Godly Model Creator

Chapter 96: A plan within a plan


In the virtual scene of Battle of Glory, clothes are not allowed to be taken off.

White, fresh graduate. Yellow, repeat student. Very conspicuous. Therefore, it is completely impossible to pull off the opponent's clothes and an enemy appears. Moreover, most repeat students know each other. This is obviously bullying fresh graduates and is not allowed.

Su Hao lay down in the grass and looked out through the hole in the grass. The fresh graduate was still unaware.

This guy...didn't you notice this? !

It really is…

Su Hao could no longer complain.

Watching the repeat student deliberately move in one direction and quietly appear behind the fresh graduate, getting closer and closer.

Ten meters... nine meters... eight meters...

Su Hao narrowed his eyes.


The fresh graduate seemed to sense something was wrong and stood up suddenly.


The yellow shadow flashed past, and the repeater quickly hid behind a big tree.

Looking around, the fresh graduate found nothing, and then sat down again, "Hey, I can't see at night... Just stay up until daytime, my ability will shine through your dog eyes!"


Su Hao cursed secretly, since this place is called the Dark Night Forest, there must be no daylight at all! This guy wants to stay up until daylight

Quietly, the repeat student appeared again.

Although the repeat students were obviously stronger than the fresh graduates, this guy still took every step cautiously and never panicked. Su Hao sighed, how huge the gap between the two was! Not only in terms of strength, but also in terms of psychological quality and experience against enemies, there is a huge difference between fresh graduates.

Seven meters... six meters... five meters...


The fresh graduate was obviously alert this time, and turned around suddenly. The repeater sneered, his yellow shadow flashed, and he sprinted up!


Su Hao couldn't bear to see a weak fresh graduate face the sneak attack of a repeater...


Rich flames burst out from the hands of the repeat students. The most common flame source energy talent erupted at a very close range, almost all of which hit the fresh graduates.


Su Hao stared at the battle scene, but found a horrifying scene.

I saw that the figure of the fresh graduate suddenly shrunk, and his entire body turned into the size of a hemp rope. His delicate body was visible. The rich flames passed by him, and a body with a diameter of only about 1 centimeter passed by. shape, it’s much more difficult to hit!


The flames passed through, and the freshman's body quickly expanded and returned to normal. His left hand suddenly stretched out, grabbed the repeater, and punched the repeater.

"Damn it!"

The repeat students were obviously frightened and struggled hard. What the hell kind of ability is this? !

However, the fresh graduate's body was like a powerful fortress, tightly entangled with him. After stretching his entire arm, he almost turned around in a circle and entangled the repeat student. The repeat student could not break free at all. The only ones facing him were the fresh graduates. A punch-to-punch attack.

At this time, Su Hao also completely understood.

He was almost deceived by this guy!

Jiang Taigong fished for those who wanted to take the bait, and others were looking for him, so why wasn't he trying to lure people over? With his weird and unpredictable abilities, this repeat student has obviously become a typical example of someone who fails to make a sneak attack but gets fooled instead.

It's just... That's a repeat student. Is the gap in ability really so easy to make up for

Just when Su Hao was confused, the battle scene changed again.

The repeat student couldn't break away several times and had withstood several bombardments. There was even a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth. He finally became angry. Raging flames gathered in his body, and red light shot out from his body, completely illuminating the forest.


A dazzling flame ring erupted from the repeater's body, and the fresh graduate was directly blasted out. Spots appeared on his body under the burn of the flame.

"Boy, what a trick!" the repeater looked at him and said, "But that's it for now!"


This time, the repeater was alert, and rings of flame shot out from his hands, trapping the fresher tightly and not getting close to him at all. The fresh graduates stretched their arms several times, but the repeat students who were well prepared easily got out of the way.

The ending was no surprise. Because the gap in ability was too big, the fresh graduates were killed on the spot by the repeat students.

"Phew... I've got an honor." The repeat student took a long breath and wiped the cold sweat, "I'm so paralyzed that I almost capsized in the gutter. Why are there so many perverts among this year's fresh graduates? That ability just now... deformation? I haven’t seen such a strange ability in a long time.”

The flames were extinguished on the spot, and darkness returned to the entire forest.

The moment the firelight just disappeared, the moment from light to darkness, there would be a brief blind spot and visual blindness. At this moment, Su Hao moved!


Su Hao's body shot out from the grass!


The repeat student was obviously frightened. The dark field of vision made it impossible for him to see anything clearly. Just when he was about to take action, he suddenly felt a hand skillfully wrapped around his neck, and then, a huge force came along the way. .


The repeater's neck was broken on the spot.

Su Hao let go of his hand and the repeater's body fell softly.

Su Hao's figure was swaying. His whole body was dark green, and he was like a black shadow in the dark night. He couldn't see his form at all. With one successful attack, Su Hao quickly retreated. The two battles just now had attracted the attention of many people. At this time, If you don’t leave, how long will it take

Sure enough, less than a minute after Su Hao left, a yellow figure rushed here, but what he saw were two corpses, one yellow and one white.

He squatted down and after a brief inspection, a bright look flashed in the eyes of this repeater: "The mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole is behind. It seems that this fresh graduate has produced a great person."

One point won!

Su Hao hid in the darkness again and lay down in a bush before he began to recover slowly.

First time doing it, perfect!

If you say why not help that fresh graduate? The reason is simple, trouble!

Not everyone will appreciate your help, especially in a virtual fight room. Su Hao has even thought of several possibilities if he rushed out to kill the repeat students and save the fresh students when they were fighting just now.

For example, the fresh graduate would scold him, why didn't he take action earlier? Why didn't you save him? Was he trying to steal someone's head or something...

Are such funny things rare

When the time comes, maybe the two of them will become enemies over this.

So, this is best.

Clean and neat! Got the score!

Summarizing the battle just now, Su Hao's only dissatisfaction with himself was that he was almost deceived by that fresh graduate. If he was not a fresh graduate but a repeater, wouldn't he be in trouble

"Don't treat anyone like an idiot!"

Su Hao reminded himself that even if he is a real idiot, he should be regarded as the real enemy. If you develop bad habits now, you will come to the real battlefield later...

This is a battle of glory, and there is no room for any mistakes.

After regaining his energy, Su Hao felt refreshed and activated his ability again.

Model analysis, start!


Countless models gathered in his mind and collapsed instantly. Su Hao's ability in his body was actually consumed by 20% this time!

"At 8 o'clock, there is someone 300 meters away!"

Su Hao quietly hid in the darkness again and rushed towards the 8 o'clock direction.

School control center.

In the empty school control center, countless light screens flashed, showing the current battle situation of the Battle of Glory.

On the first light screen, the scores of the two teams were displayed. Repeat students had 30 points and fresh graduates had 1 point.

On the second light screen, there is a map of the current dark forest, with countless red and blue light points flashing. The disappearance of each light point means that a student has withdrawn from the battlefield.

On the third light screen, there is a wonderful replay. Whenever a light point disappears, the data in the virtual scene will be read immediately on the light screen, showing a wonderful killing scene. From the opening to the present, this light curtain flashes back every once in a while, which is basically the ultimate kill for repeat students.

There is nothing exciting at all, it is completely suppressed by strength.

As for the light curtains, they are basically designated light curtains that allow you to observe the scenes of designated characters. What is shown above is the situation of several repeat students.

It started in just ten minutes.

Thirty fresh graduates were killed, and only one repeater died.