Godly Model Creator

Chapter 60: I hate loli!


The cold wind is biting!

Su Hao suddenly turned around and grabbed the unknown thing that was attacking, but something felt wrong when he grabbed it. When he took a closer look, he saw that it was actually a furry slipper.

Looking up, little lolita Yang Zixi was standing in front of her house, her delicate face full of murderous intent, her bare feet looking at him angrily.

Su Hao didn't understand why and asked strangely: "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Yang Zixi said angrily, "You weird uncle is a lolita control! You stayed up in the middle of the night, secretly opened the door to someone else's room, took someone else's homework book, and showed a sleazy smile. That's all. Save your saliva!"

Su Hao lowered his head and saw that he was really holding her homework book in his hand. He suddenly looked embarrassed, but... what the hell was going on in this little girl's mind!

Damn it!

Who is impure after all

Su Hao put down his homework angrily, went over directly and picked up the little Loli.

"Ah, bastard, what do you want to do, you damn lolita control." The little lolita struggled desperately, her newly grown body rubbed against Su Hao's body, which made Su Hao bristle, and he became angry instantly. , "If you move again, I will strip you naked and throw you out."

The little loli was still for a moment, but she still muttered in a low voice, "She is indeed a lolicon."

Su Hao lifted the quilt, threw it in for her, and then covered her up, "Hurry up and sleep, you can rest for an hour, and then I will send you to school."

Looking at the little Loli who had tightened the quilt and was looking at him warily, Su Hao felt a headache. The past three days seemed to be quite difficult.

He is only in the second year of junior high school and is thirteen years old. He is already making such a fuss. Will he do it again in the future? But at thirteen years old, it’s pretty good to have such development, ah... what was I thinking!

Su Hao rolled his eyes and thought about Chen Yiran's perfect body. He immediately put the picture of the little girl out of his mind and sat cross-legged on the carpet to start practicing.

A trace of source energy flickered around his body. Su Hao was immersed in his mind and looked at the only card that had not brightened yet, the primary source energy jump technique!

These days, he has been slowly reading the contents of this card, and the consumption of source energy is also very terrifying.

He has consumed all the energy in his body several times in a row, but at this time, the progress bar is less than half way! It seems that it will take some time to fully control it.

Again slightly read a little bit.

There is danger at any time these days. Su Hao does not dare to use up his source energy. He only consumes 10% of his source energy and keeps the source energy in his body always abundant. Once an enemy attacks, he can face the battle in perfect condition.

Moreover, his mission is...to run away with the little loli.

The new function of model analysis: terrain modeling has an extremely perfect advantage for running. Su Hao is becoming more and more satisfied with his own modeling and analysis capabilities.

An hour flew by.

The little Loli had already fallen asleep in a daze. Su Hao made a breakfast and woke her up. The little Loli washed her face in a daze and crawled to the dining table, took a bite, and then... vomited again. Come out!

"It tastes so bad! What kind of medicine did you take, Uncle?"

Su Hao's face turned ugly again, I hate lolita!

I originally wanted to leave this girl to my mother, but thinking about the dangers I might encounter, if there was only the little Loli, I could still run away with her in my arms, but if there were many people, no one would be able to escape.

Su Hao lowered his head and took a bite. Su Hao frowned slightly. Well, it was indeed not very tasty... However, it wasn't that bad. At least it wasn't as bad as the school cafeteria.

"Is it so unpalatable?" Su Hao glared at her.

"Compared with what mom makes, of course it tastes terrible." Little Loli said dissatisfied, "I want to order takeout!"

"No!" Su Hao repeated his objection. Are you kidding me? Anyone can poison the takeaway. "Eat quickly! If you don't eat, you'll go to school hungry!"

"Child abuse..." the little Loli muttered, swallowing the food with an ugly look on her face, as if she was undergoing the biggest test in her life.

Su Hao's mouth twitched and he resisted the idea of tying this guy up and beating him up.

After finally finishing breakfast, Su Hao prepared to send her to school. He went over the knowledge in his mind, how to send her to school safely... how to prepare for attacks when going out... how to protect the little loli at the first time... how to defeat the enemy. …

After making sure it was correct, Su Hao took her down.

He got in the car, fastened his seat belt, and threw the little girl into the passenger seat. Su Hao started the hover car. When he was about to set off, the little loli was so desperate that he said: "Uncle Wei, do you have a driver's license..."


Su Hao's expression changed, and then he remembered what was wrong.

Ordinary students take the driver's license test when they are bored in high school. As for him, his family does not have the conditions to buy a car, and he does not have time to study, so he naturally ignores it.

Only then did I remember that it seemed like... I really didn't have a driver's license.

Are you taking this girl with you on the bus

Su Hao glanced at the quirky little loli and frowned, "No, it's too dangerous. It only takes ten minutes to drive, and it takes at least half an hour to take the bus!"

The little loli naturally noticed Su Hao's expression, and she tried her best to do it again: "Uncle Wei... You, you are not a newbie, are you?"


Su Hao's mouth twitched. When it came to protection tasks, he was really a novice and his preparation was not adequate. But to let a little girl say it out loud, it was really...


Step on the accelerator and rush out!


The floating car passed through a stream of light and disappeared into the sky. The little Loli didn't dare to speak now. Her face was pale and she was holding on to the car tightly, but she was still muttering something in a low voice.

"Mom... This time next year, remember to burn paper for Zi Xi... The perverted weird uncle dragged Zi Xi to die for love..."

Su Hao listened carefully and rolled his eyes again.

He felt that he needed to go to the little Loli's school to see what the hell their teacher was teaching.

Time flies, Su Hao is driving a suspended car through the air, but he is carefully observing everything around him. Any car with abnormalities will be watched by him keenly.

It was the first time he was performing a protection mission for his respected head teacher's daughter, so he didn't want to make any mistakes.

Fortunately, he did not encounter any unusual vehicles. However, when he was approaching the school gate, Su Hao was stopped as an unusual vehicle.

"Hello, sir, we need to check your identity." A policeman saluted and said to Su Hao.

"Okay!" Su Hao said lightly.

Several bright green lights appeared from the instrument in the police's hand, and then scanned the vehicles and people. In an instant, countless information appeared on it.

The policeman's expression instantly became alert.

A student without a driver's license... and a pale little lolita look like human trafficking...

But it was still there. The police's equipment was quite powerful. They quickly matched the two people's data. One after another, the data was flashed. A second later, the relationship diagram between Su Hao and Yang Zixi appeared.

The policeman took a look and then breathed a sigh of relief, "Student, since you don't have a driver's license, I'm afraid we have to temporarily impound the vehicle. Please pass the driver's license test before you come back to pay and collect it."

Su Hao smiled lightly and said, "Please read on for my information."


The policeman was stunned and looked down the light screen again. He soon looked surprised and saluted again, "Sorry for the trouble this has caused you."

After saying that, the policeman stepped aside. Su Hao smiled lightly, started the hover vehicle again, and drove away.

The policeman next to him was stunned, "What's going on?"

The policeman smiled bitterly and directly turned the light screen into public mode. The policeman next to him came over to take a look and was shocked, "Military glory?!"

"Who is this kid? He actually has military merit?"

Yes, military merit!

In this era, those who have military merit are real heroes, and naturally they also have some privileges. Such a young man has military merit. At this age, could he be a member of the state's secret department