Godly Farmer Doctor: Arrogant Husband, Can’t Afford to Offend!

Chapter 21: Selaginella


The police took her around and found her father. At that time, he was holding an unfamiliar aunt. The father said in front of her that he didn't know her, saying that he had no children at all.

That year, she was four years old.

Since then, she has been admitted to the orphanage and never told anyone that she actually has parents.

Zhao Lan in front of her, facing her daughter who is obviously not her own, but using all her own to love her and protect her, this is a mother's most instinctive love for her child, and also the most selfless emotional sacrifice.

It was what she always wanted but couldn't get.

In the past, she always thought that God was unfair, everyone has the love of their parents, but she did not.

Now it seems that God is actually fair. The family affection that was not available in the 23rd century was obtained here, and it is truly obtained.

She will cherish this hard-won affection and protect this great mother.

Doctor Lu put some medicine on Bai Zhi’s trauma, and left a jar of his homemade ointment, “After that, you can apply the medicine yourself, and remember not to let the wound get water, otherwise the wound will not heal easily and will cause pus. It will be troublesome then."

Bai Zhi took the ointment, smelled it, and smiled, "Doctor Lu, did you make this ointment yourself?"

Doctor Lu nodded: "Of course, this is our Lu family's ancestral prescription. The effect is very good, you will know if you try."

Bai Zhi nodded: "This ointment is really good, but if you can add three Selaginella to it, I think the effect will be better, you can try it next time."

Doctor Lu's complexion changed slightly, and the formula of the ointment appeared in his brain. Selaginella is no stranger to him. It has excellent hemostatic effects for traumatic injuries. In addition, the wounds of patients who have used Selaginella to treat trauma are rarely purulent, and the good is better than the average. The medicine should be faster, why didn't he think of it before

"But this prescription is from our Lu family's ancestors. Is it really okay to change the formula like this?" Doctor Lu hesitated.

Bai Zhi smiled lightly: "The prescription was originally made by man. The ancients made the rules not to allow future generations to live in the rules forever, but to hope that future generations would find new rules in the existing rules and break them. Formulate new and new rules that are suitable for contemporary people. Similarly, the ancient traditions were not used to restrain future generations. The ancients stayed in order to help future generations to avoid detours, rather than allowing people to follow this rule forever. The road goes dark."

"Or maybe your ancestors didn’t know the efficacy of Selaginella when they formulated this prescription, so they could not incorporate it into the prescription. Now that you know the efficacy of Selaginella, you put it into the prescription. Is it a matter of course?"

Doctor Lu opened up, and some of the original hesitation disappeared in an instant: "It is said that the rules are used to break, the ancient prescriptions are used to surpass, I understand." He looked very excited, and today I have a few brief words with Girl Zhi. Communication is better than he has studied ancient recipes for ten years.

"Girl Zhi, I really didn’t expect you to even know Selaginella, even if you are the shopkeepers of certain medicine halls in the city, you may not have seen Selaginella. Although it is not expensive, it is a relatively rare herb. Many medicine halls Not at all, I have also seen it by chance once, and the effect of treating trauma is indeed very good."

Bai Zhi smiled and said: "I only found out by accident, Doctor Lu, if I can find this kind of selaginella, can you help me exchange it for money?"