Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 203: Spiritual song


Perhaps affected by the emotional fluctuations of the people behind the scenes, the flame giant changed from the previous monotonous melee attack mode.

It raised its arms high, and the raging flames surged into the sky, forming a huge crimson cloud.

There are countless fire snakes as thick as arms swimming in the cloud.

With a "click", the fire snake broke away from the cloud, and landed on top of Ding Zhanpeng's head in the blink of an eye.

"Fuck! Damn it!"

Ding Zhanpeng cursed and narrowly escaped.

"Kacha... Kacha..."

one... two... three...

The fire snake was like thunder, illuminating the dark space.

Ding Zhanpeng tensed up and dodged left and right.

The teasing voice of the person behind the scenes sounded again, "Tsk tsk, you have good resilience. I admit, I didn't see you much before."

As soon as the words fell, a low-pitched incantation came slowly.

The empty space was suddenly filled with howling and distorted faces.

"Knot… "

The people behind the scenes suddenly burst into tears.

There were bursts of mournful sounds from the human face, as if struggling.

It's a pity that everything was in vain.

Under the action of a huge invisible attraction, the faces slowly coalesced, and finally, it became a blue monster with mouths all over its body.

"I wipe it!"

Ding Zhanpeng's scalp was numb.

The strength of this monster is unknown, and its appearance is enough to scare children to tears.

The mouth of the monster with a human face squirmed and let out a deep cry, "Hungry... hungry..."

"Jie Jie, humans..."

Behind the scenes smiled grimly, "Do you like this gift? My babies are hungry and need a lot of fresh flesh and blood..."

"Disgusting thing, go away..."

Ding Zhanpeng's eyes were fixed, and he recited the formula silently in his heart.

A huge pillar of fire knocked away the approaching human-faced monster.

The flame seeped into the monster's mouth and burned violently.


The human-faced monster jumped up and down, shaking off the flames vigorously.

Here, the flame giant roared, and the fire clouds surged in the sky, and a rain of flames began to fall.

Ding Zhanpeng was busy avoiding it, and glanced out of the corner of his eye.

The countless mouths of the monster with a human face emanated faint blue light balls, which quickly converged into one point, then formed a ball of light, and then shot out a dazzling beam of light.

Faced with such a dense attack, Ding Zhanpeng cast the most powerful spell he has mastered at this stage - the mind wall.

Flames and beams of light came suddenly, hitting the invisible wall of thought power surrounding Ding Zhanpeng hard.

As soon as the three collided, a loud noise erupted immediately.

It's not over yet.

In addition to resisting attacks, the mind wall can also bounce back all damage, and the damage is doubled.

As a result, the power of the previous beam of light and flames suddenly increased and returned to their respective casters.


The monster with a human face and the flame giant were foolishly hit, and their bodies were gradually annihilated.

The people behind the scenes were quietly enjoying the killing scene, but they didn't expect a dramatic change, and immediately said in a hoarse voice: "Humans, how dare you kill my children..."

After a pause, the tone of voice suddenly became strange, "The wall of thoughts, a spell that I haven't seen for a long time. Very interesting human beings..."

Ding Zhanpeng was shocked. He found that this person was not as simple as he thought.

The magic of "Mind Wall" comes from the magic skill of "Only I Respect the Heaven and Earth".

When he stepped into the middle stage of transforming gods, a series of strange words suddenly appeared on the blank pages in the book, and outsiders could not see them. Only he could understand the meaning of the strange words. At the same time, the cultivation method of "thought wall" was automatically generated in his mind.

He mastered this spell easily, but never had the chance to cast it.

As a result, the first time it was used, it was seen through by the people behind the scenes.

Now, Ding Zhanpeng was terrified and asked, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, because the dead don't need to know the answer."

The person behind the scenes did not explain, but said in a cold tone, "Kill my hard-earned soul seed. Do you think you can still live?"

"Anyone can say big things, if you have the ability, let them go."

Ding Zhanpeng's heart sank, his mouth was frivolous and impetuous, with a look of indifference.

"Don't worry, I will love you well..."

The person behind the scenes laughed, his voice flickered from far to near.

Ding Zhanpeng's chrysanthemum tightened, and he felt a chill, "Damn gay, get the hell out of here! I'm a normal man..."

Suddenly, the pitch-black space vibrated, and ripples spread...

"This is my last resort, spiritual song... take your time and enjoy..."

The words of the person behind the scenes were full of murderous intent, and somewhat decisive.

Ding Zhanpeng frowned, this sounded very strange.

"Jie Jie..."

The voice was a little more ethereal, "Now that things have happened, I will tell you the truth. In fact, I am a clone, and I went to Haicheng City to collect souls. It went well before, and the task has been completed. Tonight, the last collection will be carried out. I met you by accident. A cultivator with good strength. Unfortunately, I am not strong enough to kill you, but lost part of my soul. Now, in order to preserve the remaining soul, I need to sacrifice my clone and activate the secret technique of "Song of the Soul". Jie Jie, Forgot, this space is called Anxi Cemetery, which is dedicated to burying living people... "

Ding Zhanpeng's heart was turbulent.

He once guessed that "Song of Soul Requiem" had a great reputation and great power.

As long as the brains of the souls who have obtained this technique are not bad, they must practice in secret, and when the magic skill is complete, they will dominate one side.

Facts have proved that his conjecture is very correct.

The behind-the-scenes person who cultivated in the later stage of the transformation of the gods was actually a clone that was discarded casually.

Look at the tone, there are many avatars with such uses.

So, the strength of the subject...

Thinking of this, Ding Zhanpeng felt heavy and forgot that he was in danger.

He didn't come back to his senses until bursts of ear-piercing roars hurt his eardrums.

At this time, the people behind the scenes had already completed the secret technique.

At the same time, he slowly floated out from the bottomless depths of the dark space.

Ding Zhanpeng finally saw his true face.

Distorted facial features, empty eye sockets flashing strange white light, bloody head, divided into two parts below the neck.

Half of it is a flesh and blood body with human characteristics, and the other half is white bones covered with thick ink-colored liquid.

An unspeakable sense of fear welled up in Ding Zhanpeng's heart.

This sense of fear comes from spiritual coercion.

"Don't panic..."

He saw Ding Zhanpeng's thoughts, and said slowly: "Death is like a lamp going out. The skin is necrotic, but the spirit lasts forever. This is another form of existence. Unfortunately, in the resting cemetery, the soul is locked by invisible shackles. Can’t get out. You, human, will disappear with this space without leaving a trace.”

At this moment, Ding Zhanpeng calmed down and said, "Since I must die, can you tell me your real identity?"

"Jie Jie..."

The white light in his eyes trembled slightly, and his voice was hoarse, "This little trick doesn't work for me. I can't tell if the secret technique can kill you completely. If the secret technique fails, this time of self-sacrifice will be in vain. So, give up, I I won't tell you the answer. The time is up, human, disappear with me... "

After speaking, a sky blue beam of light hit him.

The distorted facial features became even more distorted, and the body was broken to varying degrees.

A trace of flame rose up and wrapped around him.


The dark space merged with him, regardless of each other.

The flames are spreading, and the space is collapsing.

A touching and melodious song played.

With the beat of the melody, the space rises and falls, and there seem to be countless light circles scattered...

Ding Zhanpeng stood where he was, as if he was stupid.

The moment the song was played, his mental strength changed drastically.

An unspeakable sense of sadness welled up in his brain, stimulating his emotions all the time.

He wanted to struggle, but his body was out of control and his brain was severely disturbed.

According to this, the moment the space shatters, he will die with it.

"any idea?"

Ding Zhanpeng was anxious.

"Kach... Kacha..."

A space breaks two paragraphs.

There is a gray haze in the center.

The smog rolled, extending branch-like tentacles to drill into Ding Zhanpeng's skin, penetrate deep into the flesh and internal organs, and absorb cells.

"Find a way... find a way..."

Facing the predicament, Ding Zhanpeng's thoughts quickly changed and he forced himself to calm down.

However, the more anxious he was, the more he couldn't calm down. In the end, he was restless like an angry beast.


Space cracks.

Ding Zhanpeng's body was torn apart, and the smoke haze wantonly absorbed the cells, turning them into black ash. This is the positive purpose of the smoke haze.

Time freezes at this moment.

Ding Zhanpeng understood that he couldn't struggle, but calmed down instead.

The memory plays back in the mind.

Familiar faces flew upside down.

With a sound of "唰", the picture freezes, and Hua Xueqing's pretty face emerges.

"Honey, I'll wait for you..."

Hua Xueqing smiled mischievously, and all the frost on her face melted.

Ding Zhanpeng stretched out his arms instinctively, stroking her face.


The screen shattered and began to play backwards again.

Freeze again.

Xiao Dingding and Ding Zhanpeng practiced in the room of the rental house.

"Dad... so perverted..."

Little Ding Ding spun around Ding Zhanpeng, and said in a milky voice: "Building a foundation in a hundred days can be called a genius... It took my father more than ten days to step into the realm of transforming gods... Little Ding Ding doesn't know how to describe it..."

Ding Zhanpeng picked up the cheat book and asked in confusion: "Xiao Dingding, the realm of transforming spirits is one level higher than the realm of refining qi. Why do I feel that there is no obvious difference between the two?"

"Well… "

Xiao Dingding rolled her eyes and said with contempt: "Because Dad's cultivation method is opportunistic... It takes five to twenty years for ordinary people to cultivate to the great success of the Qi refining stage, and it takes even decades for those with low qualifications. After that, there is a threshold." , preventing most cultivators from advancing to the God Realm."

After a pause, he continued: "The realm of transforming gods, commonly known as the acquired realm, is the most difficult level to cultivate. At this stage, one needs to constantly hone one's mind and condense spiritual energy... Spiritual power seems to be illusory, but it exists in reality, but it is difficult to cultivate. Cultivation. For this reason, practitioners will enter the world, experience all kinds of life, and understand the emotions of the world. In the end, it will take decades to achieve great success and break through the innate realm... "

Ding Zhanpeng was stunned and said in shock: "In this way, it takes a whole life to cultivate to the innate state..."

"This is the difference between a cultivator and a mortal."

Little Ding Ding's face straightened, and he said in a milky voice: "Dad, you have not adjusted your mentality, so you don't understand the reason. When you succeed in drawing qi into your body, strictly speaking, you are no longer a human being. In the process of continuous cultivation, The aura of the weather will transform your body and increase your lifespan. When you step into the realm of becoming a god, your soul will be greatly tempered and have power beyond human beings. This power, apart from the physical body, comes more from the soul... "