Godly Model Creator

Chapter 40: What is boring?


After the exam, the signal lock in the exam area was instantly released.

"Didi -"


"the vast horizon is my love… "

"Grandpa, your grandson sent a text message—"

The mobile phones of all the candidates rang. When they opened it, they found a text message sent by the school. There was only one picture, which was the ranking of this simulated exam.

When everyone opened it and took a look, they were all dumbfounded!

King Zhou appeared, which was naturally extremely scary for all the famous students, especially the outrageous 1186 points. Looking again, King Zhou is not the first, which is even more shocking!

1200 points!

Su Hao!

"Who is this person?"

The nominal students were basically at a loss. During their absence, they had never heard of any perverted and heinous person suddenly appearing in No. 1 Middle School.

"Strange, it sounds familiar..."

"Hey, I think about it, isn't he the guy who cuckolded Sun Yaotian?"

"Damn it, it's true."


Sun Yaotian stayed in the classroom for a while. As soon as he walked out, he found that countless people looked at him with strange eyes, and he suddenly became frightened.

What happened

do not care!

It's important to find Chen Yiran.

Sun Yaotian ran over in a hurry, and Chen Yiran just walked out. Several girls with good relationships next to him were also chatting.

"Yiran, Yiran..."

The girl covered her mouth and smiled, "Miss Chen, your follower is here again."

Just when Chen Yiran was about to say something, she felt a shock on her wrist. She knew the test results were coming. When she opened it and took a look, she immediately covered her mouth in surprise.

"What's wrong?" The girl next to her leaned over and Chen Yiran revealed the light screen. The girl was dumbfounded after taking one look at it, "This Su Hao... can't he be that Su Hao..."

"Who else but that idiot?" Chen Yiran said angrily, with a smile that couldn't be concealed, "He works very hard."

The girl looked at Chen Yiran's expression and pointed at Sun Yaotian who was walking over, "I say, little lady, don't be surprised by your husband's achievements. What are you going to do with this great man in front of you?"

Chen Yiran smiled lightly and said, "Don't pay attention to him. I think he won't be in the mood to bother me in a short time."

The girl secretly had fun.

Sun Yaotian rushed over and saw a lot of strange looks. As soon as he walked in front of Chen Yiran, he felt something strange. Chen Yiran was not as cold as before. She seemed to be in a good mood and even looked at him with a half-smile.

"What do you mean? Does this mean... you have a crush on me?"

Sun Yaotian scratched his head inexplicably, and the girl kindly reminded him, "Mute your communication device. Let's take a look at the results."

"Oh, right!"

Only then did Sun Yaotian think that the results seemed to come out. Could it be that he was ranked very high, so Chen Yiran finally decided to accept him

Turning on the communication device, the light curtain popped up and opened the text message sent by the school. Sun Yaotian was stunned on the spot, a little confused, "How is this possible?!"

"How can this be?!"

Su Hao was seriously injured by him two days ago. He was already surprised to be able to participate in the competition, with a score of 1,200? This is simply impossible!

In two days, the source ability rushed from 6.8 to 12 points

Absolutely impossible!

Unless Su Hao has hidden his strength for a long time, but what is the purpose of hiding his strength? Sun Yaotian was completely stunned. He stood there alone, his mind buzzing as he began to speculate on Su Hao's various actions.

The students passing by looked at him with expressions of sympathy. The poor baby...

Outside the classroom door, Su Hao was also delighted when he saw the results.

Although he got 100 points through cheating, the super high score of 1,200 points also made him happy. The extra 10 points for fighting skills and theoretical basis were an extra surprise.

This also means that starting from today, his source ability will officially enter 11 o'clock!

"11 o'clock, this score is the second in the natural selection class!" Su Hao clenched his fists. This was the result of his hard work. He always believed that his future was limitless!

However, if this is careless, then it won't work. He knows better than others that every step he takes will be more difficult. It is becoming more and more difficult to improve fighting skills and physical fitness. Even high-end body strengthening fluids purchased for tens of millions can only enhance physical fitness by 50 points. You can know how difficult it is.

And the ability index is 400, 500, 1000... never ending.

If he wants to stay ahead of others, he must work harder!


Su Hao glanced at another text message. It was a notification from the Natural Selection Class, informing him that starting from next week, he would officially become a student of the Natural Selection Class.

Su Hao smiled slightly. At least, he achieved the first goal, didn't he

When he was about to walk out of the examination area, Su Hao once again saw the arrogant young man with gray hair standing by the fountain, looking at the communication device in his hand with a frown on his face.

"Didn't do well in the exam?"

Su Hao raised his eyebrows and patted his shoulder as he walked over, "Hey, buddy, did you fail in the exam?"

King Zhou raised his head blankly. Of course he was in a bad mood. He had been struggling for two years! What a blockbuster! He was immediately suppressed!

Su Hao

Who the hell is this? There is no big family named Su in Jianghe City

After being tapped on the shoulder, King Zhou was about to walk away. When he looked up, he saw that it was the boy who would smile and nod every time he passed by.

"What are you thinking about? It doesn't matter if you don't do well in the exam. This is a mock exam after all. During the college entrance exam, you just have to sprint." Su Hao comforted him, "Come on, I'm treating you today. Do you want to go for dinner?"

King Zhou looked at the completely familiar guy in front of him. He was about to refuse, but suddenly he remembered that since this guy was a middle school student, he must also know who Su Hao was.

Moreover, judging from his appearance, he seemed to be in a good mood, and he seemed to be comforting the poor students to continue working hard. Do you still need comfort from this kind of person

If I knew I had a score of 1186, would I still be happy

King Zhou thought a little bit wickedly, but when it came to his lips, he just said one word: "Okay!"

"That's right." Su Hao said happily, this guy looks good, at least he looks right, especially the long hair... looks like a gourd baby.

The school was in a commotion, everyone was discussing their grades.

During this sensitive period, Su Hao took King Zhou and the two of them went directly to a restaurant near the school for dinner. Since their grades were good, they couldn't be stingy.

There were already a lot of people in the hotel waiting for guests. They were obviously students with good grades. There were also a few students who had finally entered the natural selection class, their faces flushed with excitement.

Su Hao generously ordered several dishes and started chatting with King Zhou.

Seeing the depressed expression on his face, Su Hao comforted him, "Brother, don't worry too much. After all, it's just a mock test. The college entrance examination is the time to truly verify your strength."

"Yes." King Zhou nodded expressionlessly. Looking at Su Hao who looked excited, he suddenly felt a sense of malice in his heart. He sighed and said, "Although I was admitted to the natural selection class, I did not achieve the expected goal. "

"Oh?" Su Hao's eyes lit up, "You also entered the natural selection class? What's your score?"

King Zhou said calmly: "Only 1186 points."

"Are you the King of Zhou?" Su Hao asked enthusiastically.

King Zhou: "..."

It’s unscientific!

I am the king of Zhou!

Although he was suppressed by others, he still achieved a terrifying score of 1186 points. What happened to the kid in front of him? He actually didn't care at all. This one was completely different from what he expected.

He even had the plates ready, just because he was afraid that the boy opposite would be shocked and a mouthful of water would be sprayed in his direction. As a result... he did too much.

I feel unhappy and want to find some self-esteem from this kid. Why is it so difficult

King Zhou didn't have many friends on weekdays. He was a typical arrogant man who practiced being cool and cool. Seeing that the boy didn't respond, he suddenly felt a lot more bored. He could only ask: "Do you know Su Hao? 1200 points." , who can surpass me, must be a legend in No. 1 Middle School."

Su Hao pointed to himself: "I am Su Hao."


The water that King Zhou just drank sprayed all over the table. Looking at the innocent Su Hao in front of him, he suddenly went crazy. Is he Su Hao? Hey, let me go, I was so embarrassed just now...

Thinking that he had pretended to be cold and revealed his score of 1186 just now, King Zhou lowered his head in shame and continued to drink water.

"Hello, your meal." The waiter walked by.

King Zhou took the opportunity to get rid of this embarrassing situation, quickly turned around, took a plate of dishes, put it on the table, and then said to the waiter: "Thank you."

After finishing speaking, King Zhou took the chopsticks and prepared to eat. The waiter suddenly froze in place, "This classmate... this dish is from the next table..."