Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 37: Competition


"Wow! That sounds exciting, sister, let's go play!"

Chen Qian's eyes lit up, she regained her spirits immediately, and then she said dejectedly: "I forgot that my sister is afraid of ghosts, so it seems that I can't play this time."

"Ah!" the chubby girl covered her mouth, "Chen Ke, I'm sorry, I don't know... But then again, there are props inside, not real ghosts. If there were real ghosts, I wouldn't dare to go in."

"Don't be afraid... Little Ding Ding has the Five Thunder Curse... ghosts are the most afraid... can protect mother..."

Little Ding Ding said cutely, and wanted to take out the charm of the storage space.

Ding Zhanpeng almost ran away, covered his mouth with one hand, and said with a smile: "Since Chen Ke is afraid, we won't play. Besides, there are children around, so it's not suitable to play."

The chubby girl turned her eyes away and said happily, "What a handsome kid, but who is the mother he is talking about?"

For some reason, everyone's eyes fell on Chen Ke.

Only she is the most likely at the scene.

Huang Bing had the worst expression on his face. As far as he knew, Chen Ke had always been single, and when would he have a child. And this child is Ding Zhanpeng's son.

Doesn't that mean that the two are lovers

Chen Ke blushed, and explained: "Don't get me wrong, little Ding Ding is so cute, I recognize him as my godson."

This clears up everyone's doubts.

They are all physicians and have a certain understanding of human genetics.

Xiao Dingding's appearance is very similar to that of Ding Zhanpeng, not at all like Chen Ke, so it is basically judged that the two are not related by blood.

Moreover, they had been in contact with Chen Ke on weekdays, and had a certain understanding of her personality, and she was not like a married woman who had children out of wedlock.

Only Huang Bing was so angry that he kneaded his fingers unconsciously.

Although Ding Zhanpeng and Chen Ke are not husband and wife, he has long regarded Chen Ke as his wife, and naturally he does not want Chen Ke to care about other people's sons. By the way, Ding Zhanpeng is extremely disliked.

Naturally, everyone was unwilling to force Chen Ke, and despite a little disappointment, they still expressed their understanding.

Chen Qian was very disappointed. She is usually very interested in weird things. The test of courage must be fun, but it is a pity that she cannot go.

Chen Ke glanced at his younger sister, and suddenly said, "Let's go play together, I'm actually not that scared. There are so many people, and it will be very interesting for a group of people to participate in the test of courage."

"Ah! Sister, are you willing to agree?"

Chen Qian was surprised, as if she couldn't believe it.

I learned from my mother that when my sister was five years old, she passed by a cemetery and immediately got seriously ill when she got home. She was sick for ten days and went to several hospitals but did not get better. Some doctors even asked her parents to make physical preparations. .

It happened that my grandmother came to visit the house from the village and said that my sister encountered something unclean and wanted to seek treatment from a magic doctor.

Parents are dead horses as living horse doctors, and they come to seek medical treatment in person.

Strange to say, the fairy doctor pasted a few talismans on her sister, and the pain disappeared immediately.

Therefore, my sister has always been afraid of ghosts and never went to eerie places.

I don't know what happened today, but I agreed.

"Sister, I don't want it anymore. I'm a little sleepy and want to go home and sleep."

Chen Qian was worried about her sister's accident, so she refused to go.

"It's okay, sister is with you."

Chen Ke knew her sister's character well, and wanted to make her happy for a while.

Chen Qian had a playful heart, and finally couldn't resist the temptation, "Well, sister, don't be afraid, my sister will protect you."

After finishing speaking, he raised his fist to show that he was very powerful.

"Ah... Little Ding Ding will also protect mother..."

Taking advantage of Ding Zhanpeng's inattention, Xiao Dingding pushed away the stinky hand covering his mouth, raised his fist imitatively, and said milkingly.

Everyone smiled knowingly and praised Little Ding Ding for being cute and brave.

The chubby girl wanted to hug her penis, but was rejected by the little guy, which made the chubby girl depressed for a long time.

Only Ding Zhanpeng understands that Xiao Dingding is innocent on the surface, and he has too many ghosts. He is not a beauty and does not call his mother.

Fat girls at this level were directly ignored.

Huang Bing rolled his eyes, walked out, and said with a smile, "I suddenly have an idea. Let's have a competition to see who can reach the top of the mountain first. It happens that there are ten of us, and we are in groups of two. What do you think?"

Chen Ke was the first to object: "This kind of competition is unnecessary, so I won't participate."

Chen Ke did not participate, so Ding Zhanpeng and Chen Qian naturally did not participate.

Others also found it boring, and were about to refuse, Huang Bing said with a smile: "I haven't finished speaking yet, so don't object in a hurry. Since it's a competition, we must make a splash. Let's do this, I am the initiator, I take the lead, whoever Whoever wins the competition will receive a bonus of 30,000 yuan sponsored by me personally."

The faces of several doctors changed, 30,000 yuan, fully worth their four-month salary, changed their words quickly: "Okay, this idea is very good. Let's compete to see who can reach the top of the mountain the fastest."

Huang Bing raised his mouth slightly, and glanced at Chen Ke and the others beside him.

He had expected that Ding Zhanpeng would agree.

Ding Zhanpeng looked poor, and the 30,000 yuan bonus was very attractive to him. As long as he agreed, Chen Ke's sisters would also agree, and the next plan could be implemented at that time.

Sure enough, before sister Chen Ke refused, Ding Zhanpeng said, "Good idea, you can have fun and get money."

Sister Chen Ke gave him a surprised look, obviously not expecting him to agree.

In fact, Ding Zhanpeng is not short of money, to be precise, he will not be short of money in the future.

Once he catches the mastermind behind the scenes, he will earn 10 million yuan.

Thirty thousand yuan is not even a fraction.

Huang Bing was too contrived, he acted like a very rich man, probably a rich second generation.

It happened that I was bored and had some fun.

The Chen Ke sisters didn't want to agree, but Ding Zhanpeng agreed, and they didn't agree, which was a bit unreasonable.

So Huang Bing's idea was approved by everyone.

Huang Bing secretly rejoiced that everything went according to plan.

Next, he suggested: "It's unfair to choose your own partners. I think so, we draw lots and draw a group with the same number."

The chubby girl asked: "We don't have any props, how can we draw lots? Moreover, the draw is not very fair. If both of you fail, you will definitely lose."

"Well, absolute fairness does not exist, and the lottery can only be as fair as possible."

Huang Bing secretly scolded the fat girl who was full and looking for trouble, why didn't she just die.

The fat girl opened her mouth and was about to refute, but was dragged away by several doctors next to her.

They are not stupid, and they understand that drunkards are not interested in drinking.

Huang Bing pursued Chen Ke in a high-profile manner in the hospital. There were always discussions among the hospital's senior management and patients.

The important point is that Huang Bing is the son of the director of the People's Hospital. With this status, no one dares to compete with him for Chen Ke.

Then a strange phenomenon appeared, Chen Ke was already his wife, at least everyone thought so.

It even caused a lot of unmarried female doctors and nurses in the hospital to be jealous and envious, wishing they were Chen Ke.

Chen Ke himself was unwilling and extremely annoyed.

Huang Bing didn't care at all, and often looked for opportunities to get close to Chen Ke.

This time, Huang Bing was willing to pay for the competition, so he probably took the opportunity to dismiss them so that he could be alone with Chen Ke.

Ding Zhanpeng narrowed his eyes and readily agreed, keeping a close eye on Huang Bing's every move, wanting to see what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

Chen Ke was unwilling and objected again: "We sisters must be in a group, otherwise, I will not participate in the competition."

"Yes! I must be in a group with my sister."

Chen Qian agreed.

Little Ding Ding also booed: "I want to be with my mother..."

"What a mess, what a mess!"

Huang Bing secretly hated and wished he could slap him.

"This, it's not very good..."

Huang Bing pretended to hesitate and winked at several doctors.

Several doctors understood and struggled for a while. Offending Huang Bing had no good fruit to eat, so they could only feel sorry for Chen Ke.

"Doctor Chen, everyone is in high spirits, don't let some trivial things affect everyone's mood."

A male doctor advised.

"Yes, everyone is happy, and we are colleagues again. Maybe we won't have a chance to play together in the future, so just agree."

Another male doctor joined in persuasion.

Not to be outdone, the rest of the doctors tried to persuade them.

Chen Ke suddenly felt that they were so annoying.

In fact, she also understood that Huang Bing's sudden move was for her own sake, and she probably played tricks on the lottery, so she would be in the same group as him in the end.

The more this happened, the less likely she would agree, and even feel disgusted, and her favor with the doctors also decreased.

"Sorry, I won't agree."

After Chen Ke finished speaking, she took Chen Qian's hand and left.

She didn't call Ding Zhanpeng, because Ding Zhanpeng agreed to Huang Bing's idea.

This made her unable to let go.

Huang Bing was very upset when the plan was put to waste, and he couldn't get angry, so he forced a smile: "Chen Ke, don't rush away. If you don't agree, then forget it. Let's be happy, and don't ruin the relationship between colleagues because of a small game." between emotions."

Chen Ke stopped walking, hesitating a little.

Before Chen Qian graduated from university, she would not leave Nandu City.

The benefits of Nandu People's Hospital are higher than other hospitals. Unless there is an accident, I will work in People's Hospital for four years or more.

Because this incident affects the relationship between colleagues, it does not do me any good, but instead affects me to a certain extent in the interpersonal communication in the hospital.

Seeing that Chen Ke was persuaded, Huang Bing struck while the iron was hot, and said with a smile: "I don't plan to take back the 30,000 yuan bonus. Why don't we change the method and form a group of individuals, and whoever goes up the mountain first will get the bonus. This way, it shouldn't be difficult. Problem."

Now, everyone applauds.

No one wants to share the bonus equally. Now that it's all over, whether you can get the bonus depends entirely on your own ability.

Chen Ke has no objection, she is quite satisfied with this plan.

Satisfied with the master, Huang Bing took out his notebook and pen without any hesitation.

He didn't bring a notebook to record important information, but to make himself look more like a successful person. To put it bluntly, he pretended to be B.

As a result, it was hit right and wrong, and this time it just came in handy.

Tear out ten pieces of paper, Huang Bing wrote ten numbers on the paper, and sent it to everyone's heart, "When you reach the top of the mountain, take a picture of the scenery at the end and this piece of paper. Whoever sends me the picture first will be the winner." .”

When he handed Ding Zhanpeng the paper, Huang Bing intentionally or unintentionally warned him with his eyes, but the meaning was self-evident.

Ding Zhanpeng took the note and pretended not to see it.

"Attention all tourists, all tourists please..."

Amusement park broadcast starts: "This park's new project - the test of courage will be held for the first time at 7:00 p.m. The test of courage will be designed by a famous foreign horror novelist to ensure that everyone will have an exciting and unforgettable experience. However, the test of courage There is a certain risk, and people suffering from heart disease, epilepsy, asthma and other diseases are not suitable for participation. I hope everyone will bear in mind that the park will not compensate for death due to personal reasons. Zi... Zi... Zi... "