Gold Class Fighter

Chapter 65


When Er Hei was pushed into the emergency room, he was already in a deep coma. Although the brothers tried their best to protect Xiaoqin, Xiaoqin was too stimulated and had an abortion reaction, and was also pushed into the emergency room.

When Lianggua was taken to the hospital, according to witnesses, the blood flowed so terribly that he looked like he was going to die. When Luo Jiu rushed to the door of Erhei's operating room, he drank the room covered in blood and led people downstairs to the hospital. Luo Jiu knew that if Er Hei couldn't survive tonight, Fang Yu would not let Liang Gua live until the early morning of the next day, and he would definitely go to the hospital where Liang Gu was located to make up for the surgery. If he intervenes, Fang Yu will definitely be wanted if he really loses his life.

"Ninth Brother!!" Fang Yu's voice changed.

"Don't come with me after you fucking go out tonight!"

Luo Jiu roared.

Yang Lei stayed with Fang Yu in Erhei's operating room for the whole night.

Erhei was finally rescued, but the child in Xiaoqin's stomach could not be saved.

The dying Lianggua was lucky enough to survive, at the cost of a partial liver resection, damage to multiple internal organs and a disabled right hand.

Before the revenge battle for this bloody case blew the horn, the next day something happened that shook the river and sea. The next night, when Luo Jiu and Fang Yu were still guarding Er Hei, who was not fully awake, Luo Jiu was smashed in many amusement halls and gambling stalls in Jianghai, including the Guangming billiards room, and the people who smashed the field were very fast. , there are at least fifty or sixty people. These people are all faceless. When they see people, they beat people, and when they see the field, they smash the field. They have machetes, axes and hammers in their hands. Comparable to smashing professional households!

Luo Jiu has been in Jianghai for so many years, and no one has ever dared to touch him like this. No matter the underworld or the white one, he has to give him face. When he was fighting for territory a few years ago, he and other underworld bosses had a big fight. It was only limited to one or two games, and his subordinates were also measured. After all, they couldn't do things absolutely, and no one dared to make Luo Jiuzhen angry. With Luo Jiu's current status in Jianghai, it is hard for the locals to imagine that there are still people who dare to provoke Luo Jiu like this!

There is only one answer, these people are not locals at all.

Most of Luo Jiu's people were still guarding in the hospital that night, and no one dared to provoke Luo Jiu's territory for a long time, so there were very few younger brothers who watched the scene in these places, and most of the people were transferred by Luo Jiu to other places to collect debts. In addition, he was attacked again, and he was smashed. At that time, the communication was not developed, and it took time to blow the whistle to assemble the manpower.

When the group smashed into an amusement hall, they were bumped by the first cat who came after hearing the news. Huamao did not say a word, the wrapping cloth in his hand was lifted, and it was a cold spear stab. The spear stab was gradually rare in the early 1990s. This melee weapon, which once occupied the front row in the cold weapon ranking, later belonged to the military control equipment, and the cat did not know where to get one. As soon as he stabbed, the thirty or forty people who followed him all threw newspapers wrapped with various knives and forks, and set fire to the amusement hall. This was the strongest resistance this group encountered on Luo Jiu's side that night. Later, the people in the group who participated in the fight described that a second sister-in-law with long curly hair rushed in, and no one placed him at all. In my eyes, I didn't expect that the two sisters would fight even more ferociously than real men. One of their leaders almost got hung up on his hand. Later, half of their arms were smashed and fractured, with permanent sequelae.

The cat's lifeless aura shocked the group, and this family became the last family to be smashed that night.

Luo Jiu and Fang Yu didn't speak when they looked at the smashed field.

"elder brother!"

Xiao Wu cried as soon as he saw Fang Yu, got up from the ground and hugged Fang Yu.

"...Fuck they are so arrogant!!" Xiao Wu wailed. Since entering the bright billiards room, except for the time when Yang Lei smashed the field, he has never been bullied so much.

Luo Jiu only uttered a word from between his teeth:


This is not a personal quest for revenge, but a mercenary between the two major gangs, which later evolved into two major cities.

From the next day, the Jianghai underworld spread rapidly, and everyone was waiting to see how Luo Jiu, who had already washed his hands in a half-baked state, would wash the rivers and lakes again.

Luo Jiu killed people and squatted in prison in the past. This kind of shame of being trampled on the head, what kind of person is Luo Jiu, can he bear it? ? Luo Jiu has stopped in recent years, making a lot of money in silence. What he did with the gold medal thugs under his hands a few years ago, which one is not sensational or dead? The current Jianghai bastards have lingering fears when they mention it. Some people describe the classic battles that were bloody rivers back then, and when they talk about some scenes, they can't help but close their eyes, as if they can't see the tragic situation of that year.

After entering the 1990s, the competition mode of the underworld changed, and there were fewer big scenes of street fights. If the underworld really wanted to run people, they would directly find a few people to kill people and kill them, no longer on the bright side. On the bright side, everyone is busy with money, and they all go to make money. So, mass brawls were even less common well into the year 2000. Luo Jiu's group of big brothers is in the transition period of the underworld. It was supposed to be farther and farther away from the bloody streets, but these two nights directly caused Luo Jiu to never be able to withdraw from the rivers and lakes.

The group of people who came to Luo Jiu came from the provincial capital and were the subordinates of Qiao Xin, the biggest underworld eldest brother in the provincial capital.

Qiao Xin gave himself a nickname called Da Qiao. His nickname came from a name that almost no one in China did not know at that time: Qiao Si.

In the 1980s and 1990s, no one did not know about the Fourth Master Qiao in the Northeast. This top underworld boss who shocked the whole country is still a legend of the Chinese underworld. Back then, the Qiao Si Group in Harbin, Heilongjiang, played with the government throughout the mid-to-late 1980s, and the rest of the party involved gangsters all over the country. Until the 21st century, the main criminals of the Qiao Si Group were continuously arrested. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Qiao Si is one of the few elder brothers in society who has been personally ordered by the State Council to be arrested. The local police in Northeast China were helpless against him, and finally forced the leaders of the state to personally mobilize the armed police from Beijing to capture him.

Such a person who was spread by the underworld as close to a god was the idol of the big brother in the national underworld at that time. And this Qiao Xin nicknamed himself Qiao Da, which means that he is more powerful than Qiao Si, which shows how crazy this person is.

But Qiao Xin is of course incomparable with Qiao Si, but he did become a tyrant in the provincial capital, and the main business he was doing at that time was still ahead of his time: You pay, I will kill, which is now " Hire a murderer" business.

Er Hei had a grudge against the scumbag that Er Hei had cleaned up in Lu Cheng, and couldn't hold his breath. He didn't have the strength to fight Luo Jiu recklessly, so he spent a lot of money to find Qiao Xin.

Qiao Xin hesitated at first. This person is very business-minded and good at calculating, and it will definitely be a lose-lose with Luo Jiu. But this gangster was determined to take revenge, and the price was sky-high. At this price, in the Chinese underworld at that time, few could resist the temptation of this price.

Money determines this bloody storm, which will end in human life.