Godly Model Creator

Chapter 27: Super breakthrough!


"etc… "

Yang Ziqing suddenly thought of something, "You are not taking advantage of the side effects of this medicine..."

Su Hao nodded sheepishly.

Yang Ziqing asked in shock, "Did you drink all 35 bottles?"


"Oh my God." Yang Ziqing looked at the most honest student in his class and couldn't help but marvel, "It's a miracle that you can survive until now."

Regarding this, Su Hao could only scratch his head and cry.

The hover car drew an arc in the air. While driving, Yang Ziqing asked strangely, "Not to mention the recovery potion, the bottle of strengthening liquid alone costs 3 million star coins, and it is often priced but not available! Where did you get it? Arrived."

"I exchanged it directly from Master Zhang. I helped him collect some materials and exchanged it for this bottle of potion." Su Hao said briefly.

"Master Zhang?" Yang Ziqing was confused.

"Master of Fury Zhang Zhongtian." Su Hao replied.


Yang Ziqing's hand shook, and the hover car suddenly made a 270-degree rotation, almost overturning on the spot. Fortunately, Yang Ziqing's skills were good and he quickly stabilized. Then he looked at his students in shock, "Zhang Zhongtian has been in Jianghe City. ?”

"Yes, I saw his mission at Yuan Neng Office a few days ago, but I was tricked by him, and we got to know each other later." Su Hao asked, "Teacher also knows him?"

"Of course I know him." Yang Ziqing seemed to be itching his teeth with hatred before Zhang Zhongtian, "This profiteer!"


Su Hao coughed, he guessed right, Zhang Zhongtian is a profiteer!

After a few minutes, Yang Ziqing calmed down her mood. It seemed that she had been cheated by Zhang Zhong. But after understanding, she nodded and said to Su Hao, "This makes sense. However, in the future, we should try to reduce the number of missions outside the city as it is too dangerous, especially when there was a wave of ferocious beasts two days ago. "


Su Hao nodded honestly. Of course, he didn't say that half of this wave of ferocious beasts was caused by him.

After chatting for a while, the two of them soon arrived at school.

It was getting late at this time, and many people had already left the school. Yang Ziqing directly led Su Hao to the school's physical examination hall, pointed to a white floating recliner inside and said, "Lie down on it."

Su Hao's eyes flashed with surprise. He knew that this floating recliner was a formal physical tester for the college entrance examination, which could test physical fitness in all aspects. Unexpectedly, he could experience it now.

Walking over, Su Hao lay directly on it.



With a few soft sounds, several soft gray leather straps stretched out from under the floating reclining chair, completely fixing Su Hao's wrists, ankles, and body.

The levitating recliner lifted into the air and brought Su Hao directly into the mid-air of the physical examination hall. Then countless laser lines appeared on the ceiling, and countless strange lines swept across Su Hao's body.

Yang Ziqing looked at the light screen that popped up next to the tester indifferently. Countless data passed by like a waterfall. It could be clearly seen that what was displayed above was the body toughness test... the body bone hardness test... the body...

Countless tests progressed rapidly, the light disappeared, the suspended lounge chair slowly fell, and the final test results finally popped up on the light screen.

Physical fitness: 300 points.

"300 points?" Yang Ziqing was shocked, how could this be possible

Even if it is an advanced body enhancement solution worth tens of millions, for a person whose physical fitness has reached 250, it still needs to use the medicine perfectly to reach 300 points. But Su Hao, he actually reached 300 points in the first time? !

Such a terrifying effect also shows how much pain Su Hao suffered at that time!

Su Hao got off the floating recliner and was pleasantly surprised when he saw this data. He guessed that it might exceed 100 points, but the result increased by 150 points. How could he not be happy!

"What was your physical fitness before?" Yang Ziqing asked.

"150 points." Su Hao replied.

"It has increased by 150 points. This should be the most perfect score that this bottle of potion can achieve. It is not easy for you to survive."

Yang Ziqing nodded.

However, even these 150 points are only 1.5 source abilities, which should not be enough for Su Hao to exceed 10 points. Thinking of Su Hao's sudden rise in fighting skills, Yang Ziqing looked up at him and said, "Have your fighting skills improved again? This time, have you mastered advanced police fighting skills?"

Su Hao nodded and analyzed his current strength.

Physical fitness: 300 points!

Theoretical basis: 180 points!

Fighting skills: 300 points!

The basic fighting skills are 100 points, and the police fighting skills are completely completed with the advanced police fighting skills. All 100 points are obtained, plus the fighting essence just learned, the total is exactly 300 points.

Ability index: 300 points!

The basic source energy talent is 100 points. With the mastery of the advanced source energy cultivation technique, he has completely mastered the source energy cultivation technique. He has obtained all 200 points, which adds up to the same 300 points.

Comprehensive evaluation score: 1080 points!

In other words, his source ability is now as high as 10.8!

24 hours of shocking breakthroughs improved him by 4 points! If others knew about it, it would be enough to enter the historical records of the Origin Energy Era, which would be an absolute honor.

Yang Ziqing looked at his appearance and was very satisfied. This student... the most diligent student in her class finally succeeded, even though this success was earned with his life.

Looking at Su Hao, she became more and more pleased with her, "Su Hao, my daughter will go to high school soon. Please keep in touch with her more in the future."

Su Hao's excited expression suddenly turned into cold sweat. Seeing Yang Ziqing's expression like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, he suddenly felt like death. If he remembered correctly, Teacher Yang's daughter was still underage...

"Su Hao, are you not satisfied with my daughter?" Yang Ziqing raised an eyebrow.

Su Hao immediately waved his hand, "No, it's just that it seems... maybe, it's a little too small."

"Whatever you are, you will grow up." Yang Ziqing said with a smile, "I know what happened between you and Chen Yiran, but it's not an easy road for you to follow."

Su Hao sneered, "The current ending was agreed upon by them, but it is not their turn to decide my ending! When I reach my strength, I will write my ending myself!"

Yang Ziqing looked at the look in Su Hao's eyes, which was one of confidence and enthusiasm.

Su Hao's heart became stronger and stronger.

"Okay!" Yang Ziqing became more and more satisfied. Su Hao had almost all the elements of a future strong man. "Your physical fitness has just improved, and you may not be able to adapt to many places."

"If you want to adapt as quickly as possible, you must fight, otherwise you will definitely fail in the big test the day after tomorrow!"

Yang Ziqing said seriously.

Su Hao deeply agreed.

"It's too dangerous to fight outside the city, and I'm afraid it's easy to get injured if you find someone to fight with. The exam is coming, and you must be in the most perfect condition to meet it."

Yang Ziqing said lightly, "I'm afraid it's hard to find an opponent who can adapt to your strength."

After hearing Yang Ziqing's analysis, Su Hao thought that it was true.

Looking for someone to accompany him to adapt to strength and fighting skills, there is almost no one. If it were before, Chen Yiran would definitely accompany him...

Chen Yiran…

Su Hao suddenly became a little lonely. If the Sun and Chen families didn't trouble her, what price would she pay? He didn't want to think about it, but every time he remembered it, his heart ached.

Yang Ziqing knew what he was thinking by looking at his expression, "Miss her again?"


Su Hao did not deny it.

Yang Ziqing said calmly, "Yesterday, Sun Batian and Chen Haonian had dinner together. Naturally, they inevitably talked about some things."

Su Hao's eyes suddenly lit up.

"The specific details are unclear, but from their behavior, we can roughly deduce it. Chen Yiran and you will definitely be strangers in the future."

Yang Ziqing said calmly, "And after graduation, maybe she will marry Sun Yaotian."

"Sun Yaotian." Su Hao clenched his fist, "Isn't he blind?"

"If Sun Yaotian is really blind, not to mention Chen Yiran, not even the school can protect you." Yang Ziqing said angrily, "One eye was destroyed, but it was replaced with the latest biological eyeball. It looks like ordinary people." two."

"Really?" Su Hao sneered, "He planned to destroy my desire to become stronger. As a result, I became stronger. Instead, my shadow should have been imprinted on his heart. In addition, this time I became stronger again. Strong, I will make him tremble in my shadow forever!"

Su Hao was a little crazy. Yang Ziqing did not stop him, but nodded with satisfaction, "Yes, just because you can't attack him doesn't mean you can't attack him from other aspects."

"No matter how anxious they are, they still have to wait until Chen Yiran graduates from college and has perfect control over her abilities before they get married. So, you have nearly five years."

Yang Ziqing said lightly, "If you really want to marry Chen Yiran, then within five years, before graduating from college, become a presence that scares the Sun family and the Chen family!"

Su Hao nodded fiercely and said word by word: "I will definitely do it!"

"Very good, you are ambitious." Yang Ziqing nodded, "In that case, I will be your sparring partner tonight, but you must also agree to a condition."

"good… "

Just when Su Hao was about to agree, he suddenly became alert and looked up at Yang Ziqing, "Except for what happened just now."

Yang Ziqing suddenly felt regretful, "I didn't get fooled."

Su Hao's head suddenly turned black and he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. Teacher Yang's daughter was so afraid of not being able to get married that she was still underage and was so tirelessly promoting her.

"Don't worry, I'm not asking you to marry my daughter. Of course, I won't mind if you want to marry me then."

Yang Ziqing said lightly.

Su Hao quickly waved his hand, "No, no."


Yang Ziqing saw that his mood had relaxed a little, then he clapped his hands and said, "We don't have much time, let's get started, let me see how much your fighting skills have improved!"


Su Hao accepted the challenge and was ready to go.