Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 74: wall penetration


"Hmm... Dad... I'm sorry... Little Ding Ding was distracted. Let's continue talking about the Yellow Book... The spells recorded in the Yellow Book are really ordinary and only effective for low-level practitioners. But there are a few practical spells that can be learned, such as this one..."

Little Ding Ding flipped through the yellow book and stopped directly on a certain page.

It records a spell that uses thoughts to control the air.

Xiao Dingding pointed and said with a smile: "This spell is very special. It is divided into two stages. In the first stage, use true energy to control the airflow and form fluctuations, thus shaping various attack methods. In the second stage, mental power Combining with true qi, controlling the airflow in the surrounding area, achieving the combination of defense and offense. Because air always exists around us, this spell only needs to use true qi and spiritual power to contact the medium, and finally consumes a small amount of true qi and spiritual power It can form a super powerful attack. Dad's situation is a bit special, this spell is most suitable for Dad to practice... "

Ding Zhanpeng's eyes lit up, there was nothing wrong with this sentence.

I have both true energy and spiritual power, so it really suits me best.

"Well... and this spell... 'Walk Through Wall'..."

Little Ding Ding flipped through the yellow book again, and stayed on a certain page, "'Penetrating Walls' is very useless in the Tianxing Continent, because most of the places where practitioners live will have arrays to prevent the enemy from entering. But here on the earth, there are many houses. Dad If you encounter an enemy you can't beat, you can go through the house and avoid the enemy's attack... "

Ding Zhanpeng smiled wryly. If he really encountered an enemy that he couldn't beat, he would definitely annoy the enemy by going through the house by himself, and the people living in the house would definitely be implicated. This spell should be used sparingly.

"And this one... this works great... 'Clairvoyance'..."

Little Ding Ding grinned: "'Clairvoyance' is also the pinnacle of practical spells in the Tianxing Continent. Because with clairvoyance, you can predict whether there are powerful enemies ahead. Although cultivators are powerful, they also have their own shortcomings. Perception is One of them is that the perception of a strong cultivator can detect the situation within a radius of a hundred miles, but there is no way to do it any further. 'Clairvoyance' just makes up for this shortcoming. But good spells are rare,' "Clairvoyance" is also collected by various sects, and rarely enters the hands of other practitioners... "

"Okay, little Ding Ding, let's learn these spells first..."

Ding Zhanpeng was greedy, knowing that all these spells belonged to him, he couldn't help but feel a sense of happiness welling up in his heart...

"Well... It's not easy to practice spells... Each spell has its own characteristics... Dad just started practicing spells... You can practice some simple ones first... Well... Recently, many enemies have attacked... Dad first practice'fireball' to practice his hands, see Take a look at Dad's qualifications..."

Little Ding Ding bit her finger and said in a milky voice.

"Qualifications? What qualifications... What qualifications does Dad need to learn spells?"

Ding Zhanpeng was taken aback, it was the first time he heard such terms.

"That's right, everyone has aptitude. This aptitude is called immortality aptitude in the Tianxing Continent... It can also be called comprehension... At the later stage of a cultivator, in addition to absorbing a large amount of heaven and earth aura and integrating it into himself to increase his cultivation, he also needs to comprehend the laws of heaven and earth and The emotions of all things can be promoted... The better the comprehension... The stronger the comprehension ability... The higher the chance of promotion... And the cultivator with strong comprehension can comprehend the true meaning of spells in an instant and succeed in learning spells... Back then, Dad's comprehension was worse than most geniuses It's amazing... But my father is lazy, he took Ding Ding to play all day long, and it took three thousand years to become a Mahayana... Because Dad is a time traveler, he often said that time travelers have special benefits... So Ding Ding is not sure that Dad did not time travel this time , have you received the benefits of the time traveler... "

Little Ding Ding bit his finger, thought for a while, and seemed to remember what his father said before...

"Uh... well, you hurry up and test my understanding..."

Ding Zhanpeng has black hair, and he often reads novels about comprehension, so it is not surprising that this happens.

"Hmm... Dad, wait, little Ding Ding wants to take something..."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Dingding took out a glass ball from the storage space, "This is a glass ball for testing qualifications. Dad puts his palm on the glass ball, and naturally he can test qualifications..."

Ding Zhanpeng looked at the glass ball curiously and stretched out his hands.

The ball of light shone brightly.

As time goes by... the light grows stronger...

Until the end, cracks appeared on the surface of the photosphere.

Ding Zhanpeng was startled, and wanted to let go of his palm, but found that his palm seemed to be stuck by a glass ball, and he couldn't take it back no matter what.


The glass ball burst, and glass shards scattered all over the place.

Xiao Ding Ding's small mouth became O-shaped, Ding Zhanpeng was amused seeing it, this little guy looks really cute.

"Little Ding Ding, the glass ball has burst, which means that Dad's aptitude is very strong, right?"

Ding Zhanpeng remembered that the protagonist in the comprehension novel was so awesome at the aptitude test meeting, shocking everyone, he couldn't help but stunned, and secretly thought that he was indeed a genius...

"No... Dad's qualifications are the worst I've ever seen... But it's impossible... how can it be so bad..."

Little Ding Ding was puzzled and murmured.

Ding Zhanpeng staggered and said in surprise: "My aptitude is the worst? Impossible, you see that the glass ball has exploded... Only the aptitude is too good to explode..."

"Well... just the opposite... The glass ball is used to test a practitioner's ability to control the aura. A well-qualified practitioner can control the fluctuation and amplitude of the aura. The glass is very dazzling, but it will not explode... Only people with poor aptitude It will make the glass ball dim and light very unstable, and Dad... directly exploded the glass ball, which shows that Dad's ability to control the aura is very poor. In the mainland... there is no benefit for the traversers... Now... Dad doesn't know if he can become a fairy... "

Little Ding Ding cried and lost his little face, tears streaming down his face.

"Fuck me! Do you want to be so cheating, this is different from what you said..."

Ding Zhanpeng was messed up in the wind. According to this, his aptitude is indeed the worst, but this is not reliable. Could it be that there are benefits for traversers

Once you time travel, you will become a genius immediately, but if you don't time travel, you will become a mediocre...

The more Ding Zhanpeng thought about it, the more unpleasant he became, and suddenly said: "No, if I don't have the qualifications, why can I practice super speed, and in just a few days, I have become the early stage of the God Transformation Realm and the early stage of the Qi Refining Realm. This is unscientific..."

"Well... Little Ding Ding is also wondering about this problem... why daddy has poor aptitude, cultivates so fast, and is weird... It's really strange... Forget it, dad is a big freak, so I can't use common sense to estimate... Well... we still Continue to study spells... "

Xiao Ding Ding shook his little head, thinking that he should not think about things that he can't figure out, so as not to worry about it.

"Ahem... that's right... there are always miracles in this world, and my father is also a genius, so there should be no problem..."

Ding Zhanpeng didn't seem to want Xiao Dingding to be sad, so he said it without shame.

Next, Ding Ding personally taught Ding Zhanpeng the practice method of 'Fireball'.

As a result, Ding Zhanpeng was able to cast the 'fireball technique' immediately after listening to it once.

He was stunned, with dozens of bright red fireballs the size of a baby's fist floating around him, and the fireballs were a little special, they knew how to run automatically, as if they wanted to protect him.

"Little Ding Ding, are you sure the glass ball is not broken? I shouldn't be the worst qualified, right?"

Ding Zhanpeng asked with a strange expression.

Little Ding Ding was also dumbfounded. After rubbing his eyes and making sure that he didn't have hallucinations, he suddenly patted his little palm and said excitedly: "I knew that Dad's aptitude is not bad. Dozens of fireballs, this is the performance of the 'fireball technique' practiced to the extreme, Dad is too good... "

"That's for sure, Dad is the best..."

It was rare for Ding Zhanpeng to boast. It seemed that he was taken aback by the success of dozens of fireballs.

"Well... Daddy is amazing... Let's continue to study spells..."

Xiao Dingding was very excited and continued to teach Ding Zhanpeng to learn spells.

This night, the two stayed in the room, learning various practical spells.

In the end, Ding Zhanpeng used up all the aura in his body, and ended his journey of learning spells.

"Well... Dad is so powerful, he has learned twenty kinds of spells... You don't have to be afraid even if you encounter ordinary enemies... But although Dad has learned spells, he is not proficient enough. He needs to practice a lot when he has time to use spells freely. It will suddenly become unusable during battle. Many cultivators have experienced this situation. They usually know how to use spells, but they can’t use them in battle, or they can’t use them. This is a matter of combat experience. Dad needs more practise… "

Little Ding Ding closed the yellow book and put it back into the storage space.

Ding Zhanpeng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He was really tired from practicing spells this time. Excessive consumption of spiritual energy would have an impact on the body and produce a strong sense of fatigue.

He just found out about such a thing, and at the same time kept it in his heart, he must not use up all his spiritual energy in the next battle, otherwise he would die without knowing what happened.

"Well... Dad... Little Ding Ding is hungry again..."

Little Ding Ding covered his stomach and shouted.

"Fuck! It's only time, and you're hungry again... Um... Time flies... It's already seven o'clock in the morning... Well, I'm hungry too... Let's eat together..."

Ding Zhanpeng originally wanted to scold someone, but when he looked at the time, he realized that the night had passed and he was hungry.

"Hmm... the golden leaf is gone... let's eat something else..."

Xiao Ding Ding touched it, only to find that the golden leaves had been eaten, and immediately pursed her mouth, showing a very unhappy expression.

Ding Zhanpeng suddenly remembered that Chen Xiangyang's matter had not been dealt with, and hurriedly said: "Wait, Xiao Dingding releases Chen Xiangyang first, we deal with this guy, and then cook something to eat."

Xiao Ding Ding curled her lips, and said very displeasedly: "Xiao Ding Ding is very hungry...can you cook something first..."

"No, if you're hungry, eat Lingshi. Dad has something to do, so let's deal with it first."

Ding Zhanpeng refused straight away. If Chen Xiangyang was not released in time, that guy would definitely die.

Although Chen Xiangyang is the leader of the Tianfeng Gang and has done a lot of bad things on weekdays, he is not a policeman, nor an envoy of justice, so he doesn't care about his affairs, and he really dies, so he feels bad.

"Well... Xiao Ding Ding knows..."

Xiao Dingding responded, threw Chen Xiangyang, took out a few spirit stones at the same time, climbed onto the bed, shook his calf, crushed the spirit stones, and shouted from time to time: "It's delicious..."