Godly Model Creator

Chapter 118: A dishonest master


For Su Hao, his master's research is closely related to the improvement of his physical fitness.

You know, a low-level black market enhancement liquid almost killed him, so he wasn't sure if he had the courage to try using an intermediate black market enhancement liquid. One accident and he died completely. Therefore, it would definitely be a surprise if Master could successfully develop a new type of potion.

Moreover, even if the master does not come out, you can go back once to get some medicinal materials and get some low-level source energy recovery potions. Although the effect is minimal, it is still much better than nothing.

That afternoon, Su Hao returned directly to Jianghe City.

His sister was still in school and his mother hadn't gotten off work yet. Su Hao went straight to the pharmacist's shop. Unexpectedly, when he arrived, Su Hao was surprised to find that the door of the pharmacist's shop was open. It's alive!

"Master, is it done?"

Su Hao's eyes lit up and he walked in immediately.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Zhongtian was sitting in the pharmacy in a daze with a deep and melancholy look. Even Su Hao didn't notice when he came in.

"Master, I'm here." Su Hao said hello, but there was no response.


Su Hao stretched out his right hand in confusion and raised it directly to Zhang Zhongtian's nose to check his breath, "Is it dead?"


Su Hao's hand was patted down, and Zhang Zhongtian looked at him angrily, "You brat, when did you get here?"

"Hehe, just got here."

Su Hao chuckled and said, "Master, why did you do the experiment? Is it successful?"


When talking about this, Zhang Zhongtian became worried again. It was obvious that the experiment did not go so smoothly. "Something went wrong. I added 13 herbs in a pilot project, but the specific results cannot be estimated. This can only be used in conjunction with the final test." Only by using it can you test the effect, and this is just one of the difficulties.”

13 flavors…

Su Hao was ashamed. He almost collapsed last time after just a few. He hasn't finished the body repair potion yet. The original idea of using an experimental model to relieve Zhang Zhongtian's worries was instantly gone. There was nothing he could do to help! Zhang Zhongtian obviously knew this, so he could only figure it out for himself.

"In addition to these, there are a series of problems. In short, I need an experimental subject now!" Zhang Zhongtian was a little worried. "If there is a living experimental subject, the success rate of the experiment can be increased by 30%! It will also be of great help to the advancement of the experiment!"

I don't know what he thought of, but when Zhang Zhongtian said this, he suddenly looked at Su Hao thoughtfully, "Apprentice, you seem to be the only one who succeeded, and you are also the source of inspiration for this experiment as a teacher..."


Zhang Zhongtian didn't mean to use him as a test subject. Su Hao's face turned green when he thought of the pain he experienced last time and the mice that were abused on the test bench.

This is no joke, it will be ruined if you are not careful...

"No, Master, where are you going to find such a talented disciple like me, right? If something happens or something, who will help you provide inspiration in the future? Disciple, I can think of more inspiration than these. Maybe At some point, a spark flashed in my mind, and I had a new inspiration." Su Hao talked nonsense for a while, and finally made Zhang Zhongtian give up the idea, because he proposed a new experimental subject - a ferocious beast.

"Master, look, those ferocious beasts outside Jianghe City have thin skin and big stuffing, oh, no, they have rough skin and thick flesh, and there are many kinds. They can meet the various needs, conditions, and environments of your experiments. They are simply He was born just for this experiment!" Su Hao said excitedly, patting his chest, "As long as you agree, I will catch you right away without saying a word."

"Really?" Zhang Zhongtian glanced at him.

"It's really true." Su Hao almost swore to the sky. He finally convinced Zhang Zhongtian to experiment with him. Now he can say anything.

"All right."

Zhang Zhongtian reluctantly agreed, and Su Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief, wiped his sweat, and exhaled... Finally he no longer had to be a guinea pig. However, before he was proud for two minutes, he saw Zhang Zhongtian taking out an A4 paper from behind and handing it to him. Su Hao opened it and was dumbfounded.

—Materials list—

Raging Red Jackal, 2.

Yellow-skinned monkey, 1.

Black bull beast, 2 pieces.

After Su Hao read it, he immediately understood.

Damn it!

Got fooled again!

Why use it? Su Hao is full of pride. Are all teachers these days so fond of teasing students? It's okay for Su Wan to tease him. He just returned to Jianghe City and was teased by his master again. Does he have any human rights anymore? The list of materials is all ready. Master, isn't he digging a hole for himself to jump into

"well… "

Su Hao sighed deeply, his master really had no limits. It seems that the older you get, the more moral integrity you lose. I guess at Master's age, all moral integrity has been lost.

Someone has solved the problem of the material list. Zhang Zhongtian is obviously in a good mood, "I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. Tell me, good disciple, why do you want me to be my master?"

Su Hao's mind suddenly moved. It seemed that the master had just come out not long ago and hadn't checked the things around him yet. So...

"Master, I made something with some materials from the drugstore a few days ago. You won't blame me, right?"


Zhang Zhongtian comfortably picked up the tea cup, smelled it, and felt the aroma of tea coming over him. He immediately said happily, "Who is following the other, master and apprentice? Every medicinal ingredient is just a cloud. What are you doing? Is it already done?" Body repair potion?"


Su Hao answered honestly, "I made an energy liquid bomb and blew up a laboratory."


Zhang Zhongtian spurted out the tea in one sip, and the cup of tea he had just brewed was gone in an instant. At this time, he couldn't care less and looked at Su Hao in disbelief, "You... you made a source energy liquid bomb?"

"Well, it seems that the police station has started an investigation. I wonder if you will be found." Su Hao said cautiously.

Zhang Zhongtian's face instantly turned green.


I saw Zhang Zhongtian running around in the pharmacy store. He opened this box and looked at that box. After looking at dozens of boxes, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Fortunately, these materials are all scattered around me." I bought it for mixing other potions, and it has nothing to do with bombs."

But soon, he remembered a question.

Su Hao even knows the formula of energy liquid bombs, but does he know how to avoid them

Looking up, looking at Su Hao's half-smiling eyes, Zhang Zhongtian rolled his eyes and immediately understood, damn, he was tricked by this little fox. Angrily, he closed the medicine box in his hand and said viciously, "You brat, what bad things have you done, and you still won't give me an honest account!"

Su Hao, hey, I asked you to play tricks on me just now.

However, he still briefly talked about the incident about Lan Mengdie. After all, this kind of thing was such a big fuss at the time and was covered in news from all over the country. You can basically find out by just going online or something like that. He could hide it even if he wanted to. Can't live. Of course, he naturally concealed the matter about Zhang Yating.

What he narrated was a heroic legendary story of a righteous young man who saw the people of Jianghe City being plunged into dire straits due to the devil's conspiracy. His righteous heart was shocked, and then he heroically rescued the citizens.

After hearing this, Zhang Zhongtian rolled his eyes and said, "Just go to hell!"

This guy basically belongs to the type who can't afford to do anything early. It must have been because he was hindered by this group of people when doing the task. As a result, he was cruel and played a big trick. I just pity the people in the laboratory, they are so unlucky... Zhang Zhongtian really guessed it right. I am afraid that those people would not have thought before they died that the reason for their demise was because a certain little guy took on a mission with only 300 mission points. Mission.

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Zhongtian made a cup of tea and lay comfortably on his recliner.

The laboratory has nothing to do with him. After the source energy era, the technological power was somewhat derailed, driven by the source energy.

Going down a different path entirely. The good aspects are naturally changing with each passing day, but the bad aspects are also getting worse. All kinds of mysterious criminal methods are hard to guard against. There are countless such private underground laboratories.

What’s the point of studying the blue dream butterfly

The experiment that studied the fusion of human souls and ferocious beasts a few years ago was a tragic experiment that directly made all mankind furious. Compared to that storm, this one is just drizzle.

If it is destroyed, it will be destroyed, and it will not be his turn to do the unfounded things.