Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 305: Two lunatics


It's still hot summer now, but everyone in the Qin family's manor feels very cold, a chill that penetrates from the bottom of their bones.

The Qin family all stared blankly at the arrogant woman with her chin raised.

She is a woman, why is she so cruel!

Liu Ning and Deng Guang were lying on the ground screaming over and over.

"My son! Why are you so miserable!"

"Qin Qin, you femme fatale! You must die!"

The women of Liu and Deng's family cried and cursed, the mother of Liu Ning and Deng Guang cried so hard that she passed out, and the men glared at Qin Qing viciously, wishing they could pounce on her and eat her.

It was not enough for their son to have one leg broken, and now both legs were broken. This is Chi Guoguo's humiliation. This woman is showing them that she doesn't take Liu and Deng's family seriously at all.

"Qin Qin, why are you crazy! Do you know that the Liu and Deng families are family friends with us, how will our Qin family deal with ourselves if you do this!"

Uncle Qin Xiangshan couldn't help standing up and scolding Qin Qing, even he was frightened by this niece's methods.

Qin Qin's eyes slowly swept across the faces of the Qin family. Everyone who was swept, including Qin Lan, lowered their heads unconsciously, not daring to look at her. It seemed that when they saw her, they saw Qin Xiong, the patriarch of the Qin family. .

"I know that you are very dissatisfied that I am in charge of the Daqin Group alone. I know that you want me to die."

No one knew what Qin Qin was going to say, but the viciousness in these words made many Qin family members bow their heads a little guilty. Qin Qing's words pointed directly at their hearts, because most of them thought so.

Ding Zhanpeng stood next to her carelessly, thinking that this woman is not stupid, and knows the wolf ambitions of the Qin family.

The members of the Liu and Deng families feel a little aggrieved. Damn, isn’t this just talking about our business? Why did you fire at the Qin family? We thought we were the leading actors, and our feelings were all passers-by!

Qin Qin didn't care what everyone thought, and said to himself: "I don't care about these. If you want to snatch the Daqin Group from me, just come, and I, Qin Qing, will follow."

Just come, I, Qin Qing, will continue!

Even Ding Zhanpeng felt that this woman's words were too domineering, and he felt a sense of enthusiasm.

"But you shouldn't use Qin Tian to deal with me, he is still a child. You know, in this huge Qin family, except for Grandpa and Qin Tian, I don't care about the lives of other people."

Everyone in the Qin family felt that their hearts were very painful after being cut open by Qin Qing's three swords and two swords and exposed to the sun in broad daylight.

We are your uncles, aunts, aunts, aunts and aunts. It would be nice for everyone to maintain a good relationship on the surface and tacitly tacitly keep it in private. If you insist on explaining these things clearly, can you still have fun playing!

Ding Zhanpeng only felt that something cut his heart severely, and it hurt a little.

He saw Qin Qin's eyes showing deep loneliness and sadness when he said these words.

Why doesn't she want her relatives to be harmonious, why doesn't she want to have uncles and aunts who love her, but the Qin family has been forcing her, wanting her to die, wanting her brother to die, so she can only fight back, even if it is death These people should also be cut and bruised.

Qin Qin's tone was still calm: "I don't expect you to treat me well. Since I returned to China to take over the Daqin Group, you have used 3 car accidents and 5 poisonings in total, and at least double-digit assassinations to kill me. I don't care if I try to marry me off, but if anyone tries to trick Qin Tian in the future, I will do whatever it takes to make him die."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at Ding Zhanpeng, turned around and left, and Ding Zhanpeng hurriedly followed.

"As a punishment, in the next year, the dividends of all Qin family members in the Daqin Group will be reduced by two-thirds."

Hearing these light words, Li Shang, who was following Qin Qing's buttocks, almost felt pain in his stomach from laughing. Damn, so this is what this woman wanted to say.

Hard enough! Direct enough!

The thing that can control people the most in this world is definitely money. If you don't have money, you're just shitting. If you don't have money, you can buy butt wipes.

Sure enough, all the Qin family were stunned when they heard this.

Dividends are cut by two-thirds.

Why is this woman so vicious!

Do you know that we want to eat the most expensive food, drink the best wine and play with the best women!

Do you know that we want to buy the most expensive bags, put on the most expensive cosmetics and play with the best men!

The most important thing is, we have no funds, how can we find someone to deal with you!

The Qin family is completely crazy.

"Qin Qin, you vicious woman! You bitch! Why do you reduce our dividends! Daqin Group doesn't belong to you alone!"

A large group of Qin family rushed towards them, trying to tear Qin Qing into pieces, but they were blocked by a wall of people formed by the members of the security team, and they rushed over with sharper eyesight and faster hands than mad dogs. Ding Zhanpeng slapped him on the ground.

For example, Qin Qing's sister-in-law Qin Lan is one of them.

"Let's go."

After finally getting rid of the entanglement of these mad dogs and sitting back in the car, Qin Qing crossed his arms and said expressionlessly.

Through the car window, the scene of the Qin family manor flashed across Li Shang's eyes.

Some people were kneeling on the ground crying and begging, some were standing on the ground and yelling, it seems that Qin Qing's trick of reducing dividends really hit their weakness.

He shook his head and sighed: "Is this mother still a human?"

Qin Qin closed her eyes and didn't speak, but her face was a little pale. Obviously, her heart was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

The convoy drove towards the urban area on the road between the mountains. Behind the mountain on the left was the sea, and there was a hint of salty sea breeze blowing in. Ding Zhanpeng suddenly thought of something, and grabbed Qin Qin's hand.

Qin Qin woke up suddenly, and subconsciously wanted to break free from Ding Zhanpeng's hand, but Ding Zhanpeng and Li Shang firmly held her. She blushed and stared at Ding Zhanpeng angrily.

Ding Zhanpeng smiled and said, "I'll take you to a place."

"I'm not in the mood to go now?"

Qin Qin said coldly, but Ding Zhanpeng didn't care whether he agreed or not, and directly said to the driver in front, "Stop."

The convoy stopped, Shangguanxue looked at the two suspiciously, Qin Qin was a little annoyed: "Let me go!"

Ding Zhanpeng smiled, pushed Qin Qing out of the car as soon as he opened the door, and then ran towards the opposite mountain.

"Your president said, don't follow!"

Seeing that the guards were about to follow, Ding Zhanpeng directly passed the imperial decree, Qin Qin glared at him angrily, this bastard is really getting more and more presumptuous!

The hill was not high, and Ding Zhanpeng pulled Qin Qing up the hill quickly.

It was the evening at this time, and the setting sun had not completely fallen below the sea level. Looking around, the ocean in front of him was dyed golden yellow, sparkling, and the Dengguang of the opposite city was dazzling.

Ding Zhanpeng let go of Qin Qin's hand and looked at her with a smile: "How about it, isn't it beautiful!"

Since returning to China to take over the Daqin Group, Qin Qin has been fully scheduled from morning to night every day, without any spare time. She hasn't seen the sea like this for several years.

In fact, she also enjoys the feeling of the sea breeze blowing and her hair still flying, but her character will not be shown in front of Li Shang.

Shaking his head, he said coldly, "It's not that good."

Ding Zhanpeng didn't care about her, and didn't care whether the dew on the grass in the evening would wet his buttocks, and sat down directly on the ground.

It was the first time she saw this heartless bastard who always had a hippie smile, speaking in such a low tone.

It turned out that he lost his parents when he was in high school.

It turned out that it was difficult for him to eat and drink water when he was young.

"Later we moved to an island in the South Pacific. It was an isolated island, and there were no other islands and reefs in the sea for hundreds of miles. Like you, there are many people who want to kill us, and it is unfathomable The sea protects us... I lived by the sea to this day, so I am grateful to the sea, when I can't find anyone to talk to, I tell him, and when I want to vent, I yell at him."

Qin Qin's eyes became complicated.

Although Ding Zhanpeng said it easily, she could feel the shadow of swords and swords in it. Didn't she grow up like this herself, and there were many people around her who wanted to kill her.

It turned out that he was the same person as me.

Who is he

Ding Zhanpeng raised his head to look at her fair and delicate pretty face. His jet-black hair was blown in the wind, and some of them were mischievously draped over her face.

This woman is so beautiful!

Naturally, he would not speak out what was in his heart, and looked at the other party with a smile: "The sea is the most forgiving. You can actually roar at the sea and talk to him. You can't do it? Look at me!"

He stood up suddenly and rushed to the edge of the cliff, and below him was the sea water that crashed against the shore.

"Little Ding Ding, I want to find you!"

"Hua Xueqing, I want to find you!"


Ding Zhanpeng yelled at the sea like a madman with all his strength.

Shouting and shouting, tears suddenly burst out on his face, and heart-piercingly yelled at the sea what he wanted to say the most in his heart.

"Dad, I'm sorry for you! Come back!"

Qin Qin stood in the distance and watched Ding Zhanpeng growl so hoarsely that his body was trembling and about to fall into the sea.

Although the words he yelled were rude, Qin Qing didn't feel disgusted at all.

Ding Zhanpeng turned around and walked back, smiling awkwardly: "Sorry, I lost my mind. You can try it too, and you will feel much better after shouting."

Qin Qin bit her rosy lips and hesitated for a moment, and then walked to the edge of the cliff. Li Shang stared at the woman without blinking, for fear that she would fall into the sea.

He saw Qin Qin slowly put his hands around his mouth in the shape of a trumpet.


Naturally, Qin Qing would not be as rude as him, she vented her emotions with roars.

Ding Zhanpeng and Li Shang grinned.

There are two more lunatics at the beach tonight.