Godly Model Creator

Chapter 57: Generous rewards


On the light screen, countless messages appeared almost as if they were flooding the screen.

"The field exploration radius reaches 100 meters, and 10 mission points are obtained."

"The field exploration radius reaches 200 meters, and 20 mission points are obtained."

"The field exploration radius reaches 300 meters, and 30 mission points are obtained."

"The field exploration radius reaches 900 meters, and 90 mission points are obtained."

"The field exploration radius reaches 1000 meters, and 100 mission points are obtained."

"The field exploration radius reaches 2000 meters, and 200 mission points are obtained."

There were a total of 11 pieces of information, all of which were mission point rewards. After Su Hao added them up, he estimated that it was a total of 750 points!

This means that in this domain exploration alone, he gained 750 mission points!

During the exploration of the domain, many ferocious beasts were killed, and there were also first-kill rewards, so there should be quite a lot of them. Su Hao continued to look, and sure enough, there were still a lot of unread messages.

"The number of ferocious beasts hunted reached 1, and 10 mission points were obtained."

"The number of ferocious beasts hunted reached 5, and 20 mission points were obtained."

"The number of ferocious beasts hunted reached 10, and 30 mission points were obtained."

"The number of ferocious beasts hunted reached 50, and 40 mission points were obtained."

In a whole day of killing, more than 50 souls died at Su Hao's hands!

The mission points for hunting ferocious beasts are also a full 100 points. In addition, as for the first kill reward, there are more than ten ferocious beasts that are encountered for the first time. When added together, there are a full 150 points. point.

The three items add up to a total of 1,000 points!

Su Hao suddenly became excited!

3000 points doesn’t seem so far away...

However, no wonder Zhao Feng once said that freshmen will have an opportunity to soar in strength when they first enter school. With so many mission points, ordinary students should have hundreds of points, enough to purchase a suitable training technique and then improve it.

But for him... it's not enough!

"It's a pity that these rewards are one-time." Su Hao felt a little regretful, "It seems that there are so many at once, and he will be rich instantly, but the next field exploration, a distance of 3000 meters, and 300 mission points... is there any chance to get it? It’s still a matter of time to get it. These one-time rewards, after the sprint, can only be accumulated slowly through missions.”

Su Hao saw the origin of the mission points very clearly, but this time he gained more than just that.


Bai Xiaosheng's bet!

The D option he placed was another 100-point gain. Of course, more importantly... the share of this bet was quickly transferred to him by Bai Xiaosheng.

Not many students placed bets this time. Repeat students dared to place bets, but many fresh graduates did not dare to place bets. Especially when they knew that the task points were closely related, even if they placed bets, it would only be 10 points.

Then throw out Su Hao, Chen Yiran and other people who directly chose D, and deduct the profits of these people. In the end, the net profit was only 1,200, and Su Hao was allocated 600 mission points.

There were 196 students, and the final net profit was only 1,200 points. This shows that not many people were fooled... but... this was almost for nothing!

1,200 points, how many people have to work hard for half a year to earn mission points

Bai Xiaosheng just sent a few text messages and gathered all his subordinates. He is worthy of being the king of repeaters who has repeated a grade five times. His grasp of students' psychology is astonishing.

Betting is just entertainment after all.

Those who dare to bet 100 points are all fierce people who are extremely confident in themselves. If they lose, they just curse a few secretly and eventually go to practice separately.

Su Hao looked at the 600 points received and the 100 points he earned, a total of 700 points. Plus the 1,000 points from the three activities, the final gain this time was a full 1,700 points!

Adding the 300 points he gained last time, the total is 2,000 points.

Accidentally, Su Hao became a rich man again.

But looking at the price of 3,000 points of physical training in the school store, Su Hao could only smile bitterly... He still has a long way to go!

In the following days, many students also completed the four instructions one after another, sprinted for a field exploration, each received a generous amount of task points, and then bought the cultivation technique and are working hard.

Su Hao knew that his field exploration had reached its peak and there was no hope of reaching 3000 meters.

So I simply went to the school forum and bought a map. After recording all the locations of the ferocious beasts, I started hunting.

First kill!

A type of ferocious beast can only be hunted once!

Except for some iconic ferocious beasts, most of the first kill rewards are 10 mission points. Fortunately, there are many types of ferocious beasts, and Su Hao has a great time killing them.

In the past few days, Su Hao was active around the school. He took turns to kill all the ferocious beasts and only stopped after receiving all the one-time rewards he could receive.

The number of ferocious beasts killed also exceeded 100, and he received a reward of 50 mission points. However, the next reward was 200 ferocious beasts. Su Hao felt a little nauseous and could only give up.

Plus dozens of first kill rewards, attack 400 mission points!

At this point, Su Hao has received all the one-time rewards that can basically achieve his goal at this stage, and his total wealth is as high as 2,400 points! For other students, this is a high amount that is enough to buy countless things, but for Su Hao, it is still not enough.

Still 600 points short!

In fact, the materials of ferocious beasts can also be sold, but... the more expensive materials of ferocious beasts cost more than 2000, how can Su Hao still carry them all the way back

With his strength, he barely rushed over and brought some things with him. It was probably a question of whether he could come back alive. However, the ferocious beasts nearby were full of materials and were worthless.

Therefore, the item of material sales will not be considered.

So, after thinking about it, the only way Su Hao can increase his mission points is through school missions!

The reward for the Yuan Neng Office is star coins, while the reward for the school's mission is mission points. Other than that, there is not much difference. Su Hao opened the mission panel and started to choose.

In Yuan Neng Office, tasks must be handed over in person and only after verification.

As for the school, since the students who accept the assignment are all their own students, the credit problem is almost negligible, so there is no need to make a special trip. You can accept it directly on the communication device, which is very convenient.

Su Hao looked through it.

These tasks are divided into two categories, one is school tasks, and the other is Jianghe City tasks.

As for school tasks…

Su Hao was slightly surprised by the first high-level task.

"The glory of fresh graduates!"

Mission star rating: three stars

Mission introduction: Win the Battle of Glory. Can you endure the provocation from repeat students? I can't bear it anyway! Young man, rise up! Defeat them in the battle of glory and achieve the glory of the fresh graduates!

Mission reward: 500 mission points.

"Damn it..."

Su Hao was sweating profusely after reading it, "Does the school really want to provoke a battle between fresh graduates and repeat students? However, this kind of task can really motivate students to make progress."

What's interesting is that Su Hao has actually completed one task.

"A counterattack from the number one freshman!"

Mission star rating: one star

Task introduction: According to school practice, repeat students will challenge the top fresh graduates every year, and what you want is to make them fail!

Mission reward: 150 points.

"Well, that's how the 150 points came from, but what's the school's practice? The school is so shameless. Why don't you issue such a task, and the repeat students will come to challenge me when they're full?" Su Hao was helpless.

There are a lot of tasks to open Jianghe City, ranging from several stars, and they are generally consistent with the tasks of Yuan Neng Office. It is said that the school will review and extract some tasks from the countless tasks of Yuan Neng Office and put them in the school's task system. How it will be reviewed is unclear.

It is said that a few years ago, a young man from a syndicate went to great lengths to gain points in the Natural Selection Class. In the end, he was discovered by the school and was not only expelled from the school but also fined a large sum of money. All the things purchased in the Natural Selection Class were recovered at ten times the price, and the group collapsed directly and has been in decline ever since. Since then, no one has dared to do anything.

Su Hao looked at it carefully.

One-star tasks are still some messy tasks, so just ignore them.

A two-star mission is more in line with his current strength. However, there were many strange tasks on it, such as collecting various materials, assisting assistants, apprehending criminals, arresting thieves, and private detectives, which gave Su Hao a direct and in-depth understanding of the current Jianghe City.

Different from the tranquility of the school and the simplicity of the students, the society in Jianghe City is very complicated.

Each mission revealed the current situation of Jianghe City and the evil under this prosperity. Su Hao just looked at it indifferently. However, soon, an urgent mission appeared in his field of vision.

Su Hao was shocked after just one glance.

"Private bodyguard mission."

Mission star rating: Two-star emergency

Mission requirements: 12 point source ability or above

Mission introduction: Protect the safety of children, lasting 3 days.

Mission reward: 300 mission points.

Task publisher: Yang Ziqing.