Godly Model Creator

Chapter 19: God rewards hard work


"I lost."

Su Hao smiled bitterly and stopped his hand, looking at Chen Yifeng, "As expected of a legendary senior, I am willing to be inferior."

"Of course." Chen Yifeng said calmly, with the demeanor of a master.

Chen Yiran said coldly, "You use advanced police fighting skills to bully someone who is a junior, and you still lose face like this."

Chen Yifeng's face suddenly stiffened, and he smiled bitterly at Su Hao, "You see, this is the reason why I don't want to fight you. If I win, I will bully the small. If I lose, I will be even more shameless."

Chen Yiran rolled her eyes at him and looked at Su Hao, a little worried, "Basic police fighting skills are already a bit difficult with your current physical condition. I know that you are very talented in martial arts and work very hard, but you must not Let’s go to school. Starting from the intermediate police fighting skills, every step requires very high physical fitness!”

"That's right." Chen Yifeng nodded, "You may not know that the score of fighting skills corresponds to the score of physical fitness 1:1. Forcibly practicing will only cause permanent damage to your body!"


Su Hao then looked back and saw that his physical fitness and fighting skills were both stable at 150 points. It seems that the last time he learned police fighting skills, his physical fitness was forcibly improved. It was because of this that he fainted in the park last time. If Chen Yiran hadn't fed him the recovery potion, he would have stopped eating.

"Police fighting skills, the basic level is 50 points, the intermediate level is 70 points, and the advanced level is 100 points. So, if you want to learn the intermediate level, you must at least ensure that your physical fitness is at 170 points!" Chen Yiran said.

"You are going in the wrong direction now." Chen Yifeng frowned, "Martial art is only an auxiliary, your own ability is the right way! Elementary police combat art is already the graduation standard for regular universities and colleges! Even if you learn military combat art, It’s only 300 points. But the improvement of abilities is faster and more useful!”


Su Hao nodded, but he could only smile bitterly in his heart. Didn't he know this? But these 300 points in fighting skills are all his hope of entering the Zhan Zhan Academy!

Chen Yiran saw that Chen Yifeng accidentally revealed Su Hao's thoughts, and immediately changed the topic, "Brother, you haven't said how you found me just now?"

"Um, Yiran, and brother-in-law... Oh, no, Su Hao, I still have something to do here, so I'll evacuate first." Chen Yifeng saw something was not going well. After saying that, without waiting for the two of them to react, he rushed to the floating In the sports car, he drove away.

Su Hao smiled brightly, "This legendary senior doesn't have any authority at all."

"He has always looked like this, that's why so many people like him." Chen Yiran smiled and shook her head. This proud woman actually showed a hint of pride, not for herself, but for Chen Yifeng.

Su Hao was very envious. When will his sister be proud of her

"Don't be too nervous." Chen Yiran looked at him, "There are still many days left for the first mock exam. Even if you can't get in, don't worry. Your progress will be much faster than the students in the natural selection class."


Su Hao nodded silently.

After coming back from the park, Su Hao didn't go to school, but went home directly.

He has too much to do.

In the room, Su Hao carefully looked at the gray cards in his mind.

"Name: Police Combat Skills

Level: 1 star

Description: An advanced course in basic fighting skills. The grappling fighting skills issued by the police. The punches are fierce and should be used with caution. "

There is no sign, which means that Chen Yifeng has completely mastered all police fighting skills!

Su Hao tried to read a little bit, and sure enough, all the source energy in his body could only make this card shine for a small amount, which was basically the same as the advanced source energy cultivation technique.

Consumption is getting bigger and bigger!

The last time he practiced junior police fighting skills, Liu Zhenlong taught him personally, which also consumed a lot of source energy! As for the intermediate police fighting skills, it is no surprise that they will be several times better than the elementary ones!

And high-end... is obviously even more terrifying!

Advanced police fighting skills are so terrifying, so... what about military fighting skills? According to the current recovery speed, I am afraid that I may not be able to learn it in a year.

After understanding the analysis, Su Hao temporarily shelved the card.

There are already two cards to be cultivated, and there is only one left before he can make the final explosion! So his next goal is simple, to find the third high-level card.

In the next few days, Su Hao resumed his normal school life.

Everyday life is very simple, getting up early to practice in the park, chatting with Chen Yiran, going to school, and going home after school, it seems very normal.

But God knows, almost every time Su Hao sees someone who feels stronger, he will start model analysis, build a model, and analyze the other person's ability.

After more than ten days, I found nothing!

Su Hao has seen almost everyone from source ability 5 to source ability 9, but without exception, the opponent's fighting skills are basically basic fighting skills, with only the difference between elementary, intermediate and advanced, and there are very few cards.

It seems that almost everyone is taking the route of ability specialization and combat support! After all, the upper limit of fighting is only 400 points, but the upper limit of ability is infinite!

This route is obviously faster, faster and more powerful!

In these days, Su Hao has seen countless miraculous ability names. From the lowest level of cooking abilities such as flavor, fragrance and color, to the top level of elemental control, he has seen almost all of them. It's really amazing.

The influence of source capabilities has four aspects.

physical fitness? He could only look.

Fighting skills? He has already reached the forefront of No. 1 Middle School, even surpassing Chen Yiran. Not to mention, the advanced police fighting skills card is always on standby and ready.

Theoretical basis? He said he was number one, but no one in the entire Jianghe No. 1 School dared to say he was number two! The theoretical foundation of 180 points makes him stand out from the crowd.

Ability index? He has already prepared the only source energy cultivation technique that can be practiced, but everyone's source energy talent cannot build a card model.

So Su Hao did the math and found out that he was in trouble in all four aspects that affected Yuan's ability, with no way out!

Su Hao sometimes didn't know what he was waiting for or what he was expecting.

Or maybe it was a miscellaneous legend that I had learned.

Human fighting limit, 400 points!

But is this really the case

Su Hao clearly remembered that under the column of fighting skills, there was a line of small words that said those with more than 400 points would be assigned to the ability index column.

what does that mean? This means that it is entirely possible for combat skills to exceed 400 points!

Not only the fighting skills, but also the 400 points of physical fitness, there is also this sentence at the end, if the points exceed 400, they will be automatically assigned to the ability index column.

Physical fitness is easy to understand.

Once someone's ability is to increase physical fitness, like Superman's ability, it is completely natural for the physical fitness to exceed 400 points.

The same goes for fighting skills. Once someone uses their abilities to break through 400 points, their fighting skills will be additionally improved, which will naturally be added to their abilities.

So, what about beyond ability

Su Hao vaguely remembered reading in a certain book that in the distant Chinese civilization, there was an ability called internal power!

Moves driven by internal force are called martial arts moves!

When used, it can break through mountains with bare hands and leave no trace on the snow. Unfortunately, later on, for unknown reasons, this kind of kung fu gradually declined. However, with the emergence of source ability, martial arts once again showed its power.

Legend has it that those powerful men with hundreds or even thousands of ability indexes rely not only on their own energy talent, but also on mysterious martial arts moves!

The minimum standard for practicing martial arts is to fully master the third-level fighting technique!

So Su Hao wanted to see if there was anyone in this group, from students to teachers, who had mastered martial arts moves so that he could admire them and build a model of martial arts cards.

Unfortunately, he was disappointed.

If he still hasn't found it before the exam, Su Hao has no choice but to give up and only practice two cards and give up on the third card.

But in that case, he would be really unwilling!

A bottle of low-level body enhancement liquid on the black market worth three million, and 35 bottles of violent low-level energy recovery potions. Such an opportunity is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

"The exam is in three days."

Su Hao made up his mind, "Look for the last day. If you haven't found it yet, give up."

The countdown begins in the last three days until the first mock exam.

The key students are practicing with all their strength for only one goal, to hit the natural selection class! Become a student who is expected to enter the War College!

Apart from looking for cards, Su Hao spent the rest of his time on the evil theory.

God rewards those who work hard!

The theoretical basis is full value of 200, and he is striving for the last 20 points!