Gold Class Fighter

Chapter 103


When they came out of the cafeteria, neither of them mentioned what happened just now. The atmosphere was a bit strange, Yang Lei didn't say a word, and Fang Yu didn't say anything.

The two walked in silence for a while, and Yang Lei was about to speak when the phone rang. Yang Lei picked it up, it was Fang Mei.

"Yang Lei!..."

Fang Mei's voice was a rare panic, with a trembling cry.

"What's wrong, Fang Mei?"

Yang Lei was stunned, Fang Mei had never done this before.

"'re coming to the hospital...I'm afraid..."

Fang Mei cried...

"Don't worry! I'll be there soon!"

Yang Lei hung up the phone, picked up the car, and took Fang Yu to downtown Jianghai. Fang Yu told Yang Lei not to waste time and got off halfway. Yang Lei didn't have time to say anything and went straight to the hospital.

Fang Mei's father had already gone home to recuperate, but suddenly fell ill and was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. The doctor issued a critical illness notice. Although he was mentally prepared, at this time, Fang Mei still had nothing to do. Fang Mei, who was waiting outside the rescue room, saw Yang Lei and couldn't help jumping into Yang Lei's arms and crying. She comforted that he had never seen Fang Mei so vulnerable. He had been waiting outside the rescue room with Fang Mei and Fang's family, and unexpectedly saw that the person who had been pursuing Fang Mei was also there. That person was Peng Ming, who also knew Yang Lei. He was a middle school student back then. Peng Ming has been silently accompanying him, running around and helping a lot.

"I'm here to help as a friend. Yang Lei, you won't mind."

Peng Ming said to Yang Lei. Looking at Fang Mei in Yang Lei's arms, Peng Ming's eyes were complicated.

Yang Lei thanked him. Yang Lei felt that it was really not easy for his partner Mei's sincerity to stick to this.

Fortunately, after the rescue, Fang Mei's father rescued her and was temporarily out of danger, but she still had to observe. Immediately after the hospitalization procedures and examinations, Yang Lei was busy running and running. Fang Mei refused to leave at night. Yang Lei did not worry about her and stayed with Fang Mei in the hospital for the night.

On the second day, Fang Mei's father finally passed the dangerous period, and when Yang Lei and Fang Mei also came out of the hospital tired, Fang Mei pulled Yang Lei to live.

The expressions of the two were somewhat silent. Yang Lei had already guessed what she was going to say.

"... Yang Lei, maybe... I can't go on."

Fang Mei spoke very hard, and Yang Lei understood what she meant. After this time, Fang Mei's family couldn't wait any longer.

"I was sent by the company to study abroad for a few days in two days. This is the last excuse I can delay. When I come back... We have to get the certificate."

Fang Mei said slowly...

Yang Lei was silent for a while, then nodded.

Fang Mei looked at Yang Lei's expression and wanted to say something, but didn't.

Looking at Yang Lei's silent expression, she knew that even if she said she would go to collect the certificate now, Yang Lei would still go. But she also saw the sadness in Yang Lei's eyes that flashed at that moment...

Yang Lei didn't go back that night and called a few people out to drink.

Later, Yang Lei couldn't remember which friends he called out. He was just trying to find a place, an excuse to have a drink. Yang Lei didn't stop that night. Those friends knew that he was going to get married, and they all told him that this was the last time. It would not be so happy when his wife was present. Once, no matter how you want to drink it, this is the last madness.

Later, Yang Lei himself didn't know how much he drank. I drank red and white, and finally mixed with foreign wine. Yang Lei's drinking capacity was good before, and after he arrived in the army, he was even more experienced. But this night, Yang Lei seemed to have never been so incapable of drinking. He threw up when he drank a few glasses. Some continued to drink.

A friend at the banquet asked him if he had cheated on the evidence, don't live together illegally! Yang Lei raised his voice and shouted! Another friend joked that you don't look like drinking a happy drink, but rather like a boring drink? What's the matter, are you still thinking about your old lover

There will be people who are going to get married, don't talk nonsense. Yang Lei listened but looked at the wine glass, sneered, said old lover? The old lover has already started a fucking family, I think it's useful? ? Then drank the glass down.

The friends here all looked at him and were stunned for a moment, then reacted, and quickly rounded the ground and smiled and said that Lei Zi was drunk, really drunk...

Yang Lei was also drunk, but when he was drunk, he was not usually noisy, he was usually quiet and fell asleep. That night, Yang Lei was drunk, but he was very noisy. He went to KTV to open a private room, hugged the microphone, and kept yelling. These friends haven't seen Yang Lei so bold and unrestrained for a long time. Yang Lei ordered wine when he arrived at the private room, and these friends couldn't stop him.

Yang Lei drank wine and ordered songs.

The music started, it was an old song, Love Song 1990. Yang Lei said with a smile that he was good at this song. Looking at the picture with his hazy drunk eyes, he could no longer see the lyrics on the picture, but he didn't need to read it. He remembered that he opened his throat and made a hoarse voice...

That night Yang Lei was very drunk. Later he was slumped on the sofa like a muddy mess. These friends are not stupid, they can see that he is in a wrong mood.

"Call his wife to pick him up!"

My friend couldn't even pull Yang Lei, so he was helpless.

"Are you stupid? Can't you see that something is wrong? Hurry up and send him back."

The friends went out with the confused Yang Lei, but Yang Lei didn't go in when he got to the side of the car. He took out his mobile phone and pressed it.

"I got my license!... I'm married!!... "

Yang Lei didn't know who to call, and shouted wildly with his mobile phone.

"You don't congratulate me?!..."

Yang Lei was really drunk, scratching his neck and shouting at his throat.

"Okay, okay, you've drunk too much! Let's go, I'll take you back to your new house..."

Yang Lei's mobile phone was taken and cut off, and Yang Lei was pushed into the car. A friend drove him all the way to the new house. When Yang Lei was decorating, this friend helped him out and got to know him. When he got to the place, Yang Lei was already confused. He was helped by a friend and got out of the car. When he got to the door, he took out the door key on Yang Lei's body. At the door of Yang Lei's villa, he stood up alone.

The friend didn't know the man and looked at him suspiciously.

Yang Lei opened his eyes to see the person in front of him, pushed his friend away, staggered and walked straight towards the person, staggering under his feet, and the person who was approaching helped him into his arms.

"..." Yang Lei raised his head and didn't say a word, grabbed his clothes tightly and didn't let it go.

When Yang Lei's friend saw Yang Lei like this, he knew that he must be a friend he knew, so he didn't care.

"Lei Zi drank too much. I probably got the certificate today. I'm happy! Then troublesome buddy, take care of it!"

Friends are also in a hurry to go home and leave.

Yang Lei didn't know how he got into the room. This new house has been renovated, furniture, appliances, decoration, everything is beautifully arranged. In the living room there are piles of big red happy characters waiting to be posted, and a huge wedding photo hangs on the wall. This was decorated by Yang Dahai and his wife. Yang Lei has never been here since the renovation work was over.

Yang Lei was dizzy in front of his eyes, and his mind was already extremely awake, but instinctively resisted entering this room. He turned around to go outside, and his feet were soft and slipped to the ground, and he was hugged tightly.

Yang Lei smelled a familiar aura, which surrounded him and stimulated his confused brain. He stared at the person who was supporting him, and the figure swayed in front of him, but Yang Lei seemed to know him. Who, grabbed him and stared at his face.

"...I got married too...Aren't you happy?"

Yang Lei thought, he must be happy. Be happy for yourself for sure.

"... Now we both... are normal!"

He used to always say, is this normal for us? ? Now, they are finally normal. normal!

"...Don't you just want this?!"

That's right, this is what he wants, he is good for him, so Yang Lei does it, he appreciates it, he does it, can't he do it?

"I'm on the right track!...Are you happy?!"

With red eyes, Yang Lei grabbed the collar of the person in front of him.

"… Fang Yu!!"

The name rolled from the depths of his throat. The alcohol-filled brain had nothing, and it pained him just to shout that name. Alcohol made Yang Lei lose control. He felt that something in his chest was rushing out desperately, making him unable to control it. He wanted to explode, to vent, but it was like something was blocking his throat, so that this thing had nowhere to go, stuck in his chest, burning him like fire, making him feel pain, depression, torment, let him Every nerve in my heart is screaming, uncomfortable!

The drunkenness shut down his brain, and he felt a splitting headache, unable to think about anything but pain, piercing pain. The figure in front of him was motionless, just like the phantom he saw after being drunk countless times before. Yang Lei knew that it was still just a phantom, and that it didn't belong to him. He was pressed tightly in the bottom of his heart and put a seal on it. He was pressed in the deepest part of his heart to avoid words that he did not dare to face for seven years, but it was like a knife scar that made him even breathe!

"...why are you torturing me like this..."

Alcohol makes people emotionally out of control. Yang Lei burst into tears.

"...I can't forget you at all!!"

Yang Lei rolled his throat and cried out in pain...

Yang Lei shouted that sentence, and the next second, his lips were blocked.

That was the kiss that Yang Lei had dreamed about countless times in his seven-year dream, but it was more realistic and hot than all the dreams. He opened his mouth and greeted it greedily and madly, glued together, a kiss with strength and depression, pain and urgency, fierce but tender, his lips moved, tightly with the one who came in and licked him. Tongues tangled, tangled, rolled, with all their strength. It was the smell of heat and longing that he was familiar with. It surrounded him overwhelmingly, and Yang Lei was dizzy... He seemed to be sucked in, and he seemed to be sucking the other person into his body. He was hugged tightly in a hug, then The tight and painful force of hugging him penetrated his body, as if to smash him into pieces... The liquid that was too late to swallow between the tightly closed lips flowed into Yang Lei's neck along the corners of his lips, he had difficulty breathing, and his whole body seemed to be Being roasted on the fire, it was one of his countless dreams, his consciousness was drifting away in the drowsiness, and he heard a low hoarse voice coming from a distant place in his ear, dimly reaching his eardrums...