Gold Class Fighter

Chapter 110


That day, under those circumstances, it was just a brief hug.

But in Yang Lei's memory many years later, it was the longest hug between him and Fang Yu. It looks like a lifetime, a lifetime.

Fang Yu's hands full of mud and blood held Yang Lei's face and stroked his cheeks, as if he would disappear once he let go. Yang Lei's fingers sank into the flesh of Fang Yu's back. In Fang Yu's eyes, Yang Lei could not feel his existence...

Thousands of words poured into his chest like a storm, but Yang Lei only heard himself shouting: "...Are you crazy?!..."

Yang Lei's trembling voice was scattered in the rain...

"Let's go home."

Fang Yu hugged his shoulder tightly, and Fang Yu said every word...

What they said and did at that moment, Yang Lei had a memory fault a long time later. It seemed like a blank space in his over-shocked brain. Yang Lei knew that he remembered and remembered it clearly, but it was placed in the deepest place in his mind, and only he could touch it.

They got out of there, out of the dangerous jungle.

A signal bomb flew into the sky, and the dazzling and bright light group exploded in people's eyes.

The commotion on the ground, the turning of the propeller, the rush of the rescue team...

That day, the national TV news broadcast the news of the disaster area. The rain in the disaster area was sudden and the situation was severe, but fortunately it did not cause mudslides and large-scale landslides, which bought time for rescue and rescue, and the affected people were evacuated safely...

The helicopter landed slowly, frantically flipping the hair of the people on the ground.

The huge noise was deafening in Yang Dahai's ears, beating wildly in his heart.

The crowd was anxiously waiting, and when they finally saw the two figures, they burst into cheers...

The medical staff rushed up, and the political commissar Lu and the officers and soldiers rushed up.

Yang Dahai took unsteady steps and staggered forward...

When Yang Lei woke up, he saw the white ceiling of the hospital and the smell of disinfectant in his nose.

He froze for a moment, realized where he was, and sat up abruptly.

"Wake up? Hey, be careful, there is a hanging needle!" The little nurse hurried over to adjust the hanging bottle.

Yang Lei looked around eagerly, it was a single ward.

"What about him?" Yang Lei asked immediately.

"Who is it?" The little nurse didn't understand.

"Rescued with me! Where are the others?!" Yang Lei almost shouted, making the little nurse stunned.

After Yang Lei sent out the signal bomb in the Fangyu search and rescue bag, the helicopter that had been circling nearby found their location immediately, and the empty crane took them away from the danger. A winch lift sling carried them into the cabin, surrounded by lifeguards and paramedics.

Yang Lei was next to Fang Yu, his hands tightly clasped with Fang Yu's fingers.

Yang Lei fell into a coma. He hadn't slept for days and nights, and when he leaned against Fang Yu's arms and was embraced by Fang Yu, the sudden relaxation of peace of mind made him instantly fall into the darkness. When he fell asleep, he still held Fang Yu's hand tightly, not letting go.

He was afraid that Fang Yu would disappear as soon as he opened his eyes. He still has so much to say, what he has to say before he can finish...

Fang Yu promised him before the lifeguard on the sling landed. Fang Yu said, don't say anything... I'll listen to you when I go back alive...

"He, he was still sitting here during the day to watch you. I didn't see you later, maybe I left!" The little nurse told the truth.

"Where are you going??"

"He's just got some trauma. It's nothing to worry about. Let's go back. It seems to be going back to the hotel across the street. Maybe pick up the luggage..." The little nurse also guessed.

Yang Lei pulled out the needle and jumped out of bed.

"Hey, you!..."

With the surprised cry of the little nurse, Yang Lei put on his military uniform and rushed out of the ward.

- You said to wait for me! You said we came back alive, listen to what I have to say! !

... house woo! !

Yang Lei rushed to the corridor and bumped into Yang Dahai who was about to come in.

"Xiao Lei..." Yang Dahai shouted, and was silent in Yang Lei's eyes.

Yang Lei didn't say anything, just glanced at him.

After a glance, Yang Lei flew away without looking back and rushed downstairs.

Yang Dahai didn't stop him and stood there, watching Yang Lei's disappearing back.

When Yang Lei looked at him, Yang Dahai knew that he had lost this son...

The phone in his pocket was ringing, and Yang Lei picked it up while running wildly.

"Yang Lei! Are you alright? You..." Fang Mei's voice was anxious and worried.

"Fang Mei."

Yang Lei interrupted her.


"..." Fang Mei felt something.

Yang Lei ran. Facing Fang Mei on the phone, with deep regret and guilt, but firm...

"I can't do what I promised you. I'm sorry..."

Yang Lei ran, and it seemed that only running was left in his life. He rushed out of the hospital's gate, and people watched in astonishment at a galloping young officer, running on the road under the neon lights. He ran to the hotel across the street and threw himself in front of the big stage. He found out the room number. He didn't have time to wait for the elevator, so he ran up the stairs...

In the empty corridor upstairs, a person was standing at the entrance of the room, just about to close the door.

He was hugged in his arms by the force coming from behind him.

"..." Fang Yu stopped.

"If I am alive, you can leave me alone."

Fang Yu didn't move, he stood up straight, the door closed behind them, blocking the outside.

"Then I should die in that place."

"...Don't talk nonsense!"

"why did not you tell me?!"

A roar burst out from Yang Lei's heart, his voice was full of blood, tearing himself and Fang Yu's heart to pieces...

Seven years, their seven years, seven years they will never return.

Yang Lei's fingers clasped tightly into Fang Yu's clothes, almost digging into Fang Yu's body. His voice is not his own, he can't even breathe through his heart...

His heart was cut piece by piece with knives, his belly was cut open, and his heart was gouged out. The pain was so painful that he drowned in the water and suffocated. Even if he opened his mouth, he couldn't breathe! He can't wait to stab himself with a knife and a knife, let the blood dry and hollow out the internal organs, scrape the bones, enter the marrow, and finally there is only one body left. Pain, even the soul is torn apart!

"... What do I want you don't know?... Don't know??... "

Fang Yu listened to Yang Lei's shattered voice behind him, Fang Yu tightly clenched Yang Lei's fingers on his chest...

"...Are you stupid?...Why are you so fucking stupid?!..."

The broken voice swallowed and disappeared in his throat, Yang Lei slammed his face into Fang Yu's back, Fang Yu felt a sudden tremor behind him, and heard a man's uncontrollable cry...

He destroyed Fang Yu, and he personally destroyed the person he loved the most in his life.

He ruined him. When he was in high spirits in the military camp, he spent the long cold night in the barricade. When he watched the fireworks in the Millennium Night and resented him, he was in a deep prison, and all he saw was the cold power grid. and high walls…

He has a goal and a career, but his goals and career are exchanged for every day Fang Yu spends in prison.

And he thought he was the most painful person in the world, he pushed him away and shouted, we can't go back! ... Don't make me look down on you! …

"...I'm stupid, I'm the stupidest idiot in the world!!"

If he really believed him, he would not have given up after seeing the letter. If he had asked Fang Yu where he was and how he was doing in those three years, if he saw the dark Fang Yu, who was alone in the house, he really cared about why, and he wouldn't have waited until today to know everything! …

If, but there is no if in life.

It's that he never really trusted the feeling. He was the one who destroyed the people he always loved with his own hands.

"..." Fang Yu's heart clenched like a thorn.

He was about to turn around, but Yang Lei pressed against him tightly, soaking wet on his back, soaking Fang Yu's stinging heart. Fang Yu looked down and saw Yang Lei's arm. There were scars all over it. It was a neat incision that he could make with a knife. Outside that prison, Yang Lei used a knife like this to slash his arm...

Fang Yu stared at the scar...

"'s my fault!'s me who ruined you!!..."

Yang Lei burst into tears...


Fang Yu turned around abruptly and grabbed Yang Lei, his eyes red.

"Your fault??... I kill people with a gun, and I can be shot when I hit hard! But I only got a six-year sentence and a commutation, why, because of you!"

"Don't say seven years, it's seventeen years and twenty-seven years, and I deserve it. If I break the law, I have to pay it back! Even if I go back and do it again, I will still avenge the ninth brother. How should I be sentenced? Either I was shot like Tiger King, or I was jailed for the rest of my life! But now, I've only been sitting for seven years, and my life is still alive, is this ruining it??… Is it??… "

Fang Yuzhuan stared at Yang Lei with red eyes, cupped his face hard, and looked at his red eyes.

"To be wrong, I only did one thing wrong,"

The only thing he regrets, the only thing he did wrong.

"... At that time... how could I let you go!... "

When he looked at Yang Lei who was drunk and crying in pain, when he saw the steel helmet in the chaotic mud and collapsed soil, when he was madly digging down the deeply buried soil with his fingers, he knew that he was Wrong, he was really wrong.

Back then, when he wrote that letter, he thought it was worth it, and he told himself it was right to let go.

However, when he saw Yang Lei who had been suffering for three years, when he thought he was going to lose Yang Lei in the mountains, he realized that he was wrong.

Life takes some detours. How to love, you have to experience the price before you can truly understand.

He and Yang Lei both took detours and went farther and farther, but they finally realized that this was a mistake. If time could be repeated, he hoped that God would give him another chance. This time, he seized it and would never let it go.

But can God give him this chance again? Can?

"In prison, it's not hard, I have thoughts, no matter how big the prison is, thinking of you makes my heart open."

When he saw the photo sent by Yang Lei for the first time, the photo of Yang Lei wearing a handsome military cadet uniform was the first time he laughed in prison. worth.

"You ruined me?... Without you, am I still bright?!"