Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 54: Mental attack


Ding Zhanpeng's heart stopped beating, and his thoughts were frozen in a dark world...

"Kids... kids..."

A kind laughter sounded in my ear: "Son... you are tired... come to daddy... dad hasn't seen you for a long time..."

Ding Zhanpeng's eyes lit up. In the sky, his father spread a pair of white and flawless wings on his back and waved to him: "Xiaopeng, Dad has been waiting for you for a long time...I see you again..."

"Dad... is this heaven?"

Ding Zhanpeng murmured.

"Silly boy, you will go to heaven when you die. Xiaopeng, come, come to your father and let him stroke your hair."

Dad smiled and said that there seemed to be magical power in his hand, which made Ding Zhanpeng couldn't help but approach step by step.

When Ding Zhanpeng was two meters away from "Dad", his body stopped suddenly and he asked, "Dad, what is the agreement between us?"

"Do you need to ask? You will become an excellent doctor, contribute to society and benefit the people in the future. Dad will always remember it."

Dad was taken aback for a moment, then smiled.

"Hehe, you're really pretending, I was almost tricked by you."

The confusion in Ding Zhanpeng's eyes dissipated, revealing a deep determination.

Dad was confused and said in confusion: "Xiaopeng, I don't understand what you are talking about."

"Don't pretend, you definitely don't understand. In fact, you read my memory, you only read the most superficial. At that time, my father asked me to apply for medical school, but I refused, and I fought against him. Dad went out for a day , did not come back. My mother and I were very worried and went crazy looking for my father. As a result, the Public Security Bureau called and asked us to identify the body. Therefore, I did not make an agreement with my father, nor did I see him for the last time. The so-called The agreement is a memory I imagined in the environment. If you are really a father, you will know that there is no agreement between us."

Ding Zhanpeng sneered, with a mocking expression on his face, "I've always wondered, Dad doesn't believe in Jesus Christ, so he went to Mao's heaven. Sure enough, you showed your feet as soon as I tried it. It seems that you are not good at learning, this little Illusions are of no use to Lao Tzu."

"Damn it! It was just a little bit, a little bit... I didn't expect you to see it through, and I really have the ability..."

"Father"'s face changed, the white wings faded, turned black and blue, his face twisted for a while, but replaced by a pale face with no facial features, he said grimly: "Your will is stronger than I imagined. My cultivation base Not high, the illusion has no effect on you, so you have to use the last resort."

"No wonder you have to pretend to be an angel. It turns out that the main body is a birdman. If there is any trick to use at speed, I'm waiting to go home for dinner."

Ding Zhanpeng was contemptuous on the surface, but secretly raised his guard.

He has been a cultivator for a very short time, and he has never been in contact with evil cultivators and orthodox cultivators, let alone the tricks and spells commonly used in the cultivating world.

Being able to stay awake this time all depends on the belief in my heart.

Little Ding Ding once said that becoming a fairy has boundless mana, and it is possible to revive Dad.

Dad's accidental death was a bottomless scar in his heart, in order to resurrect Dad, for the one in ten thousand possibility.

He must survive and ascend to the fairy world.

"Jie Jie... You have a lot of tone... Look at the tricks, Hundred Resentments Wraith Wave..."

Birdman flapped his wings, and a large number of feathers fell off and merged into the space.

A vortex visible to the naked eye appeared, and Ding Zhanpeng was pulled by the strong traction of the vortex, and even his own body gradually became a vortex.

Ding Zhanpeng was shocked, not knowing what kind of attack it was.

The powerful physical body is useless at this moment, twisting and mutating like a fragile piece of paper.

"Horse egg! There is a kind of head-on attack, use all insidious tricks."

Ding Zhanpeng saw that the frequency of body twisting accelerated, his arms were bent into circles, and other parts were also twisted to varying degrees. He couldn't help but yelled, "Look at your ugly appearance, you are a sinister dog, I rely on your grandma and family..."

"Jie Jie... Save yourself some effort... I won't be angry..."

The bird man circled around Ding Zhanpeng, enjoying his painful expression, and said with a smile: "I am a nightmare, good at mental attacks... Head-on combat is not my fighting style... There are still ten seconds left, and you will become a mess Whirlpool... Jie Jie... Slowly enjoy the last ten seconds of life... "

Psychic attack... Psychic attack...

Ding Zhanpeng suddenly woke up as if struck by lightning.

I have been in an illusion all the time, an illusion is a spiritual world, and my physical body can't play a role.

What about mental strength

Birdman has spiritual power, it doesn't make sense that he doesn't have it...

I understand, I understand, but Xiao Dingding has never explained how he uses mental power, and he even doesn't know what spiritual power is.

"Five... four... three..."

Birdman is still counting down.

Ding Zhanpeng already felt the breath of death.

"What the hell... I can't die, I definitely can't die, break it for me!"

Threatened by death, Ding Zhanpeng burst out with a strong will to survive and let out a terrifying roar.

A bright spot appeared in the middle of the brow, shining with light, as if the whole space was also illuminated.

Meng Meng's face changed drastically, and he said in horror: "This is impossible... this light is bright..."

"Go to your brother-in-law's nightmare, let me die!"

Ding Zhanpeng roared again, his body was covered with dazzling light particles, and the light particles spread around.

The pitch-black vortex was stained with light particles, stopped twisting, turned counterclockwise, and finally returned to normal.


Nightmare was afraid of the light, so he chose to flee immediately.

It's a pity that no matter how fast he is, he can't go too fast.

In the blink of an eye, Nightmare was surrounded by light, his body began to rot, and he let out a miserable scream: "Ah... we are endless..."

"Kach... Kacha..."

The space is filled with a lot of light, and there are cracks in the space.

With a "boom", the space shattered.

Ding Zhanpeng's consciousness was blurred, his vision went dark, and he fell into a coma.

"Dad... Dad..."

Ding Zhanpeng was sleeping soundly, and someone shook his arm in a daze. When he opened his eyes, he found that Xiao Dingding was slapping his face.

"Yeah! Daddy's awake..."

Little Dingding withdrew his little hand and said excitedly.

Ding Zhanpeng touched his swollen head, looked around a lot, and found himself in the BMW car, he said in astonishment: "Little Ding Ding, where am I?"

"Of course in the car, just now, we met Xie Xiu, have you forgotten?"

Xiao Ding Ding looked strange and kept looking at Ding Zhanpeng.

"Fuck! It turned out to be true. I always thought I was dreaming."

Ding Zhanpeng slapped his forehead fiercely, this phantom attack is really tormenting, after a long time, the reality and the dream cannot be distinguished clearly.

"Little Ding Ding, what are you doing staring at me, I have blotches on my face?"

Ding Zhanpeng touched his cheek and asked curiously.

"Dad... you are so perverted..."

Little Ding Ding watched for a long time before holding back a sentence.

Ding Zhanpeng vomited blood on the spot, "You are the only pervert who wants to die, and your whole family is perverted... bah... bah... you are just a freak, so you are the most perverted."

"Oh, that's not true. Dad is the most perverted freak. You have only reached the level of physical training, and you haven't even opened up the sea of qi, but you suddenly entered the state of transforming gods, so perverted... Dad is a freak..."

Little Ding Ding clapped his little palms, jumped up and down, and sang: "Our whole family are freaks... oh also..."

"Depend on!"

Ding Zhanpeng rolled his eyes, and was about to refute, when suddenly his eyes lit up, and he said in surprise: "You just said that I directly entered the God Transformation Realm from the Qi Refining Realm. Could it be that I am a natural genius and know how to skip levels?"

"Well... no..."

Xiao Dingding bit her finger and explained: "Cultivators, first train the physical body, then train the sea of qi, and then train the spirit. The three are combined into one, avoiding the thunder disaster, and becoming a congenital state. Only a strong body can accommodate the world Reiki, with the support of aura and physique, you can exercise your mental strength. Dad's current state is very strange. He obviously has not entered the Qi Refining Realm, but he has the unique spiritual power of the God Transformation Realm. It's really strange... There are only two possibilities for this situation , the first type is that Dad is a reincarnated god, and he has the spiritual power of the previous life condensed in his body. The second type is that Dad’s own spiritual power is far superior to ordinary people, and he has been in a latent state. Today you encountered a nightmare, encountered a mental power attack, hidden Mental power erupts, directly possessing spiritual power."

Ding Zhanpeng was dumbfounded, what kind of thing is this, no wonder Xiao Dingding said that he is perverted, this is so perverted.

"Well... Dad is really a freak. I remember that in the Tianxing Continent, other people cultivated the Nascent Soul Stage, and the Nascent Soul couldn't have wisdom, but Ding Ding has an IQ and can speak well, and can eat. It's great..."

After Xiao Ding Ding finished speaking, he seemed to be very grateful that his father was a freak, and he was also a freak.

The more Ding Zhanpeng listened, the more confused he became. To sum up, his family is all freaks.

"Little Ding Ding, tell me, did you do it on purpose? I desperately called for help, but you didn't care. By the way, why am I always in an illusion, and you have nothing to do. Damn, this is unscientific, could it be you Is there a way to get out?"

Ding Zhanpeng stared, thinking of a possibility.

"Well... Xiao Ding Ding is a cultivator at the golden core stage, and he is not affected by the illusion of low-level practitioners. And that person can't find Xiao Ding Ding's existence. Xiao Ding Ding used a little magic and came out. But Dad's cultivation base is low, there is no If there is no way to escape, I can only bear it alone. But Xiao Dingding has confidence in Dad, and I believe Dad will succeed. You see, Xiao Dingding guessed right, Dad successfully defeated the enemy... oh yes!"

Xiao Dingding's eyes dodged, as if he was afraid of Ding Zhanpeng's punishment, and looked left and right.

"Damn! If you are as tall as you are, I almost died in it. If I really die, even a ghost will not let you go."

Ding Zhanpeng stared, this little bastard sent him to the fire pit but he was ashamed to help him.

Glancing at Chen Qian who was sleeping soundly in the back seat, she couldn't help but ask, "Is there no problem with Chen Qian? The mental illusion just now was very powerful, and my father almost died."

"It's okay... With Xiao Ding Ding here, everything is not a problem..."

Xiao Dingding raised her head and proudly said: "Xiao Dingding discovered that someone had set up an illusion early in the morning, and immediately launched a defensive spell. Chen Qian's mother fell into a deep sleep under my protection. No one can do her any harm, let alone suffer from it." Psychic attack."

Ding Zhanpeng rolled his eyes. This kid obviously has a way to protect himself from harm, but he refuses to help, and wants to fight the enemy himself.

"Okay, let's go home now. By the way, there are Wuxie Xiu nearby, so I can take precautions."

Ding Zhanpeng looked left and right, afraid that there were still evil cultivators here.

"Well… "

Xiao Ding Ding smiled and said: "No, there is only one evil cultivator. Speaking of which, this evil cultivator is so strange that he actually found Dad during the day. I remember that Nightmare doesn't know any other means of attack except mental attacks, and Nightmare can only display its greatest strength at night." The strength of the limit, it seems that this evil cultivator is very confident. But Dad has provoked the enemy, and it will be very troublesome in the future... "