Godly Model Creator

Chapter 31: Mysterious black box


After class, Su Hao went directly to the laboratory.

The laboratory in No. 1 Middle School is very large, with cold instruments and herbs refrigerated in special liquids. It lists almost all possible specimens in the world.

In the past, he naturally came frequently for exams based on theoretical foundations.

He would come here almost every time before an exam, but this time, his goals were completely different from usual.

"Su Hao is here."

Several laboratory teachers passing by nodded to Su Hao, and Su Hao returned the greetings one by one.

Most of these herbs are specimens or used as medicinal materials. Su Hao's goal is not these. Bypassing the door of the student laboratory, Su Hao walked directly to the corridor behind the laboratory. When he reached the end, he smiled slightly and said, Open the door in front of you.

The door was pushed open, and the aroma of herbs came from inside.

It was as warm as the sun and breathed like a spring breeze. What Su Hao saw was a beautiful medicinal garden.

This is the medicinal herb planting base of No. 1 Middle School, a completely simulated natural environment.

Normal students would not have the chance to come here, but Su Hao came to the laboratory almost without any problem in the past two years. Coupled with his theoretical foundation score of 180, he was naturally very popular with the teachers here, and he was later allowed to enter here.

Su Hao walked straight to the first herb and murmured, "Let's start with you first..."

Model analysis, start!


A model of the herb was built in his mind. Su Hao did not hesitate and directly chose to build a permanent model. After completing it, he quickly looked for the next one.

Like a madman, Su Hao stared at each medicinal herb and frantically built a model in his mind.

It wasn't until all the source energy in his body was consumed that Su Hao woke up and looked into his mind. At this time, there were actually 78 medicinal herb models in his mind!

78 medicinal herbs were floating in his mind, appearing messily everywhere, which made Su Hao frown for a while.

The field of mind is very magical. Although Su Hao saw many things as if they were real, the overall background environment in his mind was bizarre, with countless strange lights, mixed purple spots, and some messy colors. There was no scientist at all. The mysterious blackness, the endless void and so on...

"too messy!"

Su Hao sat cross-legged and drank a bottle of low-level source energy recovery potion. Golden light flashed around him and began to restore the source energy in his body.

These are the bottles of recovery potions that class teacher Yang Ziqing prepared for him after yesterday's combat training. They are all regular potions so that he can face the exam in perfect condition.

Soon, Su Hao completed his recovery.

"My mind is so messed up!"

"If this continues, I'm afraid I'll go crazy before I finish building the model!"

Su Hao pondered for a moment and looked at the medicine garden around him. His mind suddenly moved. It was difficult to establish medicinal herbs. Why not start with this medicine garden first.

"Model analysis, start!"


The model building started, and soon, a medicinal field with a radius of less than one meter appeared in Su Hao's mind. Yes, it was only this small area. Su Hao was not crazy enough to directly build a model of the entire medicinal garden.

In a small medicinal field, Su Hao put the 78 established medicinal herbs neatly into it, which was more than enough.

In an instant, the entire mind became extremely clean.

Su Hao nodded with satisfaction and immediately started building the herb model again.

For a whole day, Su Hao was immersed in this place.

Build the model, restore the source energy, and then continue to build the model. In one day, all ten bottles of low-level source energy restoration potions were consumed. Su Hao only stopped when more than half of the source energy in Su Hao's body was consumed again.

A total of 360 herbs!

"The medicinal fields are saturated." Su Hao looked at the densely arranged medicinal herb models and nodded with satisfaction. That's all for now. Although there are tens of thousands of medicinal herbs here, it will be a long-term mission.

This is a last day effort.

When we walked out of the laboratory, it was already dark.

The students on campus gradually dispersed and went home to prepare for tomorrow's exam. Su Hao walked alone in the empty campus, feeling a little lost for no reason.

While walking, for some reason, I ended up in a nearby park.

"Why are we here again..."

Su Hao smiled bitterly. What happened in the past few days made him subconsciously want to avoid this place. But at this moment, he was slightly startled. By the lake, a girl in white clothes was sitting there with her arms on her shoulders.

The breeze blew, and it seemed a little cold. She tightened her tight clothes.

"Chen Yiran..."

Su Hao whispered that no matter how serious the injury was, he did not feel that he was suffering because he knew that there was someone who was suffering more than him.

Su Hao wanted to go out, but he knew he couldn't.

There must be someone protecting Chen Yiran. Once he goes out and is seen by others, it will bring a lot of trouble to Chen Yiran.

With a slight smile, Su Hao picked up four stones on the ground, weighed them in his hands, and then threw them towards Chen Yiran.


As strong as the wind!

With Su Hao's current physical fitness of 300, the stone he shot was very powerful.


Chen Yiran shouted coldly, and four stones passed by her and shot directly into the lake.

A man in black suddenly appeared from beside Chen Yiran and rushed towards the woods. Su Hao's figure flashed and disappeared into the woods. The man in black quickly chased after him.

Chen Yiran didn't move. Although the figure disappeared in a flash, she still saw it. It was Su Hao's figure.

Su Hao used his own breath to tell her that he was making progress, and he was making rapid progress with his source energy breath reaching 10.8!

A sweet smile appeared on Chen Yiran's face, "Four years? Idiot, I'll wait for you..."

No matter how indifferent or powerful Chen Yiran is, at this time, she is just a young girl, a little girl who has fallen in love for the first time.

In the small woods, Su Hao fled in embarrassment.

After many twists and turns, he escaped from the hands of the man in black. When he came out, he was already in a mess, but he was full of energy, and any trace of his weakness disappeared without a trace.

In tomorrow's exam, he will definitely rush into the natural selection class!

"Sun Yaotian, farewell to the Natural Selection Class. When the time comes, I will use my absolute advantage to make your heart full of shadows be shrouded in despair again! I will leave everything the Sun family brought to me to you!"

After returning home, the aroma of vegetables is fragrant.

For tomorrow's mock test, his mother Li Xiaoru prepared a lot of nutritious food for him.

"Mom, I'm back."

"Well, go wash your hands quickly. The meal is ready and waiting for you."


Su Hao responded. After washing his hands, the family of three quickly sat at the dining table to eat.

"Mom, this must have cost a lot of money." Su Ling wrinkled her little nose and muttered: "During the exam, I never saw you being so showy and partial."

Su Hao smiled brightly, picked up a few pieces of meat and put them into his sister's bowl, "I guess I'm satisfied with this."

"Yeah, brother is better." Su Ling nodded.

Su Hao and his mother Li Xiaoru looked at each other and smiled, Su Ling still had a childlike heart.

The family of three was eating, but Su Hao could feel a different atmosphere. His mother hesitated, as if she wanted to say something.

"Mom, what do you have to explain?" Su Hao asked proactively.

Li Xiaoru sighed, "I thought that since you don't have these talents, you would stay with me, do some small business, and live a peaceful life in the city. Unexpectedly, you still embarked on this path."

Su Hao put down the bowl and chopsticks and said with a smile: "Mom, isn't my sister also a genius girl?"

Li Xiaoru shook her head, "Ling'er is different. She will get married after all. She is more talented and can marry into a good family, but you..."

"Hey, you two, how about the person involved here?" Su Ling patted the table dissatisfied. Li Xiaoru smiled and touched Su Ling's head, "You will never grow up."

Li Xiaoru returned to the room, walked out quickly, took out something and handed it to Su Hao.

It was a long box with mysterious dark blue patterns all over it. Su Hao took it and felt a cold and heavy texture in his hand.

"Mom, what is this?"

Li Xiaoru said: "I don't know, your father said that if you have the chance to be admitted to the Zhan Zhan College, I will give this thing to you."

"Is it… "

In the middle of the box, there was a circular patterned area. Su Hao put his finger on it, and suddenly a cold mechanical sound came from it.

"Fingerprint verification in progress... Fingerprint verification completed... Source capability detection in progress... Conditions not met: Failed to open."

what's the situation

Su Hao was surprised. With his source power of 10.8, he couldn't even open this box

In their eyes, their father has always been a kind and kind ordinary martial arts instructor. He likes to brag occasionally, but his strength is never up to par. He makes jokes and fights with everyone.

Where did you get such a mysterious thing

"Don't think too much, take the exam carefully. When your strength improves, you will be able to open it naturally." Li Xiaoru said to his son, "Eat first, the food will get cold later."


After Su Hao digested the shock, he nodded seriously.

A mysterious box, a gift to his son, made the ordinary father in Su Hao's eyes suddenly become mysterious. But he knew that as Yuan's ability improved, one day, he would reveal this secret!

After the meal, Su Ling chatted with her mother.

Su Hao returned to the room, sat cross-legged, and immersed himself in the source energy cultivation.

Why would Dad give this thing to him only if he had the opportunity to be admitted to the Zhan Zhan Academy? Could it be that dad has some connection with Zhan Zhan College

Zhan Zhan Academy, Su Hao has another reason to get admitted!

And before that…

"Natural Selection Class, I will definitely enter!"