Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 125: Go crazy


Ding Zhanpeng can only get rid of his demons by himself, and outsiders can't help him.

In a pitch-black space, Ding Zhanpeng's eyes were dull, and his hands were vertical to his waist, like a dead body.

"Do you think life is boring now?"

A strange sound of neither male nor female came from above the space.

Ding Zhanpeng opened his mouth and said: "Yes, I am very tired... I have to run around for my life every day... I have to worry about all kinds of things every day... I am very tired..."

"It's right to be tired... People are born with all kinds of suffering... Diseases... Disasters... Bullying... And all kinds of unfair insults..."

The rain tone of the strange voice was very cold, and he said intermittently: "My child... come to my arms... I promise you will not be tired again..."

"Aren't you really tired..."

Ding Zhanpeng read a sentence silently, his eyes still dull.

"Yes... not tired anymore... not tired at all... there is too much pain in this world... come to my arms... you can live forever..."

The strange sound is not in a hurry, full of extreme allure, making people feel that it is not a paradise, but a fairyland.

Ding Zhanpeng took a step suddenly and murmured: "I want a worry-free life and a happy time. I'll go with you..."

"That's right, kid, come on... come into my arms..."

The strange sound was looming and erratic.

Outside, Xiao Ding Ding saw that the black shadows covering Ding Zhanpeng suddenly increased, and he realized that he was in danger, so he couldn't help crying: "Wuuu... Dad... what should Xiao Dingding do..."

Little Ding Ding's mood swings are very violent, which directly affects his clone in Nandu City.

Chen Ke would hug Xiao Ding Ding to sleep every night.

Tonight, while she was dreaming, she suddenly felt someone shaking beside her, and there was a burst of crying.

Chen Ke woke up immediately, only to see that little Ding Ding, who was beside her, had tears all over her face, her eyes dimmed, and she kept shouting, "Dad, don't die."

Chen Ke had an ominous premonition, quickly picked up Xiao Dingding, and said anxiously: "Little Dingding, what's wrong with you? Little Dingding?"

It's a pity that no matter how she shouted, Xiao Dingding didn't change, she was still crying.

Chen Ke panicked, and hurriedly carried Xiao Ding Ding to Chen Qian's door and knocked on the door vigorously, saying anxiously: "Xiaoqian, open the door, Xiaoqian, there is something urgent, open the door quickly."

After a while, Chen Qian opened the door, rubbed her eyes, and asked, "Sister, what's the matter at night?"

Chen Ke pointed to Xiao Dingding, and said anxiously: "Look quickly, something happened to Xiao Dingding."

When Chen Qian saw her, she lost all sleepiness and said in shock, "Sister, what's going on?"

While comforting Xiao Dingding, Chen Ke smiled wryly and said, "I don't know what's going on. I hugged Xiao Dingding to sleep at night, and he was still fine. As a result, he suddenly became like this just now. He kept calling Dad not to Death, my heart trembled in panic, so I immediately looked for you. Tell me, could something happen to Xiao Ding?"

Chen Qian was suspicious for a while, and said: "Sister, it shouldn't be possible? Brother Ding is on business outside, what can happen? Don't scare yourself, I think little Ding Ding is having a nightmare, dreaming that something happened to Brother Ding, that's why After all, little Ding Ding has been living with Big Brother Ding, and he should not be afraid if he suddenly doesn’t get used to it.”

"Xiaoqian, hold Xiao Ding Ding. I'll call Xiao Ding. I always feel uneasy in my heart. As the saying goes, father and son bond. I'm really afraid that something will happen to Xiao Ding."

Chen Ke said worriedly.

Chen Qian was also a little panicked, and said: "Okay, I will take care of little Dingding, sister, please call quickly. Brother Ding is also, and it is not reassuring to go on a business trip."

Chen Ke didn't speak, and quickly called Ding Zhanpeng.

After 30 seconds, no one connects, and it hangs up automatically.

Chen Ke panicked even more, and said, "Xiaoqian, I can't get through."

Chen Qian also knew that something was wrong, and said anxiously: "Old sister, don't scare yourself, hit me again."

At this time, Xiao Dingding suddenly burst into tears and said, "Dad, don't die... Mom... Dad has an accident... Hurry up and save him... Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

"This... what's going on..."

Chen Ke and Chen Qian were dumbfounded. Could it be that father and son are really connected, and there is a feeling between the two

Chen Ke picked up Xiao Dingding and coaxed: "Little Dingding... don't cry... my sister will call your father... Dad will be fine..."

After finishing speaking, Chen Ke hurriedly dialed the phone, his mouth kept murmuring: "Asshole... hurry up and answer the phone..."

Chen Ke and Chen Qian did not notice that the light in Xiao Ding Ding's eyes had dissipated and turned dim again.

In the hotel, Xiao Ding Ding returned to his body, quickly found Ding Zhanpeng's cell phone, and pressed the answer button.

"Hello! Xiao Ding, I'm Chen Ke... are you there? Talk!"

Chen Ke's urgent voice came, and said: "Little Ding Ding is being awkward, and keeps calling you that something happened, and refuses to sleep quietly. Hey! Did you hear that?"

In the dark space, Ding Zhanpeng walked halfway, suddenly heard Chen Ke's concerned voice, paused, and subconsciously replied: "Chen Ke, I am Xiaoding."

Outside, Ding Zhanpeng opened his mouth and said, "Chen Ke, I'm Xiaoding."

"Phew! You bastard! You're such a bastard! It took so long to answer the phone, do you know we're worried about you?"

Chen Ke was extremely anxious, and finally heaved a sigh of relief when he heard Ding Zhanpeng's voice.

Although Ding Zhanpeng's voice was a bit weird, she didn't think too much, and hurriedly said: "Xiao Ding, are you okay? Xiao Ding Ding has been crying and complaining that something happened to you. I was worried that something happened to you, so I called you."

Ding Zhanpeng was silent for a while, and mechanically said: "Chen Ke, thank you for your concern. I am very tired and plan to go to a quiet and happy world."

Chen Ke was dumbfounded. She thought she had heard it wrong. After thinking about it, she said softly, "Xiao Ding, what nonsense are you talking about? Go to sleep when you are tired, and go to a quiet and happy world. I see, you have been very tired from work these two days , right? Don’t worry, I will help you take care of little Dingding. When I come back, I will make you a pot of fresh soup, which I learned recently, and it will be cheaper for you.”

Ding Zhanpeng's eyes flickered, and he returned to dead silence, mechanically said: "Chen Ke, I'm tired and want to go to a quiet world. There is no dispute, no pain, no trouble in the world. Besides, I don't have to worry about not being able to find a wife , and don't have to run around all day for three meals. I'm tired... I'm tired... "

Chen Ke finally realized that something was wrong, and said hurriedly, "Xiao Ding, what's wrong with you!"

"I'm tired... I'm tired... no wife... no house... no money... I have nothing..."

The more Ding Zhanpeng spoke, the more discouraged he became. The black shadow on his body enveloped the room, as if to devour everything.

Little Ding Ding on the side was in a hurry, and could only hope that the two mothers could rescue his father.

"Who said you have nothing! You're dead, you know, how can you be so cowardly!"

Chen Ke changed his gentle posture and scolded fiercely: "Ding Zhanpeng! You bastard! You bastard! You big bastard!"

"Who says you have nothing? You have a penis, you have a good job, you have a fat buddy, you have a mother, and you have us."

Chen Ke didn't know why she suddenly felt nervous, flustered, even hopeless and afraid, but she didn't think about it, and said touchingly: "I have always misunderstood you as a pervert, so I am very wary of you. I I was afraid that you would hurt our sisters, so I have always been indifferent to you. But after a long time of contact, I found that you are not as bad as I imagined, and even better than I imagined. Ding Zhanpeng, you are the best man I have ever seen. If you If you can’t find it, I’ll be your wife! Did you hear that, I’ll be your wife! Please, don’t let anything happen.”

After Chen Ke finished speaking, tears flowed down her cheeks, and she even covered her mouth and wept in a low voice.

A ray of light suddenly burst out in Ding Zhanpeng's eyes, and he said: "Chen Ke... you are willing to be my wife..."

Chen Ke's mind went blank, and she subconsciously replied, "Well, I like you and want to be your wife."

"Chen Ke... thank you... like me... I won't die... don't worry..."

The light in Ding Zhanpeng's eyes became brighter and brighter, like a burning sun, illuminating the earth.

The room was filled with dazzling light, and the black figure screamed and twitched.

In the dark space, there was a strange voice mixed with panic, saying: "My child... just take one more step... you can enter a peaceful and happy world... just take one more step..."

"Do you think I'm mentally handicapped? One more step, and I will die."

Ding Zhanpeng's eyes flashed brightly, and he said mockingly: "I don't know what the hell you are, but I can be sure of one thing, you are definitely not good-hearted, and want me to die. I follow a principle, if you want me to die, you go and die first .His grandma's breasts are really easy for me to bully, let me break them!"

As soon as the words fell, the pitch-black space was shaken, and large pieces of debris were scattered and filled with light.

After a very long century, the space cracked and shattered.

Ding Zhanpeng's consciousness returned to the physical body, and he saw himself in the room, and Chen Ke's anxious voice came from the phone lying on the bed from time to time: "Ding Zhanpeng! What's wrong with you, just tell me what's wrong, you're so mad at me!"

Ding Zhanpeng picked up the phone and said with a wry smile, "Chen Ke, I'm fine, don't worry."

Seeing another response, Chen Ke breathed a sigh of relief, scowled with a straight face, "Bastard! Damn bastard! Who told you not to answer the phone, who told you to talk scary! I'm not worried, I wish you would die Woolen cloth!"

Ding Zhanpeng accepted silently, his heart full of warmth.

After Chen Ke finished scolding, she relieved her anger and said, "Are you really okay? Don't scare me. If you have anything to tell me, don't do it if the work pressure is high. You can't make money. You have a fortune Now that I have money, I can live on the pharmacy. The big deal is, I don’t want such a high salary, just give me 3,000 yuan a month, and I’ll be satisfied.”

"Ahem, Chen Ke, before you married me, you started to show your true qualities as a housekeeper. But, I like it. Don't worry, my work is going well, and you should pay more attention to the pharmacy. You won't lose your salary, You are so kind at ordinary times, I decided to give you the pharmacy. You will be the proprietress from now on."

Ding Zhanpeng recalled the conversation just now, his heart fluttered, and he couldn't help but tease him.

"Bah! I don't know how to marry you! You don't look at your own appearance. You are neither tall nor handsome. You look like a dick. I won't marry you, I won't marry you."

Chen Ke blushed, and said viciously: "If you keep talking nonsense, I will ignore you from now on. Hmph, hang up, I'm going to sleep."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Ke took a long breath and touched his face, which was very hot.

Turning around, she couldn't help but feel even more shy when she saw Chen Qian was stunned with a hellish expression.

Chen Qian came back to her senses, rubbed her eyes, pinched her thighs, and made sure she didn't have hallucinations, and stammered, "Sister... are you really my sister? Could it be a monster?"