Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 312: Blow you up


As soon as this idea appeared, it was like a devil, occupying Zhang Daming's body and mind.

The leader's order was to make himself guilty of the boy's intentional murder. Nearly 30 lives were killed, which was enough to sentence the boy to death.

Anyway, the ultimate goal is to let this kid die, so why not take a gamble

And so many people at the scene heard the screams and saw them lying on the ground, I can definitely charge this kid with assaulting the police!

Zhang Daming has a ruthless personality, he does what he thinks, and takes out his pistol to aim at Ding Zhanpeng without saying a word.

He yelled, "How dare you attack the police!"

"don't want!"

The angry voices of Lin Hua and Qin Qin came at the same time.

With a sinister smile on his face, Zhang Daming pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The ear-piercing gunshots came to mind, followed by Ding Zhanpeng's sharp and short screams.

"Damn it!"

Lin Hua cursed secretly, and rushed out of the office with everyone. When she saw the scene in front of her, she was stunned.

Before Zhang Daming turned his back to them, he didn't notice anything unusual about Zhang Daming.

At this moment, he realized that Zhang Daming was standing there blankly, looking at his hands with blank eyes. At this moment, his hands were bloody and charred.

His pistol fell to the ground, the barrel was twisted ugly, emitting wisps of smoke, and the body of the gun was covered with blood and minced flesh.

The pistol actually exploded!

Looking at Ding Zhanpeng again, he was still sitting on the opposite chair, looking dumbfounded.


Zhang Daming, whose hands were numb from the blast, was struck by heart-rending pain. His body went limp and he fell directly to the ground, holding his hands and screaming terribly.

Everyone's scalp went numb.

"Ding Zhanpeng, are you okay?"

Qin Qin walked up to Ding Zhanpeng with a pale face and asked in a deep voice.

"Ah, uh, I'm not dead? You scared me to death!"

Ding Zhanpeng came back to his senses, his face was pale, it was obvious that he was overly frightened.

Qin Qin was angry and funny, this bastard thought he had been hit by a bullet when he heard his screams, who knew he was fine at all, he was completely frightened like this.

Lin Hua waved his hand sullenly, and a policeman hurried over to support Zhang Daming.

Lin Hua walked in front of Zhang Daming's two confidantes again. The two guys were still hugging each other, their bodies trembling constantly. If this went on like this, they would die in less than ten seconds.

She picked up a wooden chair and slammed the policeman on it away. This vicious look made everyone's eyelids jump.

"Pick them up and notify the hospital."

The policemen rushed to help people, and made phone calls.

Lin Hua turned her head and looked at Li Shang coldly.

This guy is really lucky, he has encountered such an extremely low probability of bombing.

"Whether you are faking it or not, I will investigate and find out the truth."

Qin Qin turned her head and glared at her: "Director Lin, what do you mean?"

"President Qin, I'm just stating a fact. There were only four of them in the interrogation room before. All kinds of accidents happened to the other three. Only your husband is fine."

Lin Hua stared at him without showing any weakness: "As a policeman, I have reason to doubt your husband, and I hope President Qin will understand."

Qin Qin fell silent. Although she was domineering, she also knew that Lin Hua's actions were reasonable, so she nodded coldly.

"Protect the scene. Don't move anything. Take Ding Zhanpeng to another interrogation room and put him under custody. I will investigate the scene immediately."

Lin Hua waved his hand, gave an order in a few words, and then took the white gloves from his subordinates and put them on.

Soon there were only Lin Hua and two policemen left in the interrogation room.

She paced slowly in the interrogation room with serious eyes, and suddenly walked in front of the surveillance camera. Seeing that the infrared light of the surveillance camera was not on, she knew that the surveillance camera had been turned off.

"Xiao Liu, you turned off the surveillance video after I left?"

Xiao Liu was chilled by the director's icy eyes, and quickly shook his head: "I didn't lock it up. After you left for a few minutes, Director Zhang, the three of them came in. They said they wanted to find out about the situation with Li Shang. Let me go out, and then close the door of the interrogation room."

Lin Hua frowned.

Ding Zhanpeng, who he personally asked, Zhang Daming would not know, what did he do after he left

This is a doubt.

Second, Zhang Daming must have ordered the surveillance video to be turned off.

As the director, although she always followed the procedure and turned on the surveillance video when interrogating prisoners, she didn't mind using some tricks if the prisoner still refused to plead guilty with a lot of evidence.

At this time, it is necessary to turn off the monitoring.

This is almost an unwritten rule in grassroots police stations.

"Xiao Liu, go and check the last recording time of the surveillance video."

Xiao Liu quickly checked the recording time, with a strange expression on his face: "Boss, it's 9:15."

Lin Hua guessed something from his expression: "You just went out, and the surveillance was turned off?"

Xiao Liu nodded.

Lin Hua's face turned gloomy. It made sense for Zhang Daming to ask Ding Zhanpeng to find out the situation after him, but he turned off the surveillance as soon as he came in. If there was no ulterior purpose, it would definitely be unreasonable.

Obviously, regardless of whether the three of Zhang Daming were harmed like that by Ding Zhanpeng's secret tricks, at least Zhang Daming had impure motives and irregular procedures, both of which he accounted for.

At this time, a policeman knocked on the door and came in. Lin Hua waved Xiao Liu and the two to wait, and walked to the door.

"What did they all say?"

The policeman looked at the documents in his hand.

"Director, Deputy Director Zhang said that he went to a toilet and came back, and saw that Li Shang knocked down two policemen to the ground, and after persuading them not to listen, he shot. The same is true for Deng Tong and Zhao Xiaohe. Said."

Deng Tong and Zhao Xiaohe were the two policemen hugging each other.

Although Zhang Daming's hands were blown to pieces, he was still sane. He was still in the ambulance, so he was questioned by the police. He was afraid that Li Shang would beat him up. suspicion.

Lin Hua was noncommittal to Zhang Daming's words, and asked, "What did Li Shang say?"

"Ding Zhanpeng said that Deng Tong was going to hit him with a baton, but somehow he hit another policeman in the face, and then the two of them fell to the ground together. Zhang Daming came back from the toilet, and indiscriminately accused him of assaulting him. The police are going to kill him."

These are the original words of Ding Zhanpeng.

Lin Hua frowned, now she didn't believe what these four people said, and thought that she still had to rely on the clues at the scene to find out the evidence.

Just then, a policeman hurried over with a landline in his arms.

"Director, the phone number of Deputy Director Zhao of the sub-bureau."

Lin Hua answered the phone and shouted respectfully, "Deputy Director Zhao, I'm Lin Hua."

"Xiao Lin, I heard that there was an incident of assaulting the police in your institute, and Lao Zhang's hand was blown to pieces. What happened? Lao Zhang has worked hard and rooted in the grassroots for more than ten years, and he still has parents and daughters to support. Our bureau was preparing to give him an advanced evaluation and give him a minor salary, and this kind of thing happened."

On the other side of the phone was an official voice, expressing his dissatisfaction with Lin Hua.

Lin Hua said: "Deputy Director Zhao, I will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly, and I will never let a good person go, and I will never wrong a good person."

"Xiao Lin! Old Zhang is our colleague, you have to give him an explanation."

The voice on the other side of the phone was a little angry: "I heard that the criminal has been brought under control, and this criminal must be severely punished. Do you know that even the city bureau leader knew about this matter, and the city bureau leader asked us to give this criminal a quick reprieve? The criminals must not chill the hearts of our own comrades!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Hua frowned tightly.

She clearly sensed something unusual in Deputy Chief Zhao's tone, as if the other party couldn't wait to convict Li Shang.

At this moment, Zhang Daming's voice came from outside.

"Where's the director? Where's the director? I want to see him, my pistol exploded, it must be that kid's ghost! It must be him!"

Zhang Daming and his two confidants came back from the hospital so quickly. Zhang Daming's hands were wrapped in thick gauze, and his face was ferocious.

Lin Hua thought for a while and said, "Zhang Daming, follow me to Li Shang's interrogation room, and I will confront you face to face."

Since the leaders of the city had already greeted and asked to deal with this matter as soon as possible, she could only make a bad move and try to find clues from the confrontation between the two.

Time is running out now, and the large-scale murder case last night still needs to be investigated. She can't afford to delay on these two people.

Zhang Daming's expression changed, but he still nodded.

Everyone walked into the interrogation room, Ding Zhanpeng was sitting in the interrogation chair with handcuffs, Qin Qin and Shangguanfeng stood not far away with expressionless faces, and there were two other people with brains.

The policemen in the institute were carefully standing next to Ding Zhanpeng, for fear that the famous President Qin would directly snatch her husband away.

"Ding Zhanpeng, tell the truth about your assault on the police! And why my pistol exploded, it must be your fault, tell me the truth!"

As soon as Zhang Daming came in, he looked at Ding Zhanpeng resentfully and shouted.

Ding Zhanpeng glanced at Qin Qin, and said agitatedly and indignantly: "Deputy Director Zhang, you are the one who asked your two men to beat me, and you blame me. I didn't attack the police, and your two men fell to the ground by themselves! "

"You're talking nonsense! It's you who attacked us!"

Deng Tong and Zhao Xiaohe waited for Li Shang angrily, with resentment in their eyes.

It was this kid who made them lose face in front of all their colleagues.

"Why am I talking nonsense, it's obvious that you all joined forces to murder me! And you, Deputy Director Zhang, came in and shot me to death indiscriminately."

Ding Zhanpeng still looked sad and indignant.

Zhang Daming sneered: "You said we teamed up to murder you? What evidence do you have?"

"I have no proof."

Ding Zhanpeng shook his head.

Qin Qin frowned again. Without evidence, it would be very difficult for Ding Zhanpeng to be exonerated. After all, under the current system, the police always represent the party of justice, and their words can be used as testimony.

Even if I hire a lawyer to fight this lawsuit, I may not be able to win.

"You have no evidence, it's just slander! Boy, you are ready to go to jail!"

Zhang Daming became more and more complacent, and now it was time to avenge his hand being blown to death. Now, even if there is no explanation from the superior, he must let this kid die.

My own hands are completely useless, and I will definitely not be able to be a policeman. This revenge must be avenged!

At this moment, Ding Zhanpeng suddenly laughed.

"I have no proof, but I have this."