Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 30: interrogation


Little Ding Ding rummaged through the storage space and took out the willow sticks he ate yesterday. According to him, there were a lot of wicker sticks, enough to last for a week.

Cook according to the method, and the steaming wicker will come out of the oven.

As usual, Ding Zhanpeng can only eat one wicker stick. Although he protested, he couldn't hold back Xiao Dingding.

After a while, the aura contained in the wicker burst out and filled Ding Zhanpeng's whole body.

This time, Xiao Dingding did not help Ding Zhanpeng sort out his aura, because Ding Zhanpeng had already learned the method of body training in the cheat book and could practice on his own.

Without the help of Xiao Ding Ding, the speed of digesting the spiritual energy was extremely slow.

It took a full hour for Ding Zhanpeng to finish sorting out.

His strength has improved again, and now he can punch a hole in the ground with one punch.

Xiao Ding Ding patted the palm of his head and was very happy. The stronger Ding Zhanpeng is, the better it is for him.

After eating and drinking enough, Ding Zhanpeng asked: "Little Dingding, how is the situation of that person in the space?"

"He! He is fast asleep."

Xiao Ding Ding stroked his stomach, obviously not full, he still misses the taste of divine animal meat very much.

Ding Zhanpeng asked curiously, "Didn't he yell?"

"No, mortals will automatically fall into a deep sleep when they enter the storage space, and no one can wake them up. However, there is a time limit. Once more than three days, mortals who enter the space will explode and die. Therefore, Dad must call him out as soon as possible. , otherwise it will dirty the storage space of Ding Ding if it dies. Oh, Dad, why haven’t the mothers come back, Ding Ding is so boring.”

Little Ding Ding explained.

"Damn, bored to sleep, you don't have a mother, don't shout."

Ding Zhanpeng is most afraid of him like this, looking for his mother all day long, and people who don't know think he is kidnapping children.

"That's not it. Keke's mother and Qianqian's mother are very nice to Xiao Dingding. Dad, why don't you like mothers? Qing's mother is also very good, so don't quarrel with her."

Little Ding Ding sat on the bed, his legs were wobbling, and he tilted his head and said.

Ding Zhanpeng said unhappily: "Children know nothing, don't worry about the affairs between adults."

"Oh, Dad used to say that too."

Xiao Ding Ding expressed his understanding and nodded his head.

Ding Zhanpeng rolled his eyes, not entangled in this issue.

As a matter of urgency, you should solve your own crisis.

"Little Ding Ding, send Dad into the storage space."

Ding Zhanpeng thought for a while and asked, "Can you follow in?"

"Oh, little Ding Ding is the owner of the storage space, so he can't go in. Dad can't go in either. Although Dad is already a strong person in the realm of physical training, his body is not strong enough to withstand the pressure of the storage space. Once he enters the space, immediately enter deep sleep."

Little Ding Ding shook his little head.

"Okay, send Li Wen out, I'll interrogate him myself..."

After finishing speaking, Ding Zhanpeng found that there was another person in front of him, and it was Li Wen.

Li Wen went out of the space, woke up faintly, and found that he was in an unfamiliar environment, and the man who had knocked him out before was looking at him with a smile.

This smile, no matter how you look at it, is a bit wretched and sinister.

"Who are you? Where is this?"

Li Wen came back to his senses and asked cautiously.

"You need to know my identity, you just need to understand that you are in my territory now, and you are my prisoner."

Ding Zhanpeng found a stool and sat on it by himself, "Li Wen, I have a few questions, answer them honestly, and I will let you go."

Li Wen was not surprised that the other party knew his name. Since he was following him, he must have a detailed understanding of him.

"Hmph! I'm wishful thinking, I won't answer any of your questions. And, let me advise you, let me go quickly. Otherwise, the people behind me will come to the door very quickly, and you won't be able to run away when the time comes."

Li Wen kept his mouth shut and threatened Ding Zhanpeng in turn.

He believed that the boss had already learned about his disappearance, and with his influence in Nandu, he could find him in half a day, so he didn't need to worry at all.

"I suggest you look at your situation first. Don't think that I can't do anything about you if you don't explain. I just want you to suffer less. Once I'm in a hurry, I can do anything."

Ding Zhanpeng's words are true, he has a huge debt of 3 billion for no reason, and if he doesn't wash away his grievances quickly, life will be difficult.

Li Wen didn't speak, acting as if I just didn't speak.

"Fuck, your mouth is really tough. I'll see how long your mouth will be. Little Ding Ding will do it."

Ding Zhanpeng was overjoyed and shouted.

Little Ding Ding asked confusedly, "Father, what are you doing?"

Ding Zhanpeng was taken aback, "Use the spell for extorting a confession!"

Xiao Ding Ding spread his palms and said aggrievedly: "Little Ding Ding doesn't understand! Dad didn't teach Xiao Ding Ding."

"I... rely on..."

Ding Zhanpeng was stunned for a long time, and finally choked out a sentence.

He always thought that little Ding Ding was omnipotent and must know the small tricks to extract a confession, but he didn't expect that he wouldn't, what a fucking dog.

Little Ding Ding flattened his mouth, expressing that he was helpless.

Li Wen has been watching with cold eyes, thinking that the person who kidnapped him has some clever means, but he didn't expect it to be a farce, so he couldn't help laughing: "You can use any means, I have received professional training, and ordinary means are useless to me. Remind me again Let me just say, no matter what your purpose is, you'd better measure your own strength first. The people behind me are powerful, and not a brat like you can compete. If you let me go now, I can pretend nothing happened. "

"Hehe, do you think I'm as stupid as you? Only a fool will believe your nonsense."

Ding Zhanpeng searched on the desktop, and finally found the iPhone 6S that he left behind.

He turned on the phone and found that there were more than a dozen text messages in it, all from Hua Xueqing, with roughly the same content, asking why he couldn't get through the phone.

Ding Zhanpeng glanced at the time sent in a short time, it was just after he went out.

After hesitating, she didn't call Hua Xueqing's mobile number in the end.

In the afternoon, I wanted to tell her that I had found the general manager of Jingcheng Group and a series of forged documents.

Unexpectedly, the quarrel between the two was too rigid, so that he had no time to speak.

Li Wen kept looking for an opportunity to subdue Ding Zhanpeng. Seeing him staring at the phone in a daze, Li Wen knew that the opportunity had come, and stood up quietly, ready to deliver a fatal blow.

Little Dingding suddenly flew in front of him, blinked his little eyes, and said cutely: "Old man, your pants fell off."

Li Wen lowered his head subconsciously. Sure enough, his pants fell off and he quickly put them on, but found that he had forgotten an important fact. He said in horror: "You...you...can fly..."

Xiao Ding Ding flew around him and smiled: "Little Ding Ding is amazing, besides flying, he can also eat people."

"Monster... monster..."

Li Wen slurred his speech and fell to the ground.

"Little Ding Ding is not a monster, but a Nascent Soul."

Little Ding Ding thought it was fun, mentioned Li Wen, and flew up and down in the room.

Li Wen was frightened, foamed at the mouth, and passed out.

"Hmph! It's not fun, it's better for my mother, but it's fun."

Little Ding Ding muttered dissatisfiedly, and dropped Li Wen.

Poor Li Wen hit the ground hard, woke up from the pain and passed out again.

The corner of Ding Zhanpeng's mouth twitched, silently sympathizing with him.

"Don't sleep, old man, Dad is looking for you."

Little Ding Ding was riding on Li Wen's chest, bouncing up and down.

"Stop! Little Ding Ding is back."

Ding Zhanpeng was afraid that Xiao Dingding would accidentally trample Li Wen to death, so he hurriedly shouted.

Little Ding Ding was very obedient and flew back to the bed.

Ding Zhanpeng breathed a sigh of relief, and felt worried again. In the end, he had no choice but to ask Xiao Dingding to take Li Wen into the storage space again.

At this time, the door was knocked.

Ding Zhanpeng opened the door, and Chen Qian stood outside, holding a black plastic bag in her hand.

"Hee hee, mom is back."

Little Ding Ding waved his little arms.

Chen Qian blushed, and said shamelessly, "Little Ding Ding, don't yell, my sister is not my mother."

"Ahem, Tongyan Wuji. What can you do with me?"

Ding Zhanpeng asked first to avoid Xiao Dingding's nonsense.

"Well, my sister called me in the afternoon. She was worried about your situation, so she asked me to see if you came back. I also just finished school, and I was going to visit my sister in the hospital. By the way, I would like to see if you are here, and ask if you would like to follow me Let's go to the hospital together."

Chen Qian's temperament is relatively straightforward, a bit carefree, she doesn't like to beat around the bush, and directly explains her intentions.


Ding Zhanpeng thought he was not familiar with Chen Ke's sisters, and he had no choice but to help when something happened suddenly in the afternoon.

Just trying to find a reason to refuse, Xiao Ding Ding made a fuss again: "Yeah! I'm going to play with my mother, hurry up, Dad, Xiao Ding Ding wants to play with my mother."

Ding Zhanpeng smiled wryly, with the little guy around, he couldn't think about it.

After packing up his things, Ding Zhanpeng and Chen Qian went out.

On the way, Ding Zhanpeng felt that it was inappropriate to visit patients with empty hands. He planned to buy a fruit basket, but was stopped by Chen Qian. In her words, Ding Zhanpeng has helped her sister a lot and there is no need to buy anything.

Ding Zhanpeng couldn't hold her back, so he didn't insist, and followed her wishes.

In Ward 501 on the third floor of the hospital, Chen Ke was lying quietly on the hospital bed, wrapped in bandages, looking out the door from time to time.

A few male patients next to him were looking for an opportunity to strike up a conversation, but Chen Ke stopped them with a polite smile that rejected people thousands of miles away.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up and a gentle smile appeared.

Ding Zhanpeng and Chen Qian entered the room side by side.

Little Ding Ding waved to her.

Chen Qian opened her foot pocket and found a thermos bottle filled with steaming clear soup, "Sister, this is the soup that Sister Ma specially made for you, drink it while it's hot."

Little Ding Ding climbed onto the bed and threw himself on Chen Ke, "Mom, Little Ding Ding misses you so much."

Chen Ke chuckled and said, "Little Ding Ding is so good, my sister misses you too."

Xiao Ding Ding's smile was even brighter, "Dad, Mom is fine."

Now, the male compatriots in the ward focused their eyes on Ding Zhanpeng, and secretly sighed that a flower inserted in cow dung, and the juicy cabbage was arched by the ugly pig.

Ding Zhanpeng coughed twice and didn't dare to answer, the relationship was messy enough.

Although Chen Ke was shy, she didn't care about Xiao Ding Ding.

"I have already asked the nurse. The two speed thieves who came in with me broke several ribs. They are not life-threatening and have regained consciousness. I believe the police have also heard the news. I hope they didn't embarrass you."

Chen Ke apologized, "To help me, I caused you to enter the police station. I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, it's easy to do. We are neighbors, so naturally we have to help each other."

Ding Zhanpeng touched his nose, said brazenly, and at the same time secretly praised the gentle Chen Ke for being so pretty.

Chen Ke was even more embarrassed, but she remembered that her sisters forced Ding Zhanpeng to sign an unequal joint rent agreement, and it was rare that he didn't care about it and helped her get back her satchel.

Xiao Dingding pursed her mouth, very unhappy: "Mom, Xiao Dingding also helps, why only praise Dad and not Xiao Dingding, woo, it's not fair."