just one minute just now, the expression on Feng Wu's face changed at least five kinds, and it became old and changed like a rainbow, which is interesting.

"Feng Xiaowu—" Feng Xun hadn't asked yet.

Feng Wu glared at him angrily: "Feng Xun! I was killed by you!"

(End of this chapter)