Godly Model Creator

Chapter 94: The record is broken


"All students are asked to gather at the martial arts hall at 10:00 in the morning."

"The battle of glory is about to begin, please be prepared."

Two instant messaging messages were sent to everyone. Su Hao took a look, washed, and ate. After finishing these things, he walked towards the martial arts hall calmly. However, if you look carefully, you can feel his body Not very peaceful.


No, not nervous, but excited!

Su Hao participated in countless battles, big and small, but basically they were all battles with ferocious beasts, and only a handful of battles with humans!

When fighting a ferocious beast, determine the type of ferocious beast. With the opponent's information, you can fight in a targeted manner. The winning rate is very high. This is also the source of human wisdom. But this time, Su Hao faced a hundred students who didn't know their abilities or their details, and their abilities were all above his!

Regardless of victory or defeat, the Battle of Glory can accumulate rich experience.

Su Hao is looking forward to it very much!

Crowds of people gathered in the martial arts hall, and the students who arrived early were basically waiting inside. Fresh graduates and repeat students are divided into left and right sides, each with 100 machines.

Several repeat students walked in chatting and laughing. The aura that filled their bodies made Su Hao tense up. The strength of these people... is so strong!

Seemingly seeing the fresh graduates waiting here, the repeat students looked at everyone provocatively. Many fresh graduates lowered their heads. The gap in strength was so great that they had no confidence to look at each other.

Su Hao frowned and ignored them. His mood remained as calm as ever, there were still 10 minutes left, and he didn't want to have a fight with these teases first.

"Look, you're so paralyzed!" A shouting voice rang out, "Are repeat students really good? You're a bunch of Lutherans who failed the college entrance examination! You've got to live one year longer than others.

Still alive as a dog. Tsk tsk, other than bullying the juniors, I guess you don’t have much to offer. "


The atmosphere of the entire martial arts hall instantly dropped by ten percent, and the faces of the repeat students visibly stiffened. This man's words really irritated them.

"Who are you?!" a repeat student asked coldly.

"Me?" The student pointed to his nose, "My name is Li Xin! Remember, I am the man who is destined to rush into the Zhan Zhan College. You Lutherans are taking advantage of your time at this time. Wait for me When I get up, I will beat you scumbags to pieces."

Li Xin

A smile appeared on Su Hao's lips. The guy who consumed the life and death instructions on the first day of school? He is as bold as ever.

"Very good, Li Xin, I remember you! Remember my name, my name is..."


Li Xin raised his hand and said, "I'm not in the mood to remember a Luther's name. I'll wait until you become famous one day. Even Zhao Feng, who only has 13 points of source ability, has the title of Prince of Closeness. How can you? An unknown little character is just a stepping stone for me."

After Li Xin finished speaking, he turned around and left. The repeater's face was so gloomy that he choked back the last half of his sentence, "Li Xin... I will make you regret it!"

Li Xin chose a machine and sat down. Fortunately, he happened to sit next to Su Hao.

"You are very brave." Su Hao looked at him with a half-smile.

"Hey?" Li Xin then noticed Su Hao next to him and took a closer look, "Aren't you Su Hao? Wow! It's really you. Are you sure you can kill them this time?"

"Kill them..."

Su Hao smiled bitterly, "Don't think about it for a while. You were walking very fast when you were talking to that repeat student just now."

"Of course." Li Xin pouted, "Now that I can't beat him, I have taken advantage of him and of course I have to run away quickly. If I am caught and beaten up, I will suffer a loss."


Su Hao smiled dumbly, this guy is not as stupid as he looks.

"By the way, Su Hao, your field exploration record was broken yesterday." Li Xin said enthusiastically.

"Oh? King Zhou?" Su Hao said lightly. At this time, the only person who can break his record is King Zhou, who has equally extraordinary abilities! After a month of rapid progress, King Zhou's strength may have surpassed him. After all, Chunyuan's ability improved much faster than his physical fitness.

"No, no, a guy named Gao Xiang."

"Gao Xiang?" Su Hao thought for a moment. There was no information about this guy, and he suddenly felt a little strange, "Not among the top ten?"

"Of course not, he's outside the 50th place." Li Xin laughed, "This guy not only broke the 2,000-meter record, but also rushed directly to 4,000 meters!"

"4000 meters!"

Su Hao was shocked, what a joke! He worked extremely hard to reach the 2,000-meter range. A fresh graduate who was 50 meters away actually rushed directly to the 4,000-meter range!

"what's the situation?"

"Hey, you're shocked." Li Xin said proudly, "It also shocked a lot of people at the time, but later after I investigated, I found out that this guy's energy talent... turned out to be flying! He's the one with the... Birdman with wings.”


Su Hao had an impression. He remembered that whenever he was in the school playground, there would always be a birdman flying crookedly in the sky, wandering around with half-baked wings made of source energy, practicing, and in the hearts of many people Leave an impression. Unexpectedly, this guy also rushed to the natural selection class.

"Well, that's him." Li Xin sighed with emotion, "This guy, relying on his energy talent, flew high, and then sprinted directly outside! No ferocious beast within a 3,000-meter range could touch him. It wasn't until he was 4,000 meters away that he was slapped down by a vicious beast."

"Oh? Then how did he come back?"

"Come back, just kidding. He was hit by a ferocious beast 4,000 meters away. How can he come back? Of course, the life and death command was activated. When the teacher rescued him, he was also seriously injured. But after spending 100 mission points, The school teacher cured him." Li Xin said with some regret, "Oh, 4,000 meters away, what a rich mission point... It turns out that the life and death command can still be used in this way, I wasted one, what a pity. "

Su Hao laughed and said, "You also have to be able to fly."

"Oh, that's right." Li Xin became excited again.

Another crazy guy...

Su Hao shook his head and smiled, looking at the time on the light screen, there were still five minutes left, "The time is coming, get ready."


Li Xin also sat inside the machine.

With two minutes left, everyone had arrived, and a burly teacher strode in. It was Zhang Qiang, the high-intensity training instructor for physical fitness!

"The instrument is connected, and you can now connect to the virtual fighting room!" Zhang Qiang said loudly.



The sound of countless connection fixations sounded. Su Hao sat in the machine, and his wrists and ankles were instantly fixed by soft belts. The instruments were integrated, and light blue virtual light and shadow descended from above, scanning over Su Hao's body. At the same time, countless Light and shadow flashed by, and when he opened his eyes again, Su Hao was already in the virtual room.


"Virtualization build completed—"

"DNA testing in progress—Personal information login completed—Character construction in progress—Construction completed—"


The familiar virtual room was surrounded by white except for a gorgeous light screen in front of him. A message suddenly popped up on the light screen. Su Hao opened it and saw that it showed the instructions for the Battle of Glory.

The battle of glory.

The two sides: repeat students and fresh graduates.

Victory conditions: Kill all students in the area.

Instructions for participating in the battle: In the Battle of Glory, a virtual scene map will be constructed immediately and all students will be placed into it. The location of the students' appearance will be determined according to the scene map.

"A random map? Depends on the scene map?"

Su Hao made a rough analysis. Does it mean that if the map is different, the fighting method may be different

The first battle for fresh graduates usually results in a total annihilation. Whether it was terrain or fighting methods, in addition to strength, the gap between these basic knowledge and those of repeat students was also very large. Su Hao could only try his best to capture some information from a few words.


There was a soft sound, and Su Hao looked on the light screen and saw that the time was fixed at 10:00.

"The battle of glory begins!"


Su Hao felt that the scenery in front of him changed, and then his whole body seemed to be entering a torrent of data. Colorful colors flashed before his eyes, and finally turned into a white light, which gradually became clearer.

When Su Hao opened his eyes again, countless messages popped up.