Godly Model Creator

Chapter 83: Mysterious organization


One kind, two kinds, three kinds...

Lan Mengdie's little eyes widened again. That terrifying source energy liquid bomb, from beginning to end, didn't even explode, not even a trace of foam was exposed.

When all 20 materials were mixed and Su Hao poured all the liquid into a round instrument, the configuration of the energy liquid bomb was completed!


Su Hao breathed a long sigh of relief, finally got it done!

Source energy liquid bomb!

The round glass vessel with a diameter of only 5 centimeters contains a blue crystal clear liquid. Under the sunlight, it actually reflects the full light, which is very beautiful. However, who knows how terrifying this small bottle of liquid can be

As for the method of use, as long as it is shaken violently, the liquid inside will react quickly and produce a terrifying explosion after 3 seconds!

Su Hao stored this thing carefully.

There is no chance to go out today. Although the sun is still there, it has already set. The laboratory is quite far from the urban area of Jianghe City. It will probably be completely dark when Su Hao goes there.

"It seems we can only take action tomorrow."

Su Hao thought that just in one night, he needed to perfect the current plan without any oversight.

The general action is to rush to the laboratory tomorrow, drop a bomb, kill the people inside, and rescue all the Blue Dream Butterflies. But what happens after that

After the other party is alerted, they will definitely launch an investigation!

Although Su Hao is very cautious, he cannot deny that there are always some strange sources of energy in this world. If any clues are discovered, it will be trouble for him, which he cannot tolerate.

Are you kidding me? My brother, I worked hard to save the Jianghe City group and people from dire straits, but in the end something happened and I had to shoulder the responsibility myself

Absolutely impossible!

Su Hao would never do such a thankless thing. He had to plan and be foolproof.

No matter what organization is behind this matter, he must be given no time to investigate. Su Hao thought deeply for a moment and already made a decision, expose it!

Exposing everything, what era is it now, the source energy era!

The degree of development of the Internet is almost beyond the times. As long as something is posted online, you can't stop it even if you want! Moreover, Su Hao can be sure that all major families attach great importance to this aspect and will definitely capture sensitive information about their own family. After this incident was exposed, some of these people became very busy.

However, when and how to expose it requires careful consideration.

Su Hao looked left and right in the room, and finally settled on a grocery room, where most of the things at home that were not used for the time being and could not be thrown away were kept.


Su Hao opened the door of the grocery room, and a lot of dust fell. It seemed that no one had come in for a while.

The Blue Dream Butterfly that had just come over was instantly covered with dust. It felt bad. It was staggering and bumping around in the sky. Su Hao looked amused and pinched its wings and put it down. On the cabinet next to it.

It's less than 10 square meters inside, neither big nor small, and there are all kinds of things on display. The most eye-catching one is naturally the steel armor placed in the middle.

iron Man!

When Su Hao saw that he had no chance of progress, he put all his expectations on science and technology, and Iron Man was undoubtedly the leader among them.

Su Hao was obsessed with it for a while and even bought a set of armor. Unfortunately, after investigation and research, he found that the price of tens of billions of star coins put him off!

Didn't he become stronger just to protect his family and let them live a good life? If you have tens of billions of star coins, are you still using this bird armor? So without hesitation, give it up!

Now that I think about it, I was more or less funny, young and frivolous.

How about wearing this tomorrow

Not only hidden, but absolutely shocking! This set of armor was completely simulated. However, after picking it up and weighing it, Su Hao gave up on this funny idea.

Too heavy!

This is not titanium alloy or some legendary material, it is just... iron. Wearing this thing, I would probably be exhausted and unable to move my joints.

Su Hao was not surprised by this. He had calculated carefully and only spent 500 star coins, so he could expect it to be a good product.

After continuing to search for a while, there were a lot of clothes inside, but they were either school uniforms that he and his sister Su Ling had thrown away, or they were his father's clothes a long time ago. Most of them were worn. According to the current data matching calculation, if Su Hao dares to wear these clothes to show off in the market, it will be easily analyzed.

"It's not a good thing if technology develops too fast." Su Hao complained.

Just as he was about to close the wardrobe, Su Hao was suddenly startled. The wardrobe is a standing type. The top is where clothes are hung, and the bottom is usually where clothes are folded and neatly placed. However, at this time, the bottom of the wardrobe is There is a box with a calm wooden color.

Su Hao picked it up and saw that it was covered with dust.


Su Hao opened it with some doubts. Inside was some information about his father, work certificates and so on, a martial arts instructor, and underneath was a work uniform, the most common martial arts training uniform, which is found all over the street.

However, when Su Hao moved the training clothes away, he found that there was a white piece of clothing underneath.

The material was obviously different, and it felt as smooth as water. Not to mention anything else, the material of this dress alone was very expensive. Su Hao's pupils shrank, and he pulled out the whole dress and was instantly shocked.

It would be more accurate to say it was a robe rather than clothes.

The alternative design and the hat on the back made Su Hao think of a game he had played before - Assassin's Creed.

Although the shapes are completely different, the overall style is very similar.

"This material..."

Su Hao suddenly grabbed a sharp object and stabbed it, but his clothes were intact!

Sure enough!

An inexplicable look flashed in Su Hao's eyes, Celestial Silkworm Silk... Some kind of ferocious beast after the Celestial Silkworm mutation, the silk-like objects spun out are indestructible and extremely soft, so they are very expensive! Later, this ferocious beast was captured by the government and began to be cultivated in an organized way, and it was almost extinct in the wild.

And those who are qualified to make clothes from sky silk are definitely extraordinary. It is no exaggeration to say that if this dress is sold, he will definitely become the richest man in Jianghe City!

"What's going on? Why does dad have such a dress?"

Su Hao's expression was not very good. He looked back and forth at the extremely gorgeous clothes. Finally, he found a small serial number - K82031 - on the back of the clothes, on the lower right side.

"There is a number, which means it is standard!"

"Tiancansi, it means it belongs to the government!"

"I haven't heard of it, it means it's confidential!"

"These clothes should come from a mysterious organization belonging to the government. They perform high-level secret tasks, so they need clothes made of materials like sky silk, probably for safety."

Su Hao analyzed some information based on the only clues. Although it was very little, it was enough to shock Su Hao.

In his impression, his father was a kind father who loved to brag and play with his children. But what he saw was enough to overturn his guess. He also thought about the black box that his mother Li Xiaoru handed over to him. , Su Hao felt an unusual aura.

My father died in a car accident...

The mysterious black wooden box…

Gorgeous formal robes…

The clues that popped up one by one completely overturned Su Hao's cognition and gave him more doubts. Lan Mengdie seemed to feel the unusual atmosphere and lay quietly on Su Hao's shoulder.

Su Hao sighed, "Will there really be an answer when we get to Zhan Zhan College?"

Dad, who are you

Is he really just an ordinary martial arts instructor

War College, I'm going to find out.

Su Hao's goal has never changed!

After a long time, Su Hao came to his senses in deep thought.

After calming down, Su Hao shook the clothes and prepared to put them away, "It's a pity, there is a number on it. Otherwise, it would be nice to show it off."

When Lan Mengdie heard this, she suddenly flew up and jumped onto the clothes. Su Hao was about to put them away when he stopped.

I saw the fluttering wings of the blue dream butterfly, reaching the row of golden numbers in the lower right corner of the clothes, waving its wings gently, countless cyan strong winds appeared, and silk sources of energy flickered. The tiny golden threads were completely pulled out, and on the piece where the golden threads were taken away, the silkworm silk tightened instantly, and no abnormality could be seen.

An unnumbered piece of clothing was born!