Godly Farmer Doctor: Arrogant Husband, Can’t Afford to Offend!

Chapter 136: Southern floods


The stall owner was a man in his early thirties, with a big face and a big face. Seeing that the questioning girl was a little girl, he said, "It's not any day today."

Bai Zhi asked again: "Then why are there so many people in the market? I never saw so many people in the past."

The stall owner looked around, and sighed: "I heard that floods have flowed in the south, and the disaster-stricken refugees have fled their hometowns. Many refugees are coming to our Qingyuan town. Think about it, when the refugees come, this Does the government have to control it? You have to control food and housing, right? There are few people, that's okay. What if there are too many people? Then the price of rice noodles and vegetables in our city should not increase?"

Bai Zhi suddenly realized: "It turns out that the big guys are busy hoarding food!"

The stall owner sighed, "Don't tell me, I have to buy food. Today this meat is sold for nothing. I heard that the price of rice has already been turned over. I'm going to be late again. I'm afraid I can't buy it. Up."

Seeing the stall owner left with his things, Hu Feng hurriedly pulled Bai Zhi's sleeve: "Should we buy it?"

Bai Zhi nodded: "Of course, if it continues like this, the price of rice will have to go up after a while. We are just a coincidence today."

There was a long line outside the grain and oil store, and I kept hearing people complaining that on weekdays, you can buy five shi for a tael of silver, but today you can only buy three shi.

The rice seller yelled, "Don't yell, and come back tomorrow to see if you can buy three stones for a couple of silver."

Everyone complained about whether to buy or to buy. The floods in the south did not happen once or twice. Every time there were refugees, the price of food here increased exponentially. The price was one per day, and the big guy knew in his heart.

Those who are well-off and far-sighted have already stored their grains a long time ago. Now those who are rushing to buy rice are usually lucky enough to hope that there will be no floods this year.

But the biggest reason is that I have no money to save food.

When it was Bai Zhi's turn, the boss asked, "How much?" He had already picked up the rice bucket. For a little girl like this, she would buy one bucket or two buckets at most, not more.

Bai Zhi smiled and said, "Boss, I want ten stone meters, can it be cheaper for me?"

The boss was stunned, then he was looking at the girl in front of him. She was thin and slender, with yellow hair, a typical yellow-haired girl. Although she was wearing new clothes, she didn't look like a child from a wealthy family.

"Do you know how much ten stones are?" the boss asked.

Bai Zhi nodded: "Of course I know that one or two silver and three stones, ten stones is three, two and three dollars. Why don't you make a whole, count me three and two silver and ten stones, okay?"

The boss sold rice for a long time, and sold a total of six or seven stones. She wanted ten stones and a half of the rice warehouse would be vacated. He also saves trouble. It doesn’t hurt to earn less, so he smiled and said, “Of course. Yes, but I don’t take credit here. Did you bring the money?"

Bai Zhi took out her purse, took out four taels of silver from the inside and placed them in the palm of the boss: "Here, three taels of silver to buy rice, one taels of silver to buy noodles, and they will be installed on the bullock cart for me." She pointed to the other side of the street. Hu Feng was standing next to the cow and looking at her.

The boss was so happy, he hurriedly greeted the buddy to applaud the rice and noodles, and sent them to Bai Zhi's ox cart.

Hu Feng looked at the ox cart full of rice noodles, frowning and asked: "What do you buy so much for? Have you finished eating?"

Bai Zhi turned her head and looked at the grain and oil shop owner who was almost grinning at the corner of Na Le's mouth, and said in a cool voice: "Let's see, these unscrupulous businessmen who make a fortune in the country will learn their due lessons sooner or later."