Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 140: Holy Light of Heaven


"Stop it!"

Feng Yiran was scared, she didn't understand why everyone went crazy!

No one paid attention to it, and they were still fighting.

Suddenly, a bracelet with flashing red light drew an arc in the air, and happened to land on Feng Yiran's shoulder.

Everyone stopped fighting, and Qi Qi focused on her.

She was stunned, she had already seen many people with crazy faces approaching.

She was afraid and wanted to run away, so she took a step back, stepped on a concave wooden board in a panic, and threw herself towards the ground.

At this time, the people behind had already come to her.

Feng Yiran covered her small mouth lightly and closed her eyes. She could already imagine the miserable scene of being trampled to death.

After three seconds, she felt light in her body, followed by dizziness.

She was startled, and quickly opened her eyes, a sad face was imprinted in her eyes.

"Why him?"

Feng Yiran was a little dazed, and carefully looked at his position, and found that he was far away from the crowd who were frantically fighting for the bracelet.

Ding Zhanpeng looked at Feng Yiran strangely.

This cheongsam beauty's eyes were clear, mixed with a trace of panic, but not crazy or bloodthirsty.

"Are you OK?"

Ding Zhanpeng looked back and smiled.

Feng Yiran quickly said: "I'm fine, but something happened to them. By the way, why didn't you join the fight? Don't you like bracelets?"

"This sentence, I also want to ask you. Why don't you participate in the competition?"

Ding Zhanpeng did not answer, but asked a question instead.

Feng Yiran rolled his eyes at him and said, "You, answer me first."

Ding Zhanpeng smiled, but did not answer.

Feng Yiran couldn't hold back the curiosity in her heart, and said: "I'm also very puzzled, why they seem to have lost their minds when they saw the bracelet, and they don't listen to people's persuasion at all. Although I also think the bracelet is very beautiful, I am not as crazy as them .”

Ding Zhanpeng was taken aback, and said strangely: "You also think the bracelet is beautiful? Then why don't you grab it?"

Just as Feng Yiran was about to answer, she suddenly realized that she was lying on the ground in an unsightly posture, her white thighs were exposed, and she could vaguely see the scenery of her thighs.

Her face blushed a lot, and she stood up hastily, but her legs were numb, she couldn't stand steadily, and she was about to fall down again.

Ding Zhanpeng saw that his hands were quick, and quickly pulled her arm.

Feng Yiran's face was flushed, her voice became softer and a bit shy, and said, "Thank you..."

Ding Zhanpeng waved his hand and said with a smile: "You're welcome, you still tell me why you won't be affected. This is very important, and it may become a key factor for me to treat people here."

Feng Yiran didn't understand what he meant, so she told the truth: "Actually, I don't know either, I just think the bracelet is very beautiful, very good-looking... Ah... By the way, I have this..."

After finishing speaking, she lifted the hair on her neck a little, revealing a crystal clear green jade pendant with dragon patterns, and said: "This is the jade pendant my mother gave me, and it is said that it was given to me by a certain master."

Ding Zhanpeng's eyes lit up, and he looked carefully at the jade pendant. After looking at it, he immediately found that there was a spiritual energy entwined around the jade pendant, and there was a strong light flickering indistinctly.

These visions are invisible to ordinary people, and only Ding Zhanpeng can see them with his spiritual eyes.

"Can you give me the jade pendant?"

Ding Zhanpeng was interested in studying the jade pendant, and opened his mouth to ask.

Feng Yiran hesitated for a moment, took the jade pendant and handed it over.

Ding Zhanpeng took the jade pendant, and a faint girly fragrance entered his nose.

He suppressed the restlessness in his heart, picked up the jade pendant and watched it carefully.

At this time, in the mental space, Xiao Ding Ding and Niu Niu glared at each other, but they didn't yell at each other.

When Ding Zhanpeng returned to the spiritual space, they put away their posture and ignored each other.

Ding Zhanpeng asked hurriedly: "Take a quick look at the jade pendant I'm holding."

Xiao Ding Ding and Niu Niu blinked their eyes, and their mental power penetrated the outside world, watching the jade pendant carefully.

"Huh... What a strange light, it actually affects the soul."

Niuniu panicked and said, "Big brother, this jade pendant has a strong influence on the soul. I am a soldier soul, and I also belong to the soul category. I dare not approach the jade pendant."

Ding Zhanpeng turned his gaze to Xiao Dingding and asked, "Little Dingding, what did you find?"

Little Dingding shook his head, and said: "Little Dingding can't see it for the time being... Hey... This is the Holy Light... Well... It can eliminate the negative emotions deep in the soul."

After finishing speaking, his mental power wrapped around the jade pendant, and said: "Father... there is a formation in this jade pendant, which can emit light that eliminates negative emotions. You only need to activate the formation, and you can heal everyone."

Ding Zhanpeng was overjoyed. He didn't expect the jade pendant to have a miraculous effect. Now everyone is saved.

His mental strength returned to his body, and seeing Feng Yiran, who had clear eyes before, changed his appearance, and rushed towards the crowd with teeth and claws, ready to fight for the bracelet.

Ding Zhanpeng understood that she had lost the protection of the jade pendant and was affected by the bewildering light of the bracelet, so he strode forward and put his arms around her slender waist.

The jade pendant shone with light, Feng Yiran looked puzzled, and seeing Ding Zhanpeng hugging her, he twisted his body in a natural reaction, struggled hard, and said angrily: "Stinky rascal! What are you doing!"

Ding Zhanpeng quickly let go of her, and said awkwardly: "Don't get me wrong, I am saving you. By the way, have you forgotten what happened before?"

Feng Yiran was stunned, and then said angrily: "I remember chatting with you before, and then I felt hot all over, and then lost consciousness. When I woke up, I saw you playing hooligans on me. I understand, what kind of ecstasy smoke did you use, you . . . you want to defile me."

Ding Zhanpeng rolled his eyes and said angrily: "You think too highly of yourself, I'm not interested in defiled you. Just now you are like them, forget it, I won't talk nonsense with you, I'm rushing to save people. Be obediently by my side , don't move around, if something happens later, I won't care about you."

"Bah! Who wants you to take care of me? I've never seen such a disgusting hooligan like you."

Feng Yiran was puzzled, but his mouth was unrelenting.

Ding Zhanpeng didn't bother to care about her, and according to the method taught by Xiao Dingding, he sent a lot of mental power and true energy to Yupei.

The jade pendant burst into light in an instant, like a holy light descending from heaven, illuminating the entire auction venue.

The madness on the faces of the people who had been fighting for the jade pendant before dissipated, and each of them stood up peacefully, motionless.

The same is true for Feng Yiran beside him, he seems to enjoy the light very much.

"Ah! Damn it! Who is doing something bad!"

The bracelet floated up, and there was a piercing scream.

Ding Zhanpeng was horrified and asked: "Who! Who is in the bracelet!"

"Ah! Damn it, you ruined our plan. You're dead! Ah!"

There were several sharp screams from the bracelet again, and then it floated out of the window.

Ding Zhanpeng rushed forward and was about to take down the bracelet, but saw that the bracelet was shining brightly, pulling out a series of afterimages, and quickly left the auction house.

"Little Dingding, Niuniu, what's going on!"

Ding Zhanpeng was confused and asked quickly.

Little Ding Ding twisted his little head, and said in a milky voice: "Father, this is a man-made magic weapon, which is imprinted with the spiritual imprint of the controller. The holy light eliminated everyone's negative emotions, and also severely dampened the power in the bracelet. Spiritual branding. But spiritual branding is not easy, and Dad has provoked the enemy again."

Ding Zhanpeng felt a slight egg pain.

He already had enough enemies, but he didn't expect to provoke another one this time.

Isn't this driving him to death

Niu Niu laughed heartlessly: "Big brother is so powerful, he annoyed another enemy two or three times."

Ding Zhanpeng ignored the two and turned to look at the others.

Everyone has returned to normal, and some even screamed because of the tattered clothes and damaged makeup.

The scene was chaotic, and the staff of the auction house didn't care about the embarrassment and hurriedly appease everyone.

Feng Yiran had a strange look on his face, and he looked at Ding Zhanpeng with a very strange look.

Ding Zhanpeng squeezed the jade pendant, intending to return it to Feng Yiran, but seeing the latter kept looking at him, he suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Ahem, I'll give you this back."

Ding Zhanpeng coughed twice and handed over the jade pendant.

Feng Yiran took back the jade pendant, his eyes became more and more dissatisfied, and he suddenly asked: "Are you a fairy?"

Ding Zhanpeng staggered, smiled wryly and said, "I'm a normal person, not a fairy."

"It's a lie, I don't believe it. I am also a normal person, but I don't have your magical ability. Don't try to cover up the past. I see everything in my eyes and understand that you are definitely not a normal person."

Feng Yiran had a look of disbelief, and instantly became a curious baby, asking: "Are you a hidden world master? My mother said that a hidden world master has great abilities and is a living god."

"Uh, your mother has had contact with an expert hermit?"

Ding Zhanpeng also covered it up, but asked curiously.

When Feng Yiran heard this, her face was full of excitement, and she said with a smile: "My mother likes to find the so-called hermit to do it, but she often encounters liars. But she is very persistent, looking for it every day, and finally succeeded in finding a capable person." The expert, and the expert gave a jade pendant, saying that I would be in danger in the future, and the jade pendant could save my life. I didn't believe it at first, after all, it is the 21st century, but I believed it, because the expert's words came true, and you let me I have seen the real superiority."

While Ding Zhan smiled wryly, he was very curious about the hermit master.

This expert is more than capable, he is simply unpredictable.

Without this jade pendant, everyone's fate would be very miserable.

Ding Zhanpeng patted his head, and suddenly said: "I almost forgot, I still have something to do, I will talk about it when I have a chance."

Feng Yiran immediately asked: "Hi! I don't know your name yet!"

Ding Zhanpeng didn't answer, he was afraid when he saw a woman now, turned around, and ran towards the previous position.

Feng Yiran looks delicate on the surface, but has a strong personality. Seeing Ding Zhanpeng ignoring her, she stomped her feet angrily and wanted to catch up.

But two male staff members appeared in time, blocked her way, and asked with concern: "Miss Feng, I finally found you. Something happened to the auction house, please follow us to the backstage."

"No, I'm fine, very good, don't block me."

Feng Yiran pushed away the two staff members and saw that Ding Zhanpeng had already walked a long distance.

Just as she was about to continue chasing her, two staff members stopped her again, saying, "Miss Feng, please don't make things difficult for us."

Feng Yiran stomped her feet and was about to push them away when she suddenly came to her senses and said, "You are not staff members, but bodyguards sent by my father."