Godly Model Creator

Chapter 47: Hard indicators


"No wonder, you can reach 200 points in E-level model analysis. This level of model analysis is probably already at the top level for this ability."

The assessment by the Energy Association is not arbitrary, but is related to potential.

For example, with E-level abilities, why did Su Hao never consider how to improve model analysis? How to improve your abilities more accurately and improve your scores

That's because he knows that his current abilities are probably at the top level!

No more potential for improvement!

Su Hao remembered that when he first gained the ability, his ability index was 20 points. The so-called model analysis could only establish a few lines.

Subsequently, through a year of craziness, he improved the model analysis to the extreme, and his ability index also climbed to 100 points!

But that's about it.

In the next year, no matter how hard he tried, this ability would never improve at all. Su Hao also understood that his E-level ability would probably end here, and there would be no possibility of improvement.

This is also the reason why Su Hao never considers ability index.

Later, thanks to cheating in the exam, this score was pushed forward by 100 points to 200 points, which is already very dazzling for an E-level talent.

"Although it doesn't have much practical ability, it is... so beautiful." Su Wan sighed.

Su Hao: "..."

Was this what shocked her

Later, Su Wan looked at the spiritual herbs and medicinal fields displayed by Su Hao with great interest. The complexity and exquisiteness were very high.

After the examination materials were played, Su Wan said to Su Hao, "You should also show it now."

"How to show it?" Su Hao asked.

Su Wan brought Su Hao to an instrument, and then chose to turn it on. The surrounding scenery changed instantly, and the familiar beach scenery appeared. The difference from the last time was that this time there were multiple Su Wans around him.

"This is the 3D virtual environment equipment of the Natural Selection Class, wait a minute..."

Su Wan ran to another place and pressed lightly. A thought was projected into Su Hao's mind, "The examination system is requesting a connection. Are you sure?"


Su Hao confirmed.

"Okay, now let's build a model." Su Wan said.

Su Hao: "..."

With so much fanfare and so much equipment, just to build a model for her

Are you sure it depends on his ability

Su Hao was very suspicious!

The same suspicion came to mind again. Is this teacher really a graduate of the Zhan Zhan College? It couldn't be that the principal spent 200 star coins to temporarily hire him from Lanxiang Technical School!

However, when the teacher spoke, Su Hao naturally had no choice but to do it.

Model analysis, start!


Su Hao flashed his hand, but nothing came out.

Ability is blocked.

Su Hao suddenly thought, why not take this opportunity to ask Su Wan to cancel the shield so that he can learn new cards

This is a one-in-a-million opportunity!

"Teacher, the ability is blocked." Su Hao said helplessly.

"Oh, that's how it is."

Su Wan nodded and canceled the shielding of her abilities. Su Hao's mind moved and he activated his abilities openly: "Model analysis, activate!"


Su Wan's model slowly took shape, and a perfect woman appeared in Su Hao's hands. She turned slowly and was surrounded by sparkling source energy, which made her look extremely beautiful.

"So beautiful!" Su Wan was shocked. Women's resistance to beautiful things is really weak!

Just when Su Hao wanted to analyze Su Wan's abilities and create a card, he saw a line appear on Su Wan's model. He was immediately shocked and quickly cut it off!

Fortunately, Su Wan had been admiring the model and didn't notice Su Hao's expression.

"Damn it!"

Why was this ignored

Now in the mapping, every change in the model will be reflected in front of Su Wan. If he really wants to analyze the model's ability, all his abilities will be exposed!

Try building a permanent model

As soon as Su Hao thought about it, the source energy in his body was consumed like a waterfall. Su Hao quickly stopped it forcefully. The character model consumed too much!

At present, he can't bear it.

Su Wan looked at it for a long time, and finally said with unsatisfied meaning: "You have a good ability, put it away."


Su Hao dissipated the model, shut down countless devices around him, and the two of them returned to the classroom environment. Su Hao took the opportunity to quickly build Su Wan's model analysis again, but... found nothing!

She blocked again!

In this regard, Su Hao could only smile bitterly.

"Very good, I also understand your abilities." Su Wan said lightly, "To be blunt, your abilities are completely useless for survival and fighting."

"Yes, I understand." Su Hao nodded.

"Although it is beautiful, you can make some contributions to the city's architecture or some model activities, but if it comes to combat and survival, you can give up your abilities." Su Wan said to Su Hao.

Su Hao smiled bitterly, "I understand."

"It's good that you can understand." Su Wan nodded, "There are countless source energy talents, basically for fighting and survival, but... you are completely out of touch. This is the first time I have discovered it. To be honest, you are like this Ability should be classified into the lowest level, F level."

"How do you say that?" Su Hao was a little confused.

"Let me ask you, what is source ability?" Su Wan looked at him and asked.

"Isn't source ability just a comprehensive evaluation, a reflection of a person's performance?"

"Wrong! Big mistake!" Su Wan said, "Ability is not a reflection of performance. How free do you think the Association is to deliberately create such an ability? For the college entrance examination, wouldn't it be enough to have a comprehensive assessment score? ?Why is there still such an indicator as meeting source ability?”

"I don't know." Su Hao was confused.

"Let me tell you, source ability is not just a display of scores, but a display of the origin of life. Source ability is the most rigid indicator of a person's value in combat and survival!" Su Wan said calmly. Said, "Source ability is the constant criterion for whether a person is strong."

Su Hao frowned when he heard this, "However, when I was in school, students with 5 points of source ability would often defeat students with 6 points of source ability. Such things were very common. Even when I was 6.8 with 6.8 points of source ability, I would The 8-point source ability is completely suppressed by Sun Yaotian!"

"Is it?"

Su Wan was noncommittal, but asked, "This extends to another question. In your eyes, what is fighting? Is it just fighting?"

"Is the battle not a battle or what?" Su Hao was even more confused. Did it suddenly escalate to a philosophical discussion

"You still don't understand." Su Wan shook her head, "There are many levels of fighting, not just fighting. Let me tell you a story. I have a senior who has very high abilities, but very weak combat effectiveness. Every time He was challenged by the juniors and failed. Because his source energy talent is poison. Although it is B level, it is generally useless for combat."

Su Hao listened carefully.

"So he was ridiculed as a prince with high scores in the Zhan Zhan Academy. Everyone knew that he was just a waste with super high energy points. Until later, unexpectedly, during a certain mission, he encountered a large-scale attack by a wave of ferocious beasts. , you can’t even imagine that kind of scene.”

Tide of ferocious beasts…

Su Hao understands deeply that the low-level ferocious beast tides are so terrifying, but what about the high-level ferocious beast tides

"That time, everyone who participated in the mission would probably not be able to come back, but that senior took action. Standing in front of all the students, he established an insurmountable gap for them. With him as the center, within a radius of ten meters, everyone close to None of the ferocious beasts survived! From that moment on, everyone knew how terrifying this senior's strength was! How abnormal the seemingly useless source energy was when faced with the ferocious beasts." Su Wan said calmly. said.

"The existence of source ability indicators naturally has its meaning. Some aspects of combat are weak, but some aspects may be extremely strong. For a poor person who has very high source ability points but weak personal combat effectiveness, you should be more He is vigilant, where is his original ability?"

Su Hao was shocked!


We should be more cautious when facing such people, right

This is the era of source energy!

This is the era when anything is possible!

Su Wan's few words once again reminded Su Hao that he still had a lot to learn!