Gold Class Fighter

Chapter 34


Yang Lei found out that something was wrong that night.

When he arrived at the provincial capital, it was to socialize. When he returned to the hotel after the entertainment, the first thing Yang Lei did was to call Fang Yu.

He called Fang Yu's house first, but no one answered. At that time, it was already past 11 o'clock in the evening. Yang Lei estimated that Fang Yu should be home too. He wondered if Fang Yu stayed up all night the night before, and then stayed up again this night

He made another call to the single-person general manager's office in the building of the Century Restaurant, and there was no one there, and then called the main desk on duty, but there was still no one there.

It's true that everyone got off work at this time. Although Yang Lei was a little down, he didn't think much about it. But after watching TV in the hotel for a while, he made more than a dozen calls to these places, but no one answered.

Yang Lei was upset. He wanted to hear Fang Yu's voice, now, immediately, immediately.

Since he separated from Fang Yu in the afternoon, and experienced the things he had in Fang Yu's house before, his thoughts about Fang Yu were like a tide that could not be suppressed in his heart. He thought about him like a cat scratching, and wanted to talk to him .

For some reason, he always felt restless, as if he could not find Fang Yu, and he was always restless.

Just in this unsteadiness, Yang Lei fell asleep in a daze. When he woke up in the morning, the first thing he did when he opened his eyes was to reach for the phone and hang up at Fang Yu's house.

Still no one picked up. Yang Lei's heart lifted. He went to the duty desk of the Century Restaurant to call again, and finally waited for someone to answer.

After listening to what the person on the phone said, Yang Lei said, "What did you say?"

After Yang Lei heard it, he wanted to yell: Why didn't anyone tell me last night?

The person on duty at the Century Restaurant was in a different way, saying that someone had entered the game, and now I don't know what the situation is. Yang Lei called Huamao in a single call.

The cat is as anxious as an ant on a hot pan.

As soon as Fang Yu entered the game last night, Luo Jiu knew that this matter could be small or big. Just inquiries made it clear, that Tuesday it was clear that he was here for the whole house. Who is it on Tuesday? Tuesday's biological father belongs to the Public Security Bureau, or else can the public security be regarded as his home on Tuesday? Call it when you say it

Since Fang Yu entered the situation, no one has come to arrest Lao Liang, and no one has come to the scene to investigate. Not to mention that the group of Xiao Kai was taken away on Tuesday, they turned their heads and went home. Even Lao Liang's subordinates who participated in the fight at the scene were released after being locked for a few hours.

The only one that was not released was Fang Yu.

Lao Liang's men said that no police officers came to investigate who they stabbed or what the situation was at the scene. They were locked in a large room for several hours without even asking a few questions.

Ham was rescued in the hospital, but it was only a flesh wound, and it was not a serious problem, but the old man who was stabbed by the ham suffered much more serious injuries than him, and he was in a coma until the middle of the night.

Luo Jiu has been the eldest brother for so many years, does it have anything to do with the police? He searched for his relationship in the police overnight to get people, but that "connection" was not in Jianghai for the past two days, and was performing tasks in other places.

"When I come back and do it for you, that's the only way to go!" "Relationship" said.

"Old Li, I really don't have anything to do with that child. If you want me to tell you, please give him a phone call and detain him for a few days to teach him a lesson!" Luo Jiu's words meant that he was afraid that Fang Yu would be in the bureau. If the child is suffering, if the police interrogate him, he will be very particular about it! It means to stop the trial and close it.

"If you want someone else to get it, that Tuesday, his father...cough, wait for me to come back!" Lao Li was also in a dilemma. Although he was not low in the Public Security Bureau, this matter involved his own people, and it was a dilemma.

Luo Jiu did the same, he also knew that Old Li was difficult to do. No matter how strong the relationship between black and white is, can it be stronger than someone else's father and son

Therefore, Fang Yu's suffering, Luo Jiu also knew that it was settled.

As soon as Lao Liang heard that Fang Yu gave him a top package, he was anxious, and was about to go to the Public Security Bureau, but was stopped by Luo Jiu: "Don't you think it's not messy enough?"

"Ninth brother! I can let the eldest brother take the blame?!" Lao Liang's eyes were red with anxiety, he must know that Fang Yu wanted him to leave to give him a top package, and he would not leave even if he died!

"Did you go to the top thing? People are going to clean up the house now! It's no use if you go!" Luo Jiu Tai knew what was going on here.

"Then what should I do? I just watched the gang of cops bully my eldest brother?" Lao Liang squatted in the bureau. He knew what it was like, so he took out the fork again. "I'm going to fuck up that Tuesday!"

"You come back!" Luo Jiu reluctantly called to Lao Liang...

Facing the public security, facing the "front" of society, facing the strict state apparatus, facing the privileged class, these triads are helpless...

Hua Mao was also in a hurry. It was his beloved. For the first time, he knew what it was like to watch his beloved have an accident but couldn’t do anything. People with a somewhat normal occupation and social status are not spared.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier??" Yang Lei's eyes were filled with sparks. It was this whole night, how much more hardship Fang Yu could endure this whole night, Yang Lei knew too well!

"Tell you? Tell you what the fuck is going on?" said the cat.

"Don't move! When I come back, I'll be right back!" Yang Lei roared and hung up the phone.

After hanging up Huamao's phone, Yang Lei turned around and dialed a series of numbers.

"Hello." The voice of answering the phone was very dragging, with a dragging sound.

"The Municipal Bureau? Who are you?" Yang Lei said.

"Who are you looking for?"

"Public security department, anyone can do it." Yang Lei said.

"How can I find it for you if you don't tell me your name?" The policeman who answered the phone became impatient.

Yang Lei heard it.

"You Shi Guang? I'm looking for Yang Datian!" Yang Lei said.

The policeman who answered the phone sat up straight. He sounded wrong.

"I'm Xiao Shi, may I ask you who is..." The policeman's tone was more gentle.

"Yang Lei!" Yang Lei said.