Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 145: shocked


Murong Guo was taken aback, and then explained with a wry smile: "Don't worry, we have no enmity with the Qu family. The specific reason why we didn't ask Mr. Qu for help is because of my father. He and Mr. Qu had some conflicts. As juniors, we dare not I intervene in the affairs between the two old men, but I can tell clearly that the reason for their conflict is the same, but it is not a deep hatred."

After finishing speaking, Murong Guo had a strange expression on his face, as if this contradiction was very special.

"I can't believe your one-sided words, so I can't promise you."

Ding Zhanpeng refused decisively.

He has a very good relationship with the Qu family, and even obtained many treasures because of Qu Ming.

He asked himself that he was not an ungrateful person and would not help the enemies of the Qu family.

Murong Guo smiled wryly and said, "I can't say the specific reason, but you can call Qu Ming and ask him, I believe he will understand."

Without further ado, Ding Zhanpeng called Qu Ming and asked, "Xiao Ming, I'm Brother Ding. I want to ask you something. Do you know the Murong family?"

Qu Ming was wondering, suddenly he was taken aback, and asked in a strange tone: "Is it the Murong family who lives in the mountainous area south of Haicheng City?"

"That's right, the old man of his family is sick and wants me to treat it. But I heard that their family has a conflict with your family, so I refused. But Gu Xi's grandfather is imprisoned, I will not help, Gu Xi's Grandpa will be in danger."

Ding Zhanpeng's tone was rapid, and he directly explained the ins and outs of the matter.

"Brother, you can let go and go to the treatment. The conflict between the Murong family and my Qu family, alas, I don't know how to explain it. But Grandpa and Grandpa Murong are full and supporting themselves, looking for trouble when there is nothing to do. We, the younger generation, don't care. Haha, Sister Xi is with you again, you have to seize the opportunity..."

Qu Ming supported Ding Zhanpeng without any hesitation, and flirted with him by the way.

"Get out!" Ding Zhanpeng cursed with a smile, hung up the phone, and relaxed his guard at the same time.

"Brother Murong, I promise to treat it. But let me explain first, I can't guarantee that it will be cured. If you don't let Gu Xi's grandfather go, I don't mind using force."

Ding Zhanpeng is very confident.

Murong Guo took a deep look at him, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, we won't act recklessly. The influence of a big country player in the country is far beyond your imagination, and the network is also very wide. We have no choice but to use the next strategy. I'm afraid Gu Guoshou already hates our Murong family, and he won't come here again in the future."

There was deep helplessness and depression in his tone.

Ding Zhanpeng nodded, not talking too much nonsense, and said directly: "Take me there, I have other urgent matters, get treated as soon as possible, and hurry up."

Murong Guo was also unambiguous and led the way directly.

Gu Xi was furious at the side, and had great dissatisfaction with Murong Guo.

When Ding Zhanpeng saw it, he laughed out loud.

Gu Xi gave him a hard look, as if blaming him.

Murong Guo ignored it, walked straight to a room, knocked on the door of the room, and said, "Dad, they are here."

"Ahem, come in."

An old and weak voice came from the room.

Murong Guo opened the door, made a gesture of invitation, brought Ding Zhanpeng and Gu Xi in, and then closed the door.

When Ding Zhanpeng entered the room, a white-haired old man was sitting in a wheelchair, holding a book in his thin hands.

"Just take a seat anywhere...."

The old man did not put down the book, but said something in a low voice.

Gu Xi didn't sit down, glanced at the room, and said anxiously: "Where's my grandpa?"

"Your grandpa is fine. I have someone take care of him. You don't need to worry. I have no malicious intentions. All my actions are only for the treatment of my disease. I am not afraid of death, but at this critical juncture, I cannot die."

The old man finally put down the book, lifted his head down, revealed a pair of dull eyes, and said hoarsely: "I believe that there are all kinds of mysterious masters in the world, and they have special abilities. The old head can't cure my illness, but Somebody will be cured. Tell me, young man, am I right

His gaze suddenly became sharp, as if he wanted to see through the secrets in Ding Zhanpeng's heart.

Ding Zhanpeng was stunned, and said with a smile: "The old man is too polite, I think you are right. But don't have too much hope, the reason why the mysterious masters are mysterious is because they can't see the end of the dragon, and ordinary people can't find them. There is no way to find them."

"Ahem, it's a pity that I'm not an ordinary person, and I also used an unusual method. So I succeeded, ahem."

The old man coughed violently, and even coughed up two mouthfuls of blood, "Hey, I am old and useless, little genius doctor, come and help me treat it."

Ding Zhanpeng found that a thick layer of yin energy had accumulated on the old man's body, and the yin energy spread gradually throughout his body.

He stood up, helped the old man wipe the blood from his mouth, and said with a wry smile, "Your illness is unusual, and I may not be able to treat it."

"Haha, I believe you will have a solution. Your teacher Li Tianhua highly recommends you as an extraordinary student to me."

The old man didn't care at all, and forced a smile twice.

"You always know my teacher?"

Ding Zhanpeng was shocked and quickly helped the old man up.

"There are some things that I can't tell you, because your teacher ordered you to die, but I can tell you that your teacher and I have a relationship, this matter..."

The old man suddenly stopped and said: "Gu girl, you go out first."

Gu Xi became curious, and was about to know the answer, but was kicked out, excited in his heart, and quickly shouted: "Why!"

The old man smiled and said nothing.

Ding Zhanpeng coughed twice and said, "Gu Xi, you go to see your grandfather first."

"Hmph, I won't leave, what can you do with me?"

Knowing that everything was a trap, Gu Xi was in a good mood when he learned that nothing would happen to his grandpa. He regained his old character and said, "I won't leave, I will listen."

Ding Zhanpeng was speechless, and said: "If you don't leave, I won't take action to treat it. I can't guarantee whether your grandfather will have an accident by then."

"You!" Gu Xi stomped his feet angrily, and said, "You will bully me!"

Murong Guo coughed twice, and said with a smile, "Xiao Xi, I'll take you to the confinement room."

"Hmph, don't think I've forgiven you. Although you take good care of me, if you bully me once, you have to pay for it."

Gu Xi gave Murong Guo a hard look, then turned his head, and shouted at Ding Zhanpeng: "And you, you always bully me. If you don't listen, don't listen. What's the big deal."

She understood that Ding Zhanpeng had a secret to keep from herself, just like last time, he hit Can Gaowei with a thunderous blow, and then left quietly.

The more secrets Ding Zhanpeng has, the more he attracts her and makes her unable to extricate herself.

Afterwards, accompanied by Murong Guo, Gu Xi walked out of the room angrily.

Ding Zhanpeng and the old man were left in the room.

There was a trace of reminiscence and nostalgia in the old man's eyes, quietly lost in thought.

Ding Zhanpeng didn't speak, he was waiting for the old man to tell the truth.

After a long time, the old man suppressed his smile and sighed: "I joined the army at the age of seventeen and fought for the nation against the devils. In one battle, I led a company of soldiers to attack the devils' positions. Unexpectedly, the devils set a trap to ambush me. The soldiers retreated, and I planned to sacrifice myself. At this time, your teacher came into the world like a god-man, and killed all the devils with a wave of his hand. No one in our company was injured. He told me that his students would come to me in the future, And saved my life. I firmly believe that decades have passed, and I have no worries and disasters. I thought I would enjoy my old age in this life. Unexpectedly, I got a strange disease two weeks ago. The condition has been deteriorating, but there is no cure Until a few days ago, I suddenly had a dream about your teacher, and he told me that in a few days, you will come to Haicheng and solve my problem. Your teacher's face is still the same, but I am old. "

Ding Zhanpeng's face was full of shock. He never expected that Li Tianhua and the old man had such a relationship.

The most incredible thing to him was that Li Tianhua had learned that he had a student decades ago.

This made Ding Zhanpeng unable to understand, and at the same time felt deeply terrified. Could everything be arranged

Seeing his expression, the old man suddenly said: "You don't need to worry, your teacher told me that if you feel fear, you can tell you, in fact, everything is arranged by God. He didn't explain the specific reason, but he left A paragraph. In the near future, there will be chaos in Haicheng City, and you must improve your strength as soon as possible to protect yourself in this chaos."

"Chaos? What chaos!"

Ding Zhanpeng felt that his head was in a half-short circuit state, everything came too fast, and he couldn't receive all the information at all.

The old man shook his head and said: "I don't know either. After he explained this, he disappeared. At first I thought I was fantasizing, but this conversation was deeply imprinted in my mind. So, I understand, your teacher is absolutely Watching your situation at all times."

Ding Zhanpeng was silent, raised his head after a long time, and said: "Thank you very much, Mr., let me see your body next."

Tianlao tremblingly stretched out his wrist, and said, "You don't need to be grateful, my name is Murongtian, you can just call me Tianlao."

"God, we're starting."

Ding Zhanpeng restrained his thoughts and said solemnly: "I have used special means to observe that a large amount of black gas has accumulated in your body. I saw these gases in Qu Lao and Mayor Lian's father, but I didn't expect to have them in you too. Moreover, The black energy in your body has accumulated very deeply, and it has already penetrated into the bone marrow. If there is no accident, you will die completely in a week. I want to get rid of the black energy first, and then activate the blood circulation in your body to increase your lifespan. But Before the treatment, God first returned to me with two questions."

Tian Lao nodded and said, "I can answer any question."

"That's good, the first question, who arranged the Fengshui array in your home?"

Ding Zhanpeng asked the doubts in his heart.

Tian Lao didn't answer immediately, but asked, "What's the second question?"

Seeing that he avoided answering, Ding Zhanpeng thought that he had touched the bottom line of Tianlao, and was a little disappointed. He said, "How did you get the black energy on your body? Or, where did you go to, you got this disease."

Tianlao pondered for a while, and then slowly said: "The first question, my grandson studied with a Taoist and learned that I had a strange disease, so he came to the villa and arranged this Fengshui array, which relieved my pain. Painful, and then passed away. The second question, this disease has no symptoms, I suddenly fainted, and I woke up sick. I searched all over the country for famous doctors, and even asked foreign famous doctors, but it didn’t help. After that, I realized that this disease is not something a doctor can treat.”