Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 87: Prince Jun, would you like to come too?


Xuan Yi looked at the sky speechlessly.

Unappetizing? It's not good, you didn't even take your eyes away? Not tasty you gobble

The most important thing is, if it doesn't taste good, you will definitely lie to me, Feng Xiaosan!

Although Xuan Yi is rigid and serious, he is a young man after all, and his curiosity can't help but be hooked. Thinking that he has never said bad things about Feng Wu before, he walks up as a matter of course, and takes a bib from Feng Wu's hand. .

Feng Dance: "..."

Xuan Yi didn't even look at Feng Wu, he found a seat beside Feng Xun and sat down, picked up a pair of chopsticks, took out a piece of elk meat from a pot of red oil, and stuffed it into his mouth—


Xuan Yi's movements were instantly frozen!

so spicy!

So hemp!

Hot sweat burst out from his forehead in an instant, even his eyes were full of tears, and even his nose was hot!

I was cheated by Feng Xun!

This was Xuan Yi's first thought. He immediately wanted to throw his chopsticks and leave, but—

After the initial spiciness, an unprecedented taste experience made Xuan Yi unable to stand up... It's a weird feeling, even though the spiciness has come out of the tears, but he is reluctant to throw away his chopsticks, what is going on

With an attitude of study, Xuan Yi picked up the second chopstick, the third chopstick, the fourth chopstick... Even he himself didn't know that the speed of his food was getting faster and faster... In the end It can almost match the wind.

Fairy Mu Yao was stunned: "..." Must be her illusion, right

Feng Xun saw Jun Linyuan standing there frowning, and immediately said: "Boss Jun, if you don't like it, why don't you leave first? I can guarantee that we will catch up as soon as we finish eating!"

Jun Linyuan's face was completely darkened, as black as a pot helmet, gloomy as a black haze, and an icy chill emanated from his body... The temperature in the entire room dropped by several points.

Feng Wu looked at Feng Xun, then looked at Jun Linyuan, and greeted politely: "How about you, Prince Jun, would you like to come too?"

Feng Xun said vaguely while sandwiching the meat: "Feng Xiaowu, please stop talking, who is our boss? That is, Xuan Yi and I can eat the rough food you made. Are these foods for us to let our boss eat? That's blasphemy against him!"

Jun Linyuan: "..."

The face that was already dark enough, was instantly black... almost dripping ink.

Feng Wu: "...Understood."

Feng Yiran glared at Feng Wu: "What kind of dishes are you doing? Are you embarrassed to greet His Royal Highness? Do you want to die?!"

With that said, Feng Yiran nodded and bowed to Jun Linyuan, respectful and polite to the point of flattery: "His Royal Highness, the chef in the mansion still has some skills, why don't you come with me, let's go to the main hall—"

Just when everyone thought that Jun Linyuan would turn around and leave, he directly turned away from Feng Yiran, walked to the dining table and sat down, his body continued to emit chills.

Feng Wu touched her nose, why did she look at Prince Jun and seemed to be angry? It is somewhat similar to the childish look of her Feng Xiaoqi when she was angry.

No, no, who is Jun Linyuan? That is the supreme powerhouse who became a genius in one anger, how could he be angry? That's too funny, right

When Feng Xun saw Jun Linyuan sitting down, he was stunned for a while, but then he reacted and said to Jun Linyuan with a smile, "This bacon stewed with radish is light and suitable for you."

But Feng Wu found out—

PS: Ask for a recommendation ticket~

Recommended ticket

(End of this chapter)