Gold Class Fighter

Chapter 56


Yang Lei doesn't go home to live with friends. Yang Dahai also knows it, but Yang Dahai doesn't interfere too much. He can't manage Yang Lei's affairs like an ordinary father. He can only manage principles, general directions, and the details of life. More, Yang Lei will only go against him more and more, this Yang Dahai knows. Yang Dahai wants to let Yang Lei go to "Lu Zhi" now. As long as Yang Lei can agree to go, he can decide everything else by himself.

So Yang Lei lived in Fang Yu's place very down-to-earth. In the morning, he went out of the house to be busy, and in the afternoon, Yang Lei drove his car to pick up Fang Yu, went out for dinner, went for a drive, and then went home together. Sometimes I bring my brothers from both sides to play together, sometimes Fang Yu's best friends come to play cards and play mahjong and watch the video, Yang Lei helps Fang Yu to entertain them together, it's really like their home.

Fang Yu lived an irregular life for a long time, and his stomach was not very good. Yang Lei listened to an earthwork, and made soup with pig stomach to nourish his stomach. Yang Lei could not do it himself, so he asked the aunt in the restaurant downstairs to help him. He gave the money. , buy the freshest raw materials of pig stomach to make soup by himself, and supervise Fang Yu to drink it every night when he comes back. It is most effective to drink this pork belly soup at a fixed time, but Fang Yu often eats dinner at the busiest time in the Century Restaurant. When he comes back late, Yang Lei got a heat preservation pot and brought it to the company. The kitchen of the cafeteria was simmering on a fire. When picking up Fang Yu at night, he would take the soup with a thermos and send it to his office to watch him drink it according to the order.

"Don't be too busy, our restaurant can't do it, you don't mind it!"

Fang Yu couldn't bear Yang Lei to be so busy.

"Can your restaurant make this taste?" In fact, the pork belly soup has no taste at all, it's just a medicine, Yang Lei is just worried, others can use such good raw materials and cook with such care? Besides, he really didn't find it troublesome, it was actually quite simple, just fire and boil.

This pork belly soup is really effective, Fang Yu is not very sick now, so Yang Lei insists that he take a course of treatment.

"...I don't want to bother you!"

Fang Yu said the truth. His heart was warm.

"You just need to appreciate it!"

Yang Lei smiled, watching Fang Yu drink up the soup, he felt a sense of accomplishment.

Yang Lei came to pick up Fang Yu every day, and brought him stomach-nourishing soup. Everyone in the Century Restaurant said that Fang Zong was very lucky. In the past, it was the beautiful young lady who came to deliver the meals, and now he also brings his brother to deliver the soup!

Yang Lei sat in Fang Yu's manager's room and watched him drink soup, so he made fun of him.

"Ah, before Lin Shanshan came to deliver food, is it better than this?"

"That's right! Your soup has no taste at all! Is it delicious?"

Housing is unequivocal.

"It's delicious, you can eat her! Wait, I'll find her and send it to you."

Yang Lei jokingly got up to leave, but Fang Yu didn't stop him and continued to drink.

"Did I really go?"

Yang Lei put his hand on the doorknob.

"… "

Fang Yu drinks soup.

"... I'm relying on it, I really went!"

Yang Lei feigned anger and aggressively opened the door. Fang Yu, who had run out of soup, abruptly stood up and pushed the door closed. After dragging Yang Lei, he pressed him onto the sofa.

In the car at night, Yang Lei took Fang Yu and opened all the windows, and the passionate music of BEYOND rang all the way...

Today there are only remnants of the husk

Welcome to the glorious years

Hold tight to freedom in the wind and rain

A lifetime of struggle

Confidence can change the future…

Swallow B ran into some trouble. He did not go well in the land enclosure in Lucheng. A local developer boss in Lucheng was dissatisfied with Yan Ziyi's extended hand. When he bid for the land, he competed with Yan Ziyi. Yan Ziyi was indeed a bit domineering and offended the other party , Knowing that Yan Ziyi is the eldest brother of the underworld, the other party also asked the local underworld forces in Lucheng to negotiate with Yan Ziyi.

This person, Yan Ziyi, seems to be friendly and easy to get along with, but he can get the status of Big Brother Jiang Hai today. Is he a vegetarian? If someone respects him one foot, he can pay back ten feet, but if someone points him in the head, can he be submissive? If this time he is soft, and it is said that the Jianghai underworld will be frightened by a few gangsters in Lucheng, how will Yan Ziyi get along in the future

Hit hard, see if it's worth it. For the sake of profit and not against morality, Yan Ziyi thought it was worth it.

Therefore, on the issue of land, Yan Ziyi did not give in, and said to the other party: land, it is impossible to let go, we have to go through the Jianghu procedure, or whatever procedure, even if he does, he will continue.

Yang Lei also felt that his eldest brother did the right thing.

"Is that place you visited last time?"

Yang Lei told Fang Yu about this, Fang Yu asked. Fang Yu went there when he was chasing Yang Lei.

"Yeah! I've seen that Boss Wu!"

"What did you say?"

"Don't say anything, he knows that I am under my eldest brother, nothing else."

"Be careful."

From this boss Wu looking for the underworld to negotiate with Yan Ziyi, it can be seen that this person has a lot to do with the local underworld, and it is not so easy to settle.

"It's alright! If you really want to work with Lu Cheng, I have to go too."

"Tell Brother Yan, you can use it, call me."

"Okay! Can something be wrong..."

Yang Lei smiled, he knew Fang Yu wanted to help him...

Yang Lei felt that between him and Fang Yu, sometimes they were brothers, and sometimes they were lovers. This feeling made him particularly addicted. He likes Fang Yu and loves Fang Yu, but this kind of love is not the same as the love between men and women. He remembered that Hua Mao said that the love between a man and a man is the purest. Yang Lei thinks that may be the case. The emotion between men can transcend love, transcend material things, and sacrifice their lives for the other party without hesitation. It is not only because of love, but also because of the love between him and Fang Yu that can deliver life, which is not exactly the same as infatuation between men and women. That is the emotion that can make his blood boil at any time, he will not hesitate to do anything for it, and even give his life.

On a rare and leisurely evening, on the balcony on the eighth floor, Yang Lei and Fang Yu were lying there chatting, watching the golden-red sunset on the horizon, and half the sky was dyed with a magnificent sunset. There was a girl at the window opposite the balcony, sitting in front of the window and combing her hair slowly, as if she was deliberately combing it for them. Both of them found out, Yang Lei stabbed Fang Yu with his elbow, and both of them looked at the girl opposite with a smile, like two hooligans.

Yang Lei let out a whistle.


Yang Lei shouted loudly.

In Jianghai, Pan Xi not only refers to girlfriends, but also a standard word used by ruffians to strike up a conversation with beauties.

The girl blushed.

Fang Yu laughed and whistled to the girl frivolously.

The girl glanced at them, stood up shyly and went in.

"You said she had a crush on us?"

Yang Lei asked Fang Yu with a smile.

"Let's watch it together!"

Fang Yu narrowed his eyes.

"Fuck! They live across from you, they must have seen you long ago!"

"What's the matter, can I go over and fuck her?"

Fang Yu is a jerk, and his words are rough.

"Do it, don't you dare?"

Yang Lei took him.

Fang Yu lay on the balcony and glanced sideways at Yang Lei, with a half-smile but not a smile.

"Fuck her?—I'll fuck you!"

Fang Yu suddenly raised his voice and dragged Yang Lei into the room...

In bed that night, they had been "engaging".

The two kissed tacitly, their soft tongues played and twisted flexibly, their tongues teased and rubbed each other, and flew up and down each other's mouths... Fang Yu kissed Yang Lei tenderly. Yang Lei was used to Fang Yu's violence and roughness on the bed. I didn't know Fang Yu was so gentle...

Fang Yu kissed him tenderly and entered slowly. The two of them were more proficient than they were at the beginning, and Yang Lei's pain was relieved a lot... Fang Yu slowly swayed his waist, Yang Lei hugged Fang Yu's neck, He gasped in his arms...

Fang Yu let his size expand in Yang Lei, stopped, and explored carefully and patiently, dawdling inch by inch.

"… Reached… "

"… No… "


"… wait wait wait… "

When Fang Yu rubbed the top a little, Yang Lei suddenly lost his breath, Fang Yu didn't hesitate, and began to hit there repeatedly, getting faster and more intense...

Yang Lei's body trembled convulsively...

In the passion, the two babble nonsense and say unbearable words when they have sex, Fang Yu growled while fucking Yang Lei: Let me fuck? … let? …

Yang Lei shouted with a trembling voice... Let you fuck me! … just let you…!

The madness of two men making love, with vulgarity, savagery, violence, whether it is physical movements or words... It is a vulgar madness that a woman can't match or accept...

After the end, Fang Yu hugged Yang Lei who was covered in sweat, Fang Yu said Yang Lei, I'm so fucking crazy...

Fang Yu's eyes, Yang Lei will never forget...

In a few days, Yang Lei went to the company in the morning, and Fang Yu drove him there. That day, Yang Lei said that Fang Yu would also be the driver, and he also felt the feeling of "general".

When they got there, Fang Yu looked at Yang Lei who got off the bus.

"Er Hei and his wife have a treat in the evening, come early."

"I can't leave early today. I'll be there later tonight. You use the car. I'll go by myself."


Yang Lei was about to enter the building, Fang Yu was pushing the file to leave, and Yang Lei turned back again.

"What's the matter, have you forgotten something?"

Fang Yu asked.

Yang Lei glanced around, no one was there, he opened the car door and leaned in, quickly kissed Fang Yu's lips, exited proudly, and closed the car door with a slap.

"… Hold!"

Fang Yu reacted, laughed helplessly, and looked around subconsciously.

Yang Lei smiled triumphantly, like a stealing cat, waved to Fang Yu, turned and entered the building.

"Early at night!"

Fang-woo shouted in the car.


Yang Lei's back entered.

Fang Yu left.

But that night, he didn't wait for Yang Lei to come back.

Yang Lei was hacked.

The eldest brother in Lucheng's underworld, whom Boss Wu found, was nicknamed Huang Hook. This yellow hook likes to play tricks behind his back. Yan Ziyi challenged him face to face, without giving any face, Huang Gouzi hated his teeth so much that he wanted to do something crooked to force Yan Ziyi to bow his head.

According to the Jianghu procedure, the two bosses should sit down and talk about this matter first. If they can't agree, then decide whether to throw an idea or solve it with money. If both parties do not agree to solve it with money, it will be a battle of the rivers and lakes. Who wins? Who is it. Fighting is always the main way for triads to resolve disputes.

But there is a premise. Putting it on the bright side, everything will come to light. The appointment time, place, and how many people they will bring will be explained clearly and clearly. On that day, the two sides will face gongs and drums and gongs and drums, and the confrontation will be open and fair.

But the yellow hook is not. He's a black man behind his back.

He found out that Yang Lei was Yan Ziyi's capable subordinate, and he was the main person in charge of the Lucheng plot project. Huang Gouzi sent people to ambush and hack Yang Lei.

Yang Lei came out of the company that night, was attacked and turned over at the corner of the alley, put it into a van, and was taken to Lucheng that night.

Yang Lei was indeed negligent. He realized that something was wrong and blocked the sudden attack of the people behind him, but he didn't expect the dozens of people who rushed out to use the drug, and Yang Lei's consciousness also stopped.

The black hands behind the back, the yin people, or the use of indiscriminate methods and drugs that even the underworld disdain, all of them committed a taboo in the rivers and lakes, it can be seen what kind of person Huang Gouzi is.

The reason why Yang Lei is tied, not Yan Ziyi's family or something, is that Huang Gouzi still wants to get involved in the underworld. If the disputes between the Taoists involve the family, it will be a death penalty. Can't mess up anymore.

Therefore, tying up a subordinate, a general, and coercing Yan Ziyi, who is famous for his chivalry and affection, is the easiest way to do it.

That night, Fang Yu rummaged through Jianghai City.