Godly Stay-Home Dad

Chapter 88: Passionately


After finishing speaking, he glared at Ding Zhanpeng again, and said, "The hard-hearted guy treats his son so rudely, no wonder he abandoned me."

Lin Shan teased Xiao Dingding for a while, and suddenly said in surprise: "Hey! Something's wrong! I remember you weren't married before. It's only been over a year, and your son is already two years old

Ding Zhanpeng's heart trembled, for fear that she would see something unusual, so he lied and said, "Actually, I already had a girlfriend. But I'm more playful, and I deliberately conceal that I have a girlfriend The fact. I didn't want to say it, but you were discovered by you, so I can't hide it. "

After finishing speaking, I secretly admired my wit in my heart.

This lie can not only explain Xiao Dingding's situation, but also shape her image as a scumbag, so that Lin Shan can completely give up on her.

This is a brilliant strategy that kills two birds with one stone.

"What did you say! You actually..."

Lin Shan covered her mouth, as if it was hard to believe that Ding Zhanpeng was such a person.

Xiao Dingding interjected at the right time: "Well... sister, Xiao Dingding has three mothers, do you want to be Xiao Dingding's mother..."

Ding Zhanpeng was overjoyed and wished he could kiss little Ding Ding a few times, this bastard finally showed his strength for a while.

But Ding Zhanpeng underestimated Lin Shan's determination after all.

Lin Shan squinted her eyes, thought for a minute, and then said resolutely: "There are more men in this society who take care of mistresses and mistresses. The more women you have, the better you are. People I like, Lin Shan, can play with, but I can't be mediocre. Besides, I have the means and confidence to deal with all rivals in love. I am not afraid of having a wife! I can get divorced! I am not afraid of having children! I can be a stepmother... "

Ding Zhanpeng was speechless, this woman was crazy and completely abnormal.

"Lin Shan, listen to me. I've made it very clear. I have a wife and a son. And I don't like you, not at all. Don't insist anymore. Your family has a reputation in Nandu You have status. If this incident gets out, it will be bad for your family and your reputation. Listen to my advice, as if what happened back then didn’t happen, we are still good friends.”

Ding Zhanpeng felt that if he continued like this, he would go crazy, so he had to persuade him sincerely.

"Hey, well, I get it, I just don't want to pester you."

Lin Shan fell limply on the ground like a deflated ball, and said, "Actually, I really like you. I'm not ugly. What are you so afraid of me..."

"This... I really don't like you, I'm sorry."

Ding Zhanpeng touched his head and said helplessly.

In fact, Lin Shan's appearance is not much different from Hua Xueqing's.

But Ding Zhanpeng doesn't like this kind of purposeful love.

Or Ding Zhanpeng wanted to find a woman who could make his heart beat.

It stands to reason that I have met many beauties recently, but none of them made me really feel like my first love.

"Maybe I have an old mentality and am not suitable for dating..."

Ding Zhanpeng couldn't find the answer, so he could only laugh at himself.

The two were silent for a while, and Ding Zhanpeng took the lead to break the silence and said, "Who is the initiator of this class reunion?"

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, don't participate in this class reunion. Before, I sent you a letter because I knew from Huang Lianguan that you were a salesman in Huacheng Group. It just so happened that this class reunion, I just want to see you. But later on, the call you mentioned was not made by me, but by that disgusting guy. Remember? Mai Junlong, the head of the four great talents in the school, seemed to know your existence, It must be uneasy and kind to ask you to go back to school on purpose."

Lin Shan was a little worried.

Ding Zhanpeng seemed to have a little impression of this name. After thinking about it carefully, he said coldly: "Mai Junlong, my good friend back then. In the end, he gave me a trap to step on, and I was kicked out of school quickly. Hehe, it turned out that he initiated this time. The class reunion, couldn't it be aimed at me on purpose?"

Lin Shan sighed and said, "That's what I'm worried about. Back then, you and him were like fire and water. This time he seems to hold a grudge against you. I guess he's taking revenge on you again."

"It's okay, if you come, you will be safe. The soldiers will block the water and cover them with earth. Anyway, it's not good for me to leave like this. It just so happens that I can meet my mentor back then. Without him, I will definitely not be able to learn all the skills. Although I eventually became a salesman, but the medical knowledge in my mind has not been forgotten."

Ding Zhanpeng stood up, patted the dust off his body, and said with a smile, "Let's go, since it's a class reunion, I'm sure we'll see a lot of old friends."

Lin Shan subconsciously took Ding Zhanpeng's arm and said softly, "Honey, let's go..."

"Wow... Dad... Mom... Let's go together."

Little Ding Ding was lying between the two of them, screaming strangely.

Ding Zhanpeng felt uncomfortable when his arm was rubbed against a soft spot. He quickly pulled out his arm and said helplessly, "Ahem, Lin Shan, what are you doing... loosen it quickly... how bad it is for people to see."

"Hmph! Cheapskate, heartbreaker..."

Lin Shan's face collapsed, she gave Ding Zhanpeng a hard look, picked up little Dingding, and said, "Little friend, my sister will play with you, not your father."

"Well... okay! Little Dingding plays with my sister!"

Little Ding Ding typically forgets his father when he sees sex, with a cute expression of "I don't play with dad either".

Lin Shan said shyly: "My sister likes children the most. Come on, kid, my sister will play bull riding with you."

The three of them walked and played together, laughing constantly.

Across a large forest, you can see several dormitory buildings.

Going forward, the teaching buildings are straight into the sky, and the walls of the buildings are covered with medical warning signs.

Ding Zhanpeng seems to have returned to the era of studying, and his mood suddenly improves.

Suddenly her arm was shaken, she turned her head, and saw Lin Shan pouted in a certain direction.

Ding Zhanpeng looked along and saw a group of men talking on the lawn, and Huang Lianguan was among them.

Huang Lianguan saw and saw Ding Zhanpeng not far away, a look of resentment flashed across his face, and he yelled strangely: "Hey! Isn't this our great talent Ding Zhanpeng? Tsk tsk, I haven't seen you in several class reunions, I didn't expect you Come to the class reunion this time. Come, we haven't chatted for a long time."

After finishing speaking, he personally stepped forward to invite Ding Zhanpeng to come over. It seemed that the two had a very good relationship.

Ding Zhanpeng rolled his eyelids and smiled calmly: "Student Huang, we haven't seen each other for a long time. I'm not used to being so polite at the beginning."

The two tacitly did not bring up the unpleasant conflict some time ago.

"It should be. You haven't come to the class reunion several times. I am happy to participate this time. Look at me, I am so happy that I am incoherent."

Huang Lianlian's mouth was happy, and the gloomy look in his eyes added a bit.

"Well, thank you, I'll go say hello to other students."

Ding Zhanpeng didn't want to communicate more with this biting dog, so he smiled lightly and passed Huang Lianlian.

The other students greeted each other.

They are disdainful and curious about Ding Zhanpeng.

At that time, Ding Zhanpeng was famous in the school for a while, and he was favored by all the teachers. It can be said that his future is boundless.

But then something happened, which caused Ding Zhanpeng to be almost expelled from school.

After graduation, I didn't see him making any big moves, and he didn't come to participate in the class reunion.

Therefore, everyone is very curious about how he is doing now.

One of the students couldn't help being curious and asked, "Ding Zhanpeng, I haven't seen you for a while. Where do you work? I'm a dermatologist at Nandu People's Hospital."

Ding Zhanpeng has a little impression of this person, and his family is a bit powerful, so it is normal for him to be a doctor in the hospital.

"Hey, you are too gossip. But seeing you are curious, let me answer for Ding Dacai. He is doing well, and works as a salesman in Huacheng Group. Everyone knows the strength and status of Huacheng Group. It's a good thing to be a salesman in there. It's a pity that he has brain medicine skills."

Huang Lianguan rushed to answer, which was full of sarcasm.

Lin Shan couldn't take it anymore, and said angrily, "Huang Lianguan, what do you mean? What do other people do? What do you care about? You are arrogant, don't you just rely on the boss to have some capital and open a broken company? In one sentence, your company will go bankrupt immediately."

Huang Lianguan shrugged his shoulders and said innocently: "I'm just telling the truth, and it's wrong to tell the truth these days? Lin Shan, I know that your family is powerful. But I have the right to speak freely. It's not good for you to behave like this. Of course, I know that you have a relationship with Ding Zhanpeng... "

"Did you still say that my mother beat you..."

Lin Shan was trembling with anger, and was about to raise her hand to slap Huang Lianguan.

Ding Zhanpeng stopped and said calmly: "Lin Shan, there is no need to worry about him. How I do well depends on my own ability. Yes, I work in Huacheng Group as a small salesman."

"No way, you actually work as a salesman?"

The students who asked the question before felt incredible, and their disdain grew stronger.

It's a shame that a talented medical student should be a salesman.

Not only him, but the others couldn't help showing a sense of ridicule, and subconsciously distanced themselves from each other, as if standing with Ding Zhanpeng was demeaning.

Ding Zhanpeng was unmoved, he was not the stunned young man back then, and he had also seen the warmth and warmth of the society, and this shock was not worth mentioning to him at all.

Lin Shan couldn't be angry, but she didn't want to disobey Ding Zhanpeng's intentions, so she hugged Xiao Ding Ding angrily, and didn't speak at the side.

Huang Lianguan finally showed his ugly face, and said with a smile: "Great talent Ding, you are really in a bad place. Here, you are either a businessman or a doctor. It's too big for you to be a salesman... But we are classmates, classmates We should help each other. Don't worry, we won't look down on you. By the way, our company is short of a salesman recently. If you are interested, you can jump over and come here. The salary will definitely not be bad. After all, we are classmates, and we have been in love for several years. Doorway will definitely support you."

"Coherence is right. When students have difficulties, they should help each other. The new company I opened is just short of people. You can come to help. The salary will definitely not be bad."

One of the male students said.

Another female classmate said: "Zhan Peng, I really can't find a job. Why don't you come to our hospital to work? We just need a drug picker... I'm the director of the hospital's pharmacy department. I guarantee you can pass the interview..."

"Well, why don't you come to my hospital, I just need an assistant..."

"Come to my place..."

For a while, the students kept calling for help.

These people seem to be eager to help, but they actually mean to trample on them.

Back then, they were jealous of Ding Zhanpeng's medical talent.

But in school, they are not easy to fight for their family fortune, so they have been suppressed by Ding Zhanpeng.