Godly Model Creator

Chapter 59: Ma'am


When he returned home, his mother Li Xiaoru and sister Su Ling were waiting for him to eat.

The family of three had another lively meal. Su Hao took out a sum of money and gave it to Li Xiaoru. Instead of selling some materials to the school store, he exchanged them for star coins.

Star coins are worthless in school, but they are still very helpful in improving the conditions at home. Hundreds of thousands of star coins are enough to make the family's life easier, and my sister's cultivation can also be improved to a higher level.

"Brother, with so much money, how about you keep it and spend it yourself." Su Ling said with a frown.

"You can't buy anything in the Natural Selection Class with hundreds of thousands of star coins. Once you get there, the star coins are basically useless. Don't worry, brother has his own plan."

Su Hao patted her little head and said, "On the other hand, you, although you have good talent, you don't have enough knowledge."

"No way, they work very hard." Su Ling said seriously.

"I know." Su Hao said with a smile, "But you're welcome in the future! If you want to buy something, you must tell your brother. As for fighting skills, my brother can teach you. As for source energy, I have already mastered it. The leaping technique, if you meet the conditions in the future, my brother can give it to you directly."

"Yes." Su Ling responded obediently, her little face flushed with excitement.

As Su Hao saw last time, the things Su Ling mastered were pitiful and monotonous. There was more than a few gaps between him and others. Wasn't it due to lack of money? But now, Su Hao has considered everything for her, so there's no need to worry about her fighting skills! Source energy cultivation technique? There is even a source energy jump technique!

With a brother like this, what else could she be dissatisfied with

"And you, mom, don't work so hard. The family is not short of money anymore. If you can, just don't do overtime or anything like that." Su Hao said to his mother Li Xiaoru, "If you really can't give it up, just stop doing it. also."

"Okay, don't worry, mom will make her own plans." Li Xiaoru said with a smile. This son suddenly became an adult in the family, the backbone of the family, and could support the entire family, which made her feel relieved.

After eating, we went to the only training room available at home.

Su Hao began to teach his sister advanced basic fighting skills!



Su Hao demonstrated it carefully, and Su Ling started to learn it in a decent manner. He had already mastered the intermediate basic fighting skills. Su Ling was lacking in this finishing touch.

Or maybe she didn't intend to learn.

Su Ling is also a typical promotion route based on abilities and supplemented by fighting. This promotion route is indeed correct, but now Su Hao has understood that if fighting is supplemented, he has to reach at least 300 before he can assist!

You don’t need to learn the essentials of fighting, but you must complete the three fighting techniques!

The basics of basic martial arts are taught.

Police martial arts specializes in grappling.

Military martial arts specializes in killing.

Only by mastering these will your ability to survive be greatly enhanced!

Ability first? Don't let people get close to you

Are you funny? If you don't even master the basics of fighting, it only takes a matter of minutes for the opponent to dodge your abilities and attack you. Once you get close, you don't know how you will die!

For example... a pervert like Zhao Feng.

With that kind of ability, it's no wonder that he is called the Prince of Closeness. Even if Su Hao defeated him, he had to admit that Zhao Feng did have this qualification.

It even has the ability to penetrate, but what about other abilities

With the outbreak of the source energy era, the abilities are all kinds of strange!

Therefore, when teaching Su Ling, Su Hao set hard targets. On the one hand, the improvement of abilities was on the fighting training. He would personally supervise Su Ling to make these life-saving fighting skills more powerful.

Su Ling is very serious.

Especially after Su Hao told her about these perverted abilities, she was able to realize the crisis.

Maybe it has something to do with Su Hao's hard work. Su Ling is also very serious and hardworking. However, she is more talented than Su Hao. The only thing she lacks is resources!

But now that Su Hao has given her this resource, Su Ling's future will skyrocket!

Early the next morning, Su Hao received a message from Teacher Yang.

After tidying up, we rushed to Teacher Yang's house, but this time... it was a bit too early, five-thirty? ! What's going on

After giving the key and password to Su Hao, Teacher Yang left in a hurry.

Su Hao could tell from the sadness between her eyebrows that what the teacher wanted to do must not be simple! The reason why I didn't tell him was probably because he couldn't be of much help.

The only thing he can do is to take good care of Teacher Yang's daughter.

After Teacher Yang left, Su Hao entered the room. It was already getting light and the little Loli was lying in the room sleeping. Su Hao opened the door to make sure that he could see the little Loli before sitting on the sofa.

On the tea table in front of the sofa was little Loli's homework. Su Hao then opened it and took a look.

Yang Zixi, second grade of junior high school.

And this assignment is about natural science, a very important subject. Among all the courses, this is the only one that is closest to the senior high school courses.

The so-called natural science is naturally the explanation of some basic knowledge, which accounts for a large proportion in the theoretical basis.

Most of the remaining courses are humanities, history, computing and so on.

In the Yuaneng era, the task from kindergarten to junior high school is to learn all basic knowledge, from pronunciation and recognition of Chinese characters to mathematical calculations. All basic knowledge must be completed in junior high school.

This knowledge includes all high school knowledge in the 21st century and even some university knowledge.

Fortunately, nowadays people's memory has generally improved, and it is not difficult to learn. As long as you work hard enough, it is not a problem to master it completely.

In high school, except for one theoretical basis, all the other courses have become to serve combat and survival, and the goal of people's learning has also become a sprint to college.

Once you enter university, this level may become more obvious, and the role of personal strength will also become more powerful. This is the current era - the era of energy!

For Su Hao, who is now accustomed to fighting, it is a bit of fun to pick up the second grade textbook and recall the joy of the past.

Second grade of junior high school…

Thinking back on it, it seemed that he and Chen Yiran were in the same school at that time, but they didn't know each other at all and had no contact at all.

Occasionally when passing by, he would smile silly when he saw the fairy-like Chen Yiran.

At that time, it seemed that I just knew that this girl was so beautiful. I just wanted to take a look at her more, but I didn't have so many messy thoughts.

Thinking about it now, it seems that the germ had already been planted at that time.

In high school, he worked hard and became a high school champion!

Although Yuan's ability is pitifully weak, his terrifying theoretical basic scores have allowed him to occupy the first place in individual events for a long time, unrivaled, and that's how he met Chen Yiran.

A chance encounter in the park.

Chen Yiran would also ask him some questions about the theoretical basis. The two of them became familiar with each other after a few visits. So it turns out that being a top student is still the best way to pick up girls.

Of course, at that time, Su Hao didn't expect that much.

The backwardness of Yuan's ability made him spend all his time training like crazy, leaving little time to pay attention to other things. However, the progress of Yuan's ability had little effect.

Occasionally when he felt depressed, Chen Yiran would constantly comfort him, and the two gradually became best friends.

The two became more and more familiar, but they perfectly kept their distance and continued their relationship.

Because everyone knows that the gap between the two is too big! Don’t deceive young people into poverty. It’s not impossible to be in Hedong and Hexi in ten years, but for the E-level source energy analyzed by a model, I’m afraid there is no possibility of counterattack!

So I kept this sense of distance until the subsequent explosion...

Thinking about it at this time, the feelings between the two must have appeared in the hearts of both parties unconsciously, and the subsequent emotional explosion was so out of control that the two of them came to everything.

"So, I'm quite attractive."

Su Hao thought about it, recalling the sweetness of the past, so that he could work hard to continue sprinting for this goal. In four years, the Sun family will be destroyed by him sooner or later!

Just as he was thinking about something, Su Hao suddenly felt a burst of murderous intent. A cold wind rushed towards him from the right side. Su Hao's expression turned cold and murderous intent flashed in his eyes.
