Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 231: Promoted to the congenital realm


The power of Thunder Tribulation is terrifying.

There is also the monkey head's desperate attack.

He is close to exhaustion.

On the other side, the demon cultivators did not run away in the end and were all killed.

The monkey head saw it in his eyes, and the grief and indignation in his heart can be imagined.

He really wanted to kill Ding Zhanpeng with one blow.

However, he accidentally discovered that Ding Zhanpeng was carrying an aura-filled spirit of heaven and earth.

Thus, the two entered into a protracted battle, and Jieyun gradually thinned out, showing signs of disappearing.

Seeing this, Ding Zhanpeng was overjoyed. He knew that the robbery cloud had dissipated. As long as he succeeded in crossing the robbery, he would enter the innate realm. At that time, the monkey head would no longer be his opponent.

The monkey head also saw it, and was very worried.

He didn't understand why such a powerful Jieyun was so weak.

Could it be that the outside is strong but the middle is dry

Maybe he sensed the monkey head's thoughts.

Jieyun gave the answer.

A thunderbolt struck, and a mountain range was shattered into rock powder.

Only then did the two see clearly.

Jieyun shrinks in size, not because it is about to disperse, but because it has accumulated all its energy and is ready to deliver a fatal blow.

Ding Zhanpeng was shocked, and stepped aside, ready to take out his battle armor.

Monkey head laughed all over, and said: "Human, you are dead! Jieyun's last blow, you and I can't resist it. So, you go to die!"

Ding Zhanpeng didn't speak, his heart skipped a beat, and his armor suddenly covered him.

Seeing this, the monkey head was taken aback, "Battle armor! Impossible, how can you use a battle armor!"

Ding Zhanpeng looked at the monkey head with the eyes of an idiot, and said helplessly: "Your IQ makes me ashamed. I don't understand how you cultivated to the innate state. But everything is not important. I will not tell you the answer, you You can die."

The voice just fell.

The electric snakes swimming in Jieyun suddenly gathered together.

Slowly it became a huge brontosaurus.

Thunder Dragon raised its head to the sky and howled, and then swooped down, its targets were Monkey Head and Ding Zhanpeng.


The thunder flashed, and the monkey head didn't even have the ability to resist, and it was directly reduced to ashes.

As for Ding Zhanpeng, he activated the armor's defensive skills.

Barely resisted the attack of Thunder Dragon.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Brontosaurus is full of energy and shows no signs of fatigue.

On the other hand, Ding Zhanpeng.

Put the leaves in your hand into your mouth one by one.

Countless groups of energy entered the body, and then passed to the armor.

It's a pity that the leaves are limited, and the transformation of aura is not timely.

Finally, the shield generated by the battle armor "clicked", and countless cracks opened.

Thunder Dragon roared, broke through the defensive shield, and hit Ding Zhanpeng directly.

Ding Zhanpeng twitched all over, electric current flowed all over his body, his skin was torn apart.

In the space of consciousness, a thunder dragon is fighting with the golden figure.

Ding Zhanpeng secretly rejoiced that Jieyun's last attack turned out to be a mental attack.

He consumed a lot of spiritual energy, but he didn't consume any mental power.

Now, the balance of victory has tilted towards him.

In the end, the thunder dragon was no match for the golden villain, and turned into a ball of energy particles, which was absorbed by the golden villain.

At the same time, the robbery clouds in the sky dispersed.

A streak of multicolored light illuminates the sky.

Ding Zhanpeng was exposed to colored light, and all the injured parts healed, and all the pores of his body were opened, absorbing a lot of colored light.

These colorful lights are actually energy clusters.

Every time the cultivator succeeds in crossing the catastrophe.

Jieyun will send down the auspicious light to help practitioners break through the current barrier and increase the strength of the physical body.

In addition, the previous lightning energy tempered the body.

Ding Zhanpeng's body is several grades stronger than that of practitioners of the same level.

The robbery cloud dissipated, and the auspicious light disappeared.

The sky was clear again.

Only the crumbling woods and gravels on the ground prove that there has just been a catastrophic disaster here.

Ding Zhanpeng opened his eyes.

I saw a lot of spiritual energy in the air, and the trees and the earth were full of vitality.

This strange situation made Ding Zhanpeng stunned for a while, not understanding what was going on...

"Dad... woo... Dad..."

In the distance, a familiar voice came.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Dingding threw himself into Ding Zhanpeng's arms and burst into tears: "Dad... woo... Dad..."

"Fuck! Cry!"

Ding Zhanpeng was angry and wanted to spank little Ding Ding's butt a hundred times.

What the hell, he was almost cheated to death.

However, little Ding Ding was crying into tears, his little face was in a ball, his eyes were red, and he looked very pitiful.

Therefore, Ding Zhanpeng relented and did not punish him.

Xiao Dingding didn't care, tears and nose flowed together, and cried loudly: "Dad... Xiao Dingding is so scared... Xiao Dingding will never see you again... Woooo..."

"Damn!" Ding Zhanpeng said angrily: "You're right, Dad was almost killed by you. Asshole, I promised to help when I was in danger. In the end, something happened and everyone disappeared. I I was besieged by a group of demon cultivators and almost died. Fortunately, I am smart and know how to use Jieyun to protect myself. However, this time is very dangerous, and it is good luck not to die."

Ding Zhanpeng patted his chest with lingering fear.

"Woo... Dad... I'm sorry... Xiao Dingding didn't do it on purpose..."

Crying, Xiao Ding Ding explained: "Little Ding Ding wanted to help Dad... So, while there was no one in the cave, he went into the cave to search. As a result, he really found something good. When I came back, Dad was already surrounded by Jie Yun. Little Ding Ding didn't dare to get close, so he had to hide far away... Dad... Congratulations on your success in surviving the tribulation, you have the cultivation base of the innate realm... "

"You little money fanatic almost killed me..."

Ding Zhanpeng was so angry that his nose was crooked.

No wonder I had to meet someone. It turned out that I went to pick up treasures.

"Come on. Tell me, what good things did you get?"

Ding Zhanpeng's heart moved, and his tone became a little more fiery, "'Slaying the Sky League' branch... hehe... there are definitely a lot of good things."

Little Ding Ding stopped crying, took out a glass bottle as if offering a treasure, and said in a milky voice: "Dad... there are many souls in it... among them... including Sister Feng's grandfather... and this..."

After speaking, he took out another transparent jade stone the size of a palm, and said pleasantly: "The jade stone contains high-level spiritual energy, which is suitable for Dad to practice..."

Ding Zhanpeng was startled, and stammered: "Advanced spiritual energy? There is no mistake, right?"

"It's definitely not wrong!" Xiao Dingding puffed out his chest and said proudly: "Little Dingding has very good eyesight, so he can't make mistakes."

Ding Zhanpeng penetrated spiritual power.

Sure enough, there was a lot of green gas flowing in the jade.

Trying to attract a little bit, it immediately filled the empty air sea...

"Fuck! Good stuff!"

Ding Zhanpeng praised, and at the same time marveled at the power of the high-level aura.

A little spiritual energy can fill the sea of qi, what the hell is too hanging.

"Dad...why don't you like Ding Ding..."

Xiao Dingding pursed her mouth and said aggrievedly: "Xiao Dingding found something good... Dad should appreciate it with all his strength..."

"Praise you!" Ding Zhanpeng called out in anger, "I don't care about your cheating, it's already very kind. You still want to praise me, there is no door..."

"Woooo..." Xiao Ding Ding burst into tears, and said, "Dad bullied people... Xiao Ding Ding has already apologized... it didn't mean it... Dad is a villain... Xiao Ding Ding won't give you jade..."

"Damn!" Ding Zhanpeng immediately hid the jade, and said in a whisper: "I want to get the jade back, but there is no way. Haha!"

"Hmph... Dad is dead..."

Xiao Ding Ding took out a stick like a branch, and said in a milky voice, "Little Ding Ding still has a hand... hee hee... this is also a good thing... I won't give it to Dad..."

Ding Zhanpeng was taken aback, and saw a lot of red aura flowing from the stick.

It is the intermediate aura.

"Wow! Little Ding Ding... has grown up and his wings are hard... dare to keep a hand..."

Ding Zhanpeng pretended to be angry, but he had no intention of asking for the stick.

Little Ding Ding contributed a lot in this operation to kill the enemy.

Although he cheated once in the end, it was an unintentional mistake.

Therefore, Ding Zhanpeng didn't care.

It is normal to take some benefits now.

"Wuuu... Dad... This is for Xiao Ding Ding... okay..."

Little Ding Ding blinked and pretended to cry.

Ding Zhanpeng smiled and said: "I can give it to you. But you have to tell me. This long stick has a magical purpose!"

"Oh yes! Daddy is the best..."

Xiao Ding Ding was very excited, kissed Ding Zhanpeng's face hard, and then explained: "Don't underestimate it. This thing is a good thing. After some refining, it can become a high-level spiritual weapon. However, Xiao Ding Ding I don’t have the materials in hand, so I can only put them away for now. When there is a chance in the future, Xiao Dingding will help Dad refine a good weapon.”

Ding Zhanpeng felt warm in his heart. It turned out that it was still for his own use.

"Of course, the stick itself has a very strong aura. If you take it, you can enhance your cultivation."

Little Ding Ding said another use.

Ding Zhanpeng immediately reacted, and said helplessly: "Good boy, now you have learned how to play tricks. Actually, you want to take this long stick, don't you?"

"Well..." Xiao Dingding nodded his head, and said in a milky voice: "Dad, Xiao Dingding has been trapped in the late stage of the Golden Core Realm for a long time. Although he has been sucking spiritual energy, he has consumed a lot of spiritual energy. Because of this reason, he has been able to make breakthroughs. .However, the enemy is getting stronger and stronger. If Xiao Ding Ding's cultivation can't keep up, it will hold Dad back in the future."

Ding Zhanpeng nodded, he also had this concern.

Little Ding Ding was once a Nine Tribulations Loose Immortal, and spent most of his cultivation in order to travel through time.

Now, little Ding Ding lacks a huge amount of aura to advance.

After thinking about it, Ding Zhanpeng took out the jade and said with a smile, "Xiao Dingding, take this too."

"Well... no, this is daddy's penis, I can't have it..."

Little Ding Ding shook his head, and said in a milky voice, "Although Little Ding Ding lacks spiritual energy, Dad also needs spiritual energy to practice. Moreover, Little Ding Ding can't inhale too much spiritual energy at once, or he will explode."

"Okay! You take the long stick first. If you need it in the future, eat the jade."

Ding Zhanpeng is not a stingy person.

He will not begrudge anything that is beneficial to Xiao Dingding's cultivation.

"Hmm... Daddy Xiao Dingding is going to eat... help protect the law..."

Xiao Dingding said something, bit off the long stick in one bite, and entered the state of cultivation.

Ding Zhanpeng smiled wryly. He didn't expect Xiao Dingding to practice as soon as he said practice.

Even if you practice, you need to find a good place.

The current location is easy to find.

In desperation, Ding Zhanpeng had no choice but to stay alert and keep an eye out for all kinds of troubles.

Suddenly, there were bursts of aura fluctuations in the sky.

Ding Zhanpeng's heart trembled, and he found a few stones to cover it.