Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 179: Ancient Secrets


Qu Ming was overjoyed, and was about to take action, but saw a flash in front of his eyes, and the fat man came to the crystal ball at an extremely fast speed.

Qu Ming understood Fatty's thoughts as soon as he thought about it, and said with a smile, "Fatty, let you go."

Everyone understood his mood, so they stopped talking.

The fat man took a deep breath, and a trace of excitement and trance flashed in his eyes.

He put his hands on the crystal ball and waited quietly.

A minute passed without any response from the crystal ball.

The fat man didn't let go, he was expecting a miracle.

Two minutes passed and the situation remained the same.

The fat man was lost in thought, not knowing what he was thinking.

Three minutes passed, and the crystal ball did not respond.

A trace of unwillingness and loneliness flashed in the fat man's eyes, and he smiled bitterly and said, "The expert said it well, I am indeed not a cultivator. I don't believe it, but I still have expectations in my heart. As a result, the higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment. Hey, I am too helpless." Self-knowledge."

The fat man laughed at himself, the sadness and loss in his tone were obvious.

Qu Ming couldn't see it anymore, and persuaded him: "Fatty, it doesn't matter, we have always been brothers. Besides, there are no absolutes in the world, and there may be a chance to find a solution in the future. Don't be discouraged..."

"Don't worry, my mentality is very good, and I won't be sad because of such a trivial matter. If I don't, I won't be able to cultivate, and I won't believe it. If I don't cultivate, I will have a bad life."

Fatty is also a free and easy person, since he is sure that he can't cultivate, he doesn't force it.

Some things cannot be forced.

The moment the fat man let go of his hand, a black light flashed in the crystal ball.

This black light was so faint that no one could detect it except for Xiao Ding Ding.

Little Ding Ding was puzzled, and said in a milky voice, "Brother Fatty, let go of the crystal ball first."

Everyone was taken aback, not understanding what Xiao Ding Ding wanted.

Ding Zhanpeng was the first to ask, "Xiao Dingding, what's so strange?"

Xiao Dingding shook his head, and said in a milky voice: "Little Dingding seems to have seen something abnormal, but he is not sure. So, Brother Fatty, come again, Xiao Dingding, to confirm the situation."

Fatty was secretly excited, did he still have hope

Putting your hands together again, the crystal ball still didn't respond.

Three minutes passed, just when everyone thought Xiao Ding Ding was wrong, a faint black light flashed in the crystal ball.

Now, everyone was excited. Although they didn't know what the black light represented, it was a good thing to have a reaction.

"Little Dingding, what's the matter?"

Ding Zhanpeng was also worried for Fatty. Although the two had known each other for less than a day, he felt that this kind of thing was very strange. Ding Zhanpeng felt that Fatty was a person worthy of deep friendship, so he also hoped that Fatty could become a cultivator.

"Tsk tsk..." Little Ding Ding bit his finger, wondering: "Brother Fatty... Are you really human?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was speechless. How is this not human

Ding Zhanpeng directly mentioned Xiao Dingding, and said angrily: "Don't be a secret, tell me what you have as soon as possible."

"Well... Dad died..."

Xiao Ding Ding moved around, trying to get rid of Ding Zhanpeng's clutches, but in vain, he could only say aggrieved: "Xiao Ding Ding is not very sure, silly Niu Niu may know."

"Damn! It's useless!" Ding Zhanpeng rolled his eyes and called out Niu Niu.

Niu Niu was sleeping, she was woken up, she rubbed her eyes, seeing so many people here, she was surprised and said: "Big brother, where are we?"

Qu Ming and Fatty were dumbfounded again, what is this

"Ahem, let me introduce you. This is Niuniu, the soul of a jade flute. As for what a soul is, I will explain it to you when I have time."

Ding Zhanpeng coughed twice and gave an introduction reluctantly.

Niu Niu is very generous, she waved her little hand, and said in a milky voice: "Hi, everyone, I am Niu Niu, nice to meet you!"

Qu Ming and Fatty looked at each other, unable to accept it for the time being.

Niuniu didn't care, seeing little Dingding rolling on the ground, she couldn't help laughing and said, "Hey, the stinky kid is playing in the sand again, and he said he is 10,000 years old, so shameless."

"Silly girl, little Ding Ding is only 10,000 years old...you are only a few thousand years old...you still have the face to talk... hurry up and call brother..."

Little Ding Ding was unhappy, got up with a grunt, and shouted.

Niuniu didn't dare to show weakness, and retorted: "Don't worry, a brat, who dares to call himself his brother, is shameless and ashamed."

Xiao Ding Ding puffed up her face when she was angry, and was about to curse.

Ding Zhanpeng was left speechless by the two of them, so he quickly picked up one in each hand, and said: "Okay, don't quarrel. Are you annoying? You quarrel every day. I really don't understand why you are arguing. You will quarrel even about trivial things. In the future How do you live when you are married?"

At the end, Ding Zhanpeng couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Ding Ding and Niu Niu hurriedly said: "That's not true, they won't get married..."

"Haha!" Qu Ming and Fatty were amused by the two live treasures, and laughed loudly: "You... are so cute... It's really a waste not to be a couple..."

Niu Niu and Xiao Ding Ding became even more unhappy. They looked at each other, and after seeing the other's disdain, they turned their heads away and ignored each other.

Ding Zhanpeng smiled and said: "Niu Niu, don't be angry, come on, big brother has something to ask you. Little Ding Ding can't solve this matter."

Niu Niu's eyes lit up, and she said in a milky voice, "Don't worry, Niu Niu is not like a brat, if you have anything to do, just say it."

Little Dingding was obviously not convinced, and argued: "It's not that Little Dingding doesn't know, it's because he's not sure. Little Dingding guessed that Fatty's brother had evil energy in his body, and it was this evil energy that prevented him from cultivating. But Little Dingding was a little strange. Evil auras appear, and these evil auras are so weak that they cannot be detected without a crystal ball. Fortunately, evil auras are unique to Xiexiu's body... "

After listening to this, Niu Niu found it very complicated, and asked, "Big brother, what are you talking about? Little Ding Ding is so stupid, Niu Niu didn't understand a word."

Xiao Ding Ding pouted, and said in a milky voice, "Because Niuniu is too stupid, she can't understand."

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, Ding Zhanpeng said angrily: "Okay, don't bicker, let's deal with business first."

After finishing speaking, explain in detail the slight changes in the crystal ball.

After hearing this, Niuniu floated up, circled the fat man twice, and said in amazement: "It's really amazing, I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. If Niuniu didn't guess, the origin of this fat brother is not simple... Before talking about this question, Niuniu will explain the ancient war to you first."

Niuniu landed on the ground, her face straightened, and she said seriously: "In ancient times, humans and beasts coexisted. These beasts are so powerful that they can shatter the earth with a single palm. Human beings are enslaved by beasts and become their food. This period, known as the Dark Ages by the ancestors of mankind."

When Ding Zhanpeng and others heard this, they were shocked. Humans still have such a history

Niuniu didn't pause, and continued: "Later, by a coincidence, the human leader discovered a way to communicate with the world and use the power of the world. This method is just cultivation. Of course, the cultivation system in that era was not as clear as it is now, and it was more powerful. They are not strong either. But human beings are a very intelligent species. On the surface, they accept the enslavement of fierce beasts, but secretly they practice desperately to strengthen themselves."

"Later, human beings kept secrets and successfully avoided the attention of the beasts, and the human leader took the lead in training successfully and began to fight against the beasts. However, the accumulation of human beings was too weak, and they were no match for the beasts at all, so they were quickly beaten. Afterwards, human beings began to hide in Tibet, while seeking ways to strengthen their own strength. Finally, a wise man came out, and he thought of a way."

Niu Niu took a deep breath, her tone was a little startled, and said: "This wise man thinks that humans can use the power of fierce beasts to increase their combat effectiveness in a short period of time. The blood of fierce beasts has powerful energy elements. After being forcibly attracted by humans , will be combined with human genes, and then new genes will be born, so as to obtain super strength. Of course, this combination has a price. Humans will drink the blood of fierce beasts, and the body will have a violent backlash. People who cannot hold on It will explode and die. Even if it survives successfully, it will become an inhuman monster. However, for human beings at that time, there was no distinction between form and race, and everything was for survival. Therefore, human beings emerged with two forces faction, a faction of cultivation, and a faction of mutant beasts. The two factions have united with each other. After a long period of time, they have finally grown. Moreover, the human birth cycle and growth cycle are short. They have an absolute advantage in number. On the contrary, the strength of the beasts It is powerful, but its fertility is extremely low. In the long-term struggle, it ended in failure and was wiped out by humans, and some of the remaining beasts were enslaved by humans in turn, and history was changed."

Ding Zhanpeng and others were speechless for a long time after listening.

If they had no contact with cultivation, it would be hard for them to believe that the ancestors of mankind had such a history.

Little Ding Ding was very annoyed at Niu Niu's showing off, and said in a milky voice, "Silly Niu Niu, you've said so much nonsense, but you still haven't said the point. What's the use?"

Niu Niu got angry, and said in a milky voice: "Stinky boy, what do you know! Niu Niu is laying the groundwork, and the following is the key point."

After a pause, he continued: "Humanity has won, and there is no threat to survival. As a result, some human beings began to develop ambitions, intending to unify mankind and become the master. Therefore, the two power factions that previously lived in harmony fought with each other, and the number of human beings was huge. The range decreased, and the former fierce beasts were able to breathe and reproduce again. Finally, a three-legged confrontation appeared. They couldn't do anything to each other. And these fierce beasts and mutated humans are called evil cultivators. In fact, among the offspring of fierce beasts In the eyes of mutated humans, we orthodox cultivators are not evil cultivators? We stand in different camps and have different perspectives on things. Okay, back to the topic. This fat brother is very special, if I am not mistaken , he should be a descendant of mutant human beings, but after several generations, the blood in his body has changed, which is why he became like this."

Fatty's hands trembled, the news was too scary.

Ding Zhanpeng took the opportunity to ask: "Niuniu, can that fat man practice?"