Gold Class Fighter

Chapter 47


Fang Yu said to think about it, but he didn't think about anything.

He didn't have time to think about it, he only saw Yang Lei's appearance when he left, that desperate back, which stung his heart.

He knew that Yang Lei would do what he said. Tomorrow, Yang Lei would leave, stay away from him, and disappear from his vision.

Then, they will eventually get farther and farther, until they become strangers...

Fang Yu couldn't think about it anymore. His chest heaved.

Can he bear to never see Yang Lei again? Can he?

When Yang Lei was hiding from him before, when Yang Lei ran to Ding Wen's place every day, when he watched Yang Lei pass by him downstairs from the balcony every day but walked straight past, his mood, Doesn't he understand it himself

Fang Yu is a man, a normal man, he still can't tell what is between him and Yang Lei, even if Yang Lei said it was love, he is still not sure, his reason, his instinct, make him unsure, Can't just go to the next definition!

However, when Yang Lei's footsteps disappeared in the corridor, when Fang Yu was convinced that Yang Lei would never come here again, when Yang Lei said that he would not let him see him again after tonight, Fang Yu's My heart sank suddenly, to the bottom.

He had never felt that way when he was being held with a gun firmly pointed at his head.

It's a fear. Fear spread from the bottom of my heart.

He was afraid of losing Yang Lei.

Fang Yu never knew that he was so afraid of losing Yang Lei.

When Fang Yu chased into the rain, he didn't even know what he was doing. His mind is no longer working, there is only one thought: keep Yang Lei!

How to stay? What to stay

Until Fang Yu opened the iron door, entered the small building, and knocked on Yang Lei's door, Fang Yu didn't even think about it. He seems to be in an abnormal state, he wants to see Yang Lei, he doesn't want to see Yang Lei's expression, that expression shouldn't appear on Yang Lei's face, and it shouldn't be caused by himself!

When Yang Lei opened the door, Fang Yu completely surrendered himself to instinct.

At this moment of instinct, he pulled Yang Lei into his arms tightly and kissed his lips.

What does the act of kissing represent? People in that era were relatively more innocent than today. Even a bastard like Fang Yu, in terms of emotional attitude, people like him were pure and direct in contrast. Only those who love each other kiss, and what is not kissed is sex, not love. So before, he never kissed Yang Lei on the mouth, nor let Yang Lei kiss him. Even in bed, they are sometimes passionate and full of the urge to kiss each other, but they are always restrained and avoided.

Perhaps Fang Yu knew in his heart that without kissing, they could still lie to themselves. It's just "playing", not sex.

However, didn't Fang Yu want to kiss Yang Lei

He thought about it.

Several times when he pressed Yang Lei under his body and slammed into Yang Lei's legs, he looked at Yang Lei's face with his neck raised and closed his eyes and moaned in a low voice. Controlled the urge to kiss him...

Yang Lei kissed him just now, and that kiss brought Fang Yu not only shock and shock, but more complicated things.

That was the feeling that Yang Lei kept repeating in his dreams, and it was also Fang Yu's impulse to be suppressed in his heart...

Yang Lei was also stunned.

But he didn't pause for a second, he hugged Fang Woo tightly and kissed him fiercely.

… what a kiss that was!

If the kiss between men and women is more tender and lingering, then the kiss between two men is completely crazy, brutal, and direct. The wet bodies of each other were pressed against each other, and the entangled tongues rolled back and forth between their lips violently, colluding with eagerness, thirst and impatience. The tip of Yang Lei's tongue was wrapped tightly by Fang Yu mercilessly, sucking, pushing, and Yang Lei's kiss made his eyes turn black. He kept moving his tongue, chasing Fang Yu, and being chased by Fang Yu. Only in each other's lips and tongues can the fish that land on the shore find the living air, so inseparable, stirring, sinking...

Yang Lei grabbed Fang Yu's soaked shirt and pulled his belt. Fang Yu also rudely pulled Yang Lei's T-shirt and threw it on the floor. Silently and impatiently, they took off each other's soaked clothes, while still kissing each other as if they couldn't be separated from each other. Until they were finally naked and naked, they hugged each other tightly and fell on the bed.

Even if they were still wet with rain, even if their hair was already soaked, they couldn't care about it, only each other was left in their eyes. Fang Yu pressed on Yang Lei's body and left his lips. Their glued lips finally separated for a moment. Fang Yu raised his body and looked at Yang Lei. Yang Lei's lips left Fang Yu, suddenly empty and lost, he raised his body to kiss Fang Yu, but was pushed down by Fang Yu. Fang Yu vigorously brushed Yang Lei's wet hair in front of his forehead, as if to see his face clearly, looking down at him, Yang Lei looked up at Fang Yu's eyes, he was deeply intoxicated by Fang Yu's staring at him...

Fang-woo lowered his head and kissed him again...

Yang Lei wrapped his arms around the neck of the building and responded like crazy...

They had done it many times in bed, but this night was different.

Rubbing, stroking, stroking, kneading, kissing… none of these satisfy each other. Even though Yang Lei picked up Fang Yu's boobs and put it in his mouth to give him oral sex, Fang Yu was still impatient.

He pushed Yang Lei away, pulled his lower body that was as hard as iron out of his mouth, hugged Yang Lei and overturned, and the place full of male aggression tightly pressed against Yang Lei's legs, but he didn't know what he wanted What, how can it be satisfied.

Men are instinctive animals at times like this. If the desire cannot be expressed in time, it will be even more uncomfortable than stopping halfway. If it was a woman under him, Fang Yu would have already inserted it at this time, and his lust had become unbearable, but facing Yang Lei, he couldn't figure it out.

Now it's different from those "playing" in the past. Now he and Yang Lei no longer have any hesitation, escape, and confusion. There is only the hunger and thirst for complete possession, and the urgency to integrate into one...

But Fang Yu didn't know how to possess a man, he just subconsciously felt that the friction and comfort like in the past were not enough, far from enough, far from being possessive...

Yang Lei noticed Fang Yu's impatience and impatience, Fang Yu caressed the strength of the hands on Yang Lei's legs and hips, Fang Yu's hot and rough lower body that was tightly pressed against him, but had nowhere to go, told Yang Lei , he wanted to go further, but couldn't do it.

Yang Lei remembered the videotape, the part where the two men were joined together in the video, the posture of their thrusting and intercourse...

He didn't know how many times he wanted to do the same to Fang-woo. That's real sex, really getting each other...

In the past, Yang Lei didn't dare to do it, for fear of scaring Fang Yu away, but now, he couldn't bear it any longer.

He hugged the house and pressed it hard. On the bed, the house was always dominant, always pressing him under him, but now Yang Lei couldn't care about it. He wanted to get the house, and he wanted to go crazy.

Panting heavily, Yang Lei kissed Fang Yu, kissing him passionately, whispering in his ear, "Fang Yu... I think... "

His heart was about to jump out, and every word of Yang Lei was trembling.

“…I want to go in…”

Fang Yu was silent for a while. Fang Yu looked at him.

Yang Lei touched behind Fang Yu with a suggestive hand. He knows that Fang Yu doesn't understand, he wants to teach Fang Yu, two men can also insert and combine, it is not only the intersection of the body, but also the combination of the soul...

That's true love, whether it's physical or heart...

"… "

Fang Yu was shocked, but reacted.

Before Yang Lei could take further action, Fang Yu turned over and grabbed Yang Lei's hand. He turned over and pressed Yang Lei's wrists on the bed.

His face and chest dripping with sweat, his silent eyes staring at Yang Lei, shocked Yang Lei more than any words.

"… "

Yang Lei looked at him. Fang Yu's sexy face full of masculine strength and desire to conquer makes Yang Lei sink into silence.

If Yang Lei can be conquered by one person, then there is only one person in this world.

He has long been conquered by this man. A long time ago, long before they met, when he heard about the existence of such a person and thought that one day he would have to fight him...

When he was fighting with him, when he heard him plucking the strings on the other side of the playground, when he was rescued by him on a motorcycle, sitting with him on that wide platform, watching him When the sadness and loneliness in my eyes...

Whatever Fang Yu wanted, Yang Lei was willing to give.

He doesn't care, as long as it's Fang Yu, he doesn't care.

There is only Fang Yu, there is only one Fang Yu in this world who can make him do this.

Fang Yu leaned down and kissed Yang Lei.

Fang Yu's kiss was tender, meticulous, gradually fiery, crazy...

Fang Yu picked up Yang Lei's legs, separated, and squeezed himself into Yang Lei's legs, the hot and hard place, throbbing like life, pressed against Yang Lei's back.

Fang Yu was already on the verge of death, his eyes were red from desire, but he still managed to endure and looked at Yang Lei.

He was worried about Yang Lei's feelings, but still kept his senses. There is a psychological obstacle for a man to accept this. He and Yang Lei are both men, and they all know...

Seeing Fang Yu's majestic size, Yang Lei had no idea, but now, the thought of wanting to become one with Fang Yu occupies everything in his mind...

"'s alright..."

Yang Lei's voice is hoarse...

"… bring it on… "

Yang Lei says...

Fang Yu's chest heaved up and down, he straightened his waist, and the huge front end suddenly squeezed in.

"… Well!"

A man like Yang Lei, who has suffered various injuries and endured various pains in countless street battles, was also agitated by this momentary pain, and let out a dull groan.

In such a narrow and tight place, without any lubrication and prior preparation, just stabbed into it suddenly and recklessly, can it not hurt? ? What's more, the size of the house is larger than ordinary people.

If Fang Yu understood, he would know to lubricate first, and use his fingers to slowly let Yang Lei get used to it, not to mention that Yang Lei has never done it before, Yang Lei is the first time.

But it was also the first time for Fang Yu, and Fang Yu didn't understand. If he hadn't met Yang Lei, he would never have thought of doing such a thing with a man in his life.

Hearing Yang Lei's groaning, Fang Yu was not feeling well. He stabbed in like this, without any lubrication. Fang Yu also felt the pain. He was shackled and wrapped tightly by the extraordinary tightness, and Fang Yu's lower body was hooped. Almost on the verge of an explosion, Fang Yu tried his best to restrain himself from the urge to plunge deep...

Fang Yu saw Yang Lei's painful expression, he couldn't bear to make Yang Lei so painful, he hesitated to quit, but was caught by Yang Lei.

“…can do…”

Yang Lei was hoarse. He took a sigh of relief, feeling a little more used to it, and motioned Fang Yu to continue in.

Fang Yu hugged him tightly, lowered his head to kiss him, and reached out to comfort Yang Lei's lower body.

The pleasure from his lower body made Yang Lei gradually relax his body. Fang Yu felt Yang Lei's body relax, and he was not so nervous to resist. Fang Yu had already endured it to the limit, and he sunk his waist forward and inserted it all.


This time Yang Lei forcibly held back and swallowed the pain back into his throat. He frowned tightly, sweat dripping from his face, enduring the bitter and sweet pain.

Pain is nothing, he just wants to make Fang Yu comfortable, as long as Fang Yu is comfortable, he doesn't care if he dies on this bed.

Fang Yu completely entered Yang Lei's body. He didn't move, the two hugged tightly, feeling the incredible pulsation from the place where they joined.

It was a feeling that shocked them all, but it was so real, so real that they would never forget it...

They heard each other's pounding heartbeats, each other's rapid, heavy breathing, and the sound of love and lust growing wildly...

Fang Yu didn't move. He was afraid that he would hurt Yang Lei. Fang Yu restrained his desire to move and glanced at the bedside. He grabbed the bottles on the bedside table and picked up a box of snake ointment. , slowly pulled himself out, smeared it randomly, and then slowly inserted it.

With the lubrication of snake oil, it was obviously much better than before. Fang Yu went back and forth slowly, looking at Yang Lei's face, and finally Yang Lei's expression became more relaxed. Yang Lei opened his eyes full of pain and sweat, watching Fang Yu forcefully endure. And pity his eyes again.

"… okay… "

Yang Lei said hoarsely. With lubrication, Yang Lei can handle it. He saw Fang Yu who was hesitating, hooked the back of his neck, raised his body slightly and kissed him.

Fang Yu kissed him, and the bottom moved slowly.

At first, he was scruples about Yang Lei's bearing, and just twitched slowly. But gradually, after Yang Lei got used to it, the surging pleasure hit Fang Yu's brain like a flood, washing away all his sanity.

Yang Lei's narrow and hot corridor was so tight that Fang Yu couldn't control himself. His lower body was tightly suffocated and shrunk. The pressing suffocation and heat brought Fang Yu a strong stimulation that he had never experienced before. The stimulation made his avatar in Yang Lei's body even more congested and vigorous, Yang Lei knew that He could feel that what Fang Yu had buried deep in his body swelled bigger and harder, and pushed him away forcibly, as if he was invading and encircling his own territory... Every pulse that came from there was clearly conveyed to Yang Lei's body touched every nerve in him, making him painful and happy...

It was the first time for two men to do this kind of thing, and doing it from the back would ease the pain, but Fang Yu inserted Yang Lei directly from the front. On every nuanced expression...

Yang Lei's frowning face and gasping and moaning face gave Fang Yu a deep stimulation, Fang Yu moved faster and faster, and the rhythm gradually lost control.

He began to thrust uncontrollably, rammed, swayed his strong and strong waist, pulled himself out of Yang Lei's body, and before he was about to completely pull it out, he slammed in again, penetrating deeply into the deepest part... Yang Lei was slammed into by him. Fragmented moans, intense pain mixed with inexplicable joy, every time Fang Yu pulled out and slammed into it, Yang Lei fell into a frenzy...

The intense, almost numbing pain and the maddening rhythm from the lower body made Yang Lei know the taste of pain and stimulation. Compared with the physical pleasure, the fact that it was combined with Fang Yu made Yang Lei's psychology rush to a climax. …

Fang Yu looked at Yang Lei's confused face and picked up Yang Lei's upper body. With the change of posture, Fang Yu went deeper... He continued to soothe Yang Lei's lower body, bringing him pleasure, and using lubrication to drill open Yang Lei The inside of the deep suffocation pushes hard into the depths as if exploring endlessly, splitting every obstacle there, until it reaches the end of the deep, and can no longer go deeper...

Fang Yu kissed Yang Lei deeply, his lips and tongue entangled with him in Yang Lei's mouth, his erection tightly pressed against the deepest part of Yang Lei, rolling and grinding hard...

He wanted Yang Lei to also feel pleasure, and he wanted Yang Lei to climb to the top with him.

Yang Lei was driven mad by Fang Yu.

When Fang Yu was forcibly inserted, the blood cracked and bleed under Fang Yu, plus the snake oil that Fang Yu had wiped off almost completely, making a lewd sound in the twitching and squeezing, the small building in the dark night was completely silent, no one knew this dark All the chaos and madness going on in the room...

Yang Lei hugged Fang Yu's back tightly, and was pushed by Fang Yu from bottom to top. Finally, Fang Yu let go of his lips, gasping for breath and moaning...

After the initial pain, in the intense intercourse, the pleasure of being accidentally pushed up in Fang Yu's top lane rushed up Yang Lei's back, causing Yang Lei to feel as if he was electrocuted, and his body was involuntarily trembling...

"… what!"

Yang Lei let out an uncontrollable groan.

Fang Yu's breath became heavy, he suddenly pressed Yang Lei down, picked up his legs and put them on his shoulders, and started to sprint...

Fang Yu fell into a frenzy. He slammed into Yang Lei's body with all his strength and quickly inserted him. Yang Lei was swayed by his strength, and the carved bed couldn't bear such a violent movement.

In the fierce action, Fang Yu's sweat dripped on Yang Lei's naked chest, Fang Yu's sexy face indulged in sex made Yang Lei fascinated...

At the climax of the climax, Fang Yu let out a manly, wild growl, he pushed deep into Yang Lei's deepest part, and erupted suddenly inside him...

Yang Lei rubbed his avatar tightly on Fang Yu's lower abdomen, and shot out with trembling...

They were all covered in sweat and gasping for breath. Fang Yu hugged Yang Lei tightly, and he was still buried in Yang Lei's body and did not come out.

"...Am I crazy..."

Fang Yu said...

Whether it was Fang Yu or Yang Lei, they were all crazy.

Fang Yu slowly withdrew from Yang Lei's body, cautiously. He knew that Yang Lei must be injured.

He hugged Yang Lei guiltily, wiped the sweat off his face, lowered his head and kept kissing his face as if to make up for it.

Yang Lei also hugged Fang Yu back. Both of them were too inexperienced, and Fang Yu was too violent, Yang Lei really suffered a lot.

But Yang Lei has never been so satisfied. He didn't regret it at all.

"… How about it?… "

Fang Yu asked Yang Lei worriedly.

"...Fuck... it hurts..." Yang Lei also told the truth.

Fang Yu hugged him tightly. Fang Yu felt very uncomfortable.

He was guilty and regretful.

"'s all me...too much..."

He didn't expect him to be so crazy. The sexual pleasure Fang Yu experienced was unprecedented. At that moment, he had completely lost his mind at all. He had never had such a total loss of reason in sex.

"… Are you comfortable?"

Yang Lei stroked Fang Yu's cheek and asked him in a low voice. He cares about this the most. He wanted Fang Yu to be comfortable, as comfortable as heaven.

Fang Yu looked at him.

Fang Yu's heart was washing something. Yang Lei's expression of resisting pain, can Fang Yu not see it? Suffering such a big crime, this kind of behavior will hurt male self-esteem more or less, won't Fang Yu know

But at this time, Yang Lei only cared about his feelings.

Fang Yu looked at Yang Lei for a while, then lowered his head and said something in Yang Lei's ear. Yang Lei couldn't help laughing while shaking his throat.

"...Fuck... You talk dirty, I'm going to tell the police uncle... "

At this time, Yang Lei did not forget to be poor.

Fang Yu also wanted to ask Yang Lei how he felt. But do you need to ask? Yang Lei is so painful, can it be cool, can it be comfortable

Seeing that Yang Lei couldn't even lie down and could only turn to his side, Fang Yu had never been so overwhelmed before.

Yang Lei hugged Fang Yu, his forehead was still sweating from the pain, and what Fang Yu had injected in his body flowed out down his legs, sticking extremely uncomfortable, accompanied by hot and sharp pain, Yang Lei felt that he must have cracked there. .

He just endured it, but Fang Yu couldn't see it, Fang Yu hurried to get a towel and toilet paper to help Yang Lei clean up. The things that were cleaned were bloodshot mixed with white turbidity, which was shocking.

"...It's okay...what's this..." Yang Lei stiffened and comforted Fang Yu. He was stabbed and stabbed with a knife, and he was rescued in the operating room due to blood loss, which is nothing compared to that. If he knew the song of Grasshopper at this time, he would definitely say that it is "The Price of Secret Love".

But how can Fang Yu feel better? Fang Yu was in a hurry.

The next day before dawn, Yang Lei had a fever.

Fang Yu slept with Yang Lei in his arms.

Yang Lei's pain made him unable to sleep at all. Fang Yu let him lie on his side, put him in his arms, stroked him gently, diverted his attention, and let Yang Lei fall asleep in a daze.

Yang Lei rested on Fang Yu's arm. Although it hurt, he felt relieved. He thought in a daze, Fang Yu finally stopped running.

Holding Yang Lei like this, as long as Yang Lei changes at night, Fang Yu can immediately feel it and wake up immediately.

At dawn, Yang Lei's whole body was hot, and Fang Yu woke up. Yang Lei's whole body was hot like fire, Fang Yu was startled, he put his hand on his forehead, it was hot!

"Go to the hospital!"

Fang Yu got up and put on his clothes. He couldn't delay when he had such a high fever!

"I dont go!"

Although Yang Lei was confused, he did not forget to wake up. If he goes there, he has to be checked for the reason. Can he be checked for the reason?

"..." Fang Yu was helpless. He also knew Yang Lei's concerns, but there was nothing more important than Yang Lei's body right now.

"Then I'll buy you medicine!"

Fang Yu jumped out of bed and was about to go out.

"... I have them at home, ask Aunt Zhang for some fever-reducing tablets... Just tell her that I'm in the rain... "

Yang Lei had a fever, but his brain was fine.

Aunt Zhang heard that Yang Lei had a fever, and was so nervous that she gave Fang Yu a fever-reducing tablet, Banlangen or something, and went upstairs to take care of herself. Fang Yu and Yang Lei both looked embarrassed, Yang Lei covered the quilt tightly, and only let it go. Aunt Zhang was not by her side.

The bed sheets the night before had been in a mess, blood stains mixed with sperm, and people who came over would know what was going on. Fang Yu pulled the sheets off so that Yang Lei could sleep more comfortably. Fortunately, he left the sheets in the shower room. , did not let Aunt Zhang find out. When Aunt Zhang left and let Yang Lei take the medicine to sleep, Fang Yu went in and washed the sheets.

Can you just wash it without drying it? They also had to trouble Aunt Zhang and the others to come and dry them in the pot. They couldn't dry in the room, and they would be seen on the balcony. Fang Yu hesitated for a long time and went down by himself. When he went down to dry the sheets, his heartbeat was 180. The first time he was fifteen years old, he was not so nervous when he slashed with a knife for the first time.

Aunt Zhang is busy in the yard, can you not see it

"Beer spilled on it and got dirty..."

Fang Yu said quickly.

"Xiaoyu, you really are a child, do you still need to wash it? If it's dirty, just give it to me and it's over. Treat your godmother as an outsider?"

Aunt Zhang nags while helping him in the sun.

"... not... easy..."

Fang Yu smiled awkwardly, smiling stiffly.

Watching the antipyretic film worked, Yang Lei fell asleep with sweat, Fang Yu went to the hospital.

Fang Yu died because of Yang Lei's injury. He knew that he had to take measures, otherwise Yang Lei would not be able to bear it.

At the door of the hospital, he bravely went in, and he was embarrassed, but for Yang Lei's sake, he still went in. He had to get some medicine, at least to ease Yang Lei's pain.

"Doctor, my friend..."

Fang Yu was very embarrassed, but he still explained Yang Lei's situation in detail. This matter can't be delayed, he knows that even if someone pokes him in the eye, Fang Yu can't care.

Fortunately, the department was an old doctor in his fifties or sixties, who was kind and kind. The old doctor has seen many times, and his vision is different, and he has a scientific attitude towards this matter. He was prescribed a symptomatic drug to reduce swelling, stop bleeding, reduce inflammation and build muscle, and also prescribed a box of lubricant. He didn't ask any questions, and he didn't look at Fang Yu in a strange way.