Gold Class Fighter

Chapter 28


During the banquet, Yang Lei went to the bathroom and was releasing his hands when Ding Wen also came in and stood beside him to release his hands. Yang Lei felt that Ding Wen's eyes had been staring at him, feeling a little strange. When Yang Lei went to wash his hands, Ding Wen also followed and washed his hands beside him.

"Yang Lei, you are in such a good shape."

This is the first time Yang Lei has come across to praise a man's good figure. He is not used to it.


He dealt with it indifferently.

"These jeans are beautiful, where did you buy them?"

Ding Wen asked politely, his eyes turned on Yang Lei's crotch.

"Oh, from a friend."

"Hong Kong goods, look at this brand, the famous brand."

Ding Wen reached out and stroked the iron plate of the jeans behind Yang Lei's waist.

"This belt is not bad." Ding Wen's hand touched the belt naturally. "Look here, this brand is very expensive."


Yang Lei also looked down at the sign. He bought this belt casually and didn't pay attention to any brand.

At this time, someone entered the bathroom again, Yang Lei looked up and saw Fang Yu.

As soon as Fang Yu entered, he saw Ding Wen's hand touching Yang Lei's waist.

Seeing Fang Yu coming in, Ding Wen retracted his hand, smiled politely at Fang Yu, and nodded.

Fang Yu also nodded lightly.

Yang Lei and Ding Wen went out together.

Fang Yu turned around and glanced at them.

This Ding Wen, fighting is definitely incomparable to Huamao, but in pursuit of what he loves, his methods are much more clever than Huamao.

At the wine table, Yang Lei casually talked about some equipment problems. The next day, Ding Wen found Yang Lei and said that he could solve this batch of equipment.

As expected, Ding Wen quickly obtained this batch of equipment through connections and helped Yang Lei a lot, and Yang Lei was very grateful to him. Ding Wen began to go to the company to find Yang Lei frequently. For the love of help, Yang Lei was also right. He was very polite, and he became familiar with him.

But Yang Lei is definitely not stupid. From Ding Wen's various performances, Yang Lei can guess who Ding Wen is and what he means to him.

Later, when Ding Wen mentioned it to him, Yang Lei also clearly refused. Yang Lei has never been ambiguous in this matter. This Ding Wen is also a smart man, he knows how to make progress by retreating. He is open-minded and said that it's fine. As long as you don't look down on me, we can still be friends and invite Yang Lei to play with him from time to time.

Yang Lei really went, and he was quite addicted to it. He even ran to Ding Wen's house every three days.

Of course, it wasn't Ding Wen that attracted Yang Lei, but one thing in Ding Wen's home—a computer.

In those days, computers were absolutely high-tech gadgets and absolute luxury goods. They were very rare in ordinary people's homes, and only a few public and technical units could have them and use them. Of course, computers became popular at a rapid rate, but at the time when Ding Wen invited Yang Lei, computers were definitely a rarity.

When Yang Lei came into contact with this new thing at Ding Wen's house, he was a little addicted. After all, it was a brand new and magical world, which stimulated Yang Lei's curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

DOS system, WPS, input lines, strings... These things are now antiques among antiques, and they can catch up with fossils, but they were the most fashionable and technical at the time. After Yang Lei became addicted, he went to Ding Wen's place to play with the computer every night. Ding Wen was very welcome every time, and he gave Yang Lei the computer all the time, and taught him how to use it. Yang Lei used it as long as he liked it.

On the one hand, Yang Lei is interested in computers. On the other hand, he urgently needs to do something else to divert his attention from Fang Yu.

Playing on the computer is a very useful method, at least Yang Lei can concentrate on playing on the computer and not think about the troubles between him and Fang Yu.

As a result, the number of times Yang Lei and Fang Yu met was significantly reduced.

In the past night, Yang Lei was with Fang Yuti most of the time, and since that night, Yang Lei has never been to Fang Yu's house.

Although the two have already talked and agreed to be good brothers, it is impossible to go back to the past after all. Yang Lei and Fang Yu are aware of this.

Fang Yu also went to Yang Lei to eat and play, and Yang Lei also went to the Century Restaurant to sit at Fang Yu's. But that's it. Sometimes at night, I had dinner with Brother Fang Yu, and Yang Lei was thinking about going to play on the computer, not going to sing with them, so he left early and went straight to Ding Wen.

Yang Lei and Ding Wen got close, Fang Yu heard about it.

Moreover, it is indeed a coincidence that what happened under the sun is not far from the house where Ding Wen lives, just in the community two streets away.

Fang Yu knew what kind of person Ding Wen was.

At the banquet table of Huamao's birthday that day, Ding Wen looked at Yang Lei with the same naked eyes as when Huamao was looking at Fang Yu. Fang Yu might not have understood it before, but with the lesson from the past, Fang Yu understood after a few glances.

And Ding Wen was brought by Hua Mao, it is not difficult to guess what kind of friend Hua Mao is. It's just that Fang Yu didn't expect that Ding Wen, who looked very normal, was the same person as Huamao.

Yang Lei might be fine at the wine table, but Fang Yu looked at Ding Wen's straight face, and his face sank. Those interesting eyes, in Fang Yu's eyes, were insulting to Yang Lei, which made Fang Yu quite unpleasant. For the sake of Huamao's birthday, he didn't have any seizures. If Fang Yu's hot personality before the age of 20, the people who didn't like it would have gone up and cleaned up on the spot, and he could have let the other party sit safe and sound until now

But even if Fang Yu wanted to have a seizure, it was a bit baffling. After all, Yang Lei didn't respond, and he just looked at it a few more times, his eyes were a little hot and strange, and he didn't do anything.

Everyone at the table that day found Fang Yu's face darkened, and they all looked at him, although they didn't know why Fang Yu's face was darkened. After that, no one dared to talk nonsense, only the protagonist Hua Mao, who drank too much and didn't notice, kept talking, and Ding Wen, who couldn't wink, was teasing Yang Lei.