Gold Class Fighter

Chapter 74


The Qiao Xin gang was severely beaten in the provincial capital, and more than a dozen core criminals of the gang were arrested for crimes such as murder with a gun, hiring a murderer, assembling a crowd to fight, intentional injury, and extortion. Three of them were sentenced to death.

Jiang Hai's anti-crime campaign is also pulling the net. Tiger Wang bears the brunt of it. Tiger Wang is unlucky. When Yanzi, Yiluojiu and others are transitioning to the background, Tiger Wang is still fighting on the front line. He opened a casino to participate in gambling. The officers made loan sharks, illegally collected debts, robbed and extorted people, and stabbed people to death in the fight. The most important thing is that there is no one behind Wang Huo, and he does not know how to win over the relationship on the white road. There is no one to protect him when something goes wrong. He was set up as a model and shot.

After a group was arrested and sentenced, the underworld in Jianghai fell into a dead silence, and people panicked. Luo Jiu died, and Yan Ziyi was also silent. Fang Yu, who had succeeded Luo Jiu, took himself in and ran away in order to avenge Luo Jiu. After the wind passed, the cards were shuffled again. This is something.

Qiao Hong had a great life, and he didn't die after being penetrated through the lobe of the lung. At that time, he was pulled to the hospital with a breath, and he woke up in a coma for a few days. But what will meet him will still be a bullet, the bullet of justice of the law.

When Qiao Hong was later sentenced to be shot, Luo Jiu, who had been in the underworld all his life, finally passed the national law to get his revenge on his enemies.

At that time, Yang Lei was relieved and frowned when he found out that Qiao Hong was not dead.

Qiao Hong is not dead, Fang Yu's guilt is conclusive. But people didn't die, and the sentence was lighter after all.

Although Yang Lei hid Fang Yu, he knew that it was not a problem to hide in this way, and it was impossible to hide for a lifetime.


As soon as Yang Datian saw Yang Lei, he knew what he was here for.

"You want to save him, there is only one way."

Yang Datian didn't circle around at all, looking at Yang Lei.

"Tell him to surrender."

"Wounding people with guns has been at least seven years, and now the limelight will only increase! If he doesn't turn himself in and is caught now, the nature will be different. It's considered light to sit for ten or eight years. If it is not good, it is classified as a model, and it is a severe sentence."

Yang Datian didn't scare Yang Lei, he was telling the truth.

"Fang Yu's past events are really revealed. You have seen how Wang Hu and those people were sentenced."

Yang Lei was silent.

Yang Datian was also helpless. What Fang Yu committed was a light or serious matter, and it was hoped that it would be digested internally, but when it caught up with the crackdown, it was different.

"Fortunately, the person is not dead. Surrendering yourself can mitigate the circumstances of the crime. It will be considered when sentencing. ... If you want me to speak, I must have a catch."

Yang Datian's words are already an exception. He treats Yang Lei's nephew as his own son. Yang Lei was involved in the underworld because of family reasons. Because of this, others were always pointing at him, the police chief, behind his back, but Yang Datian didn't care. He loves this nephew from the bottom of his heart. He knows why Yang Lei is like this, so he loves this child even more. Although Yang Lei was a fool, he never asked him for these things. Yang Lei himself did not ask him if he was imprisoned or fined for committing crimes. This was the first time he had come to beg him for others.

"How many years can I reduce the sentence?"

After a long silence, Yang Lei asked.

"I try my best."

There are no absolutes in the world. Yang Datian can't make this guarantee either.

"Uncle, you must help me... Fang Yu, it is very important to me."

Yang Lei raised his head and repeated those four words to Yang Datian.

"very important."

Yang Datian looked at Yang Lei and was surprised.

He had never seen Yang Lei's expression since he was a child.

Yang Datian pondered for a moment.

"Xiao Lei, you really want to save him, there is someone you can find."


Yang Datian didn't answer, his eyes fell on the TV.

Yang Lei followed him to the TV.

TV news is broadcasting the news of provincial and municipal leaders inspecting the construction of the new railway station. The camera swept across the faces of the main leaders one by one, and Yang Dahai's face was solemn and serious.

Yang Lei contacts Fang Yu on time every other day.

"Lao Liang and the others have avoided the limelight. It's alright, and Er Hei can also get up. ... No one has committed any trouble, they are all honest, and the brothers are all persuaded. You don't have to worry."

Yang Lei's tone seemed relaxed.

"...Luo Wen also made arrangements, the school has withdrawn, and after a while, I will contact her to transfer..."

"... Xiao Wu came here, and the tears were wiped... I didn't say, can I not listen to you? I know you don't want them to worry... "

"Anything missing? Did anyone ask questions?… "

"... The wind was tight for a while, and now it's a little over, they're catching King Tiger, we're fine here... "

"... Me? What can I do, no one bothers me... What background do I have, dare to stare at me? Are you tired of living?... "

Yang Lei whispered and pretended to be relaxed.

"...Okay, I have to hang up. You can wait for my news, it will be soon."

Yang Lei hung up the phone, his relaxed tone disappeared, and his mood became heavy.

He contacted Fang Yu twice on time, each time he could only say a few words. Yang Lei didn't tell Fang Yu the truth, the police were already staring at him, even if he was Yang Lei. It was also very difficult for Yang Lei to make this call.

When he reached the gate of the military district, Yang Lei stopped for a moment, but went in anyway.

He slowly went upstairs to the door of the house. Yang Lei pondered for a moment, pushed open the door, and closed it.

Yang Lei did not expect that when he walked into the house this time, he would not be able to come out again after a few days.

Yang Dahai was angry. Yang Dahai connected Yang Lei for a few days.

"You still have the face to plead for others? Do you know that this time, you have lost all my face!"

With Yang Dahai's current position, who would dare to say anything in front of him? But the human mouth has two skins, and his own son is like this, how can there be no discussion


Yang Lei shouted with difficulty!

Yang Dahai was stunned when he heard this.

Since Yang Lei was twelve or thirteen years old, since the paternity test, Yang Lei has never called his father again.

"… "

Yang Dahai's heart was full of mixed feelings.

He had been waiting for this sound for several years, and even thought that Yang Lei would never be willing to shout this sound again in his life. As a father, as a father who feels guilty about his son, and also as a father who feels remorse for the irreparable rift between himself and his son, Yang Dahai has mixed feelings and can no longer be calm.

The son finally called out this "Dad", but it was to ask him. Yang Dahai didn't know if this was his own sorrow or his own sin.

"You can beat me or teach me a lesson. You can do whatever you want with me in the future. As long as you promise to do this, you can beat me!"

Yang Lei knelt in front of Yang Dahai, just like when Yang Dahai was angry and punished him when he was a child, he asked him to kneel on the ground and reflect on not being allowed to eat.

"I haven't asked you a single thing. If you still recognize me as your son, you will help me this time. As long as this time, I will listen to you in everything from now on."

Yang Lei straightened his back and looked straight at Yang Dahai. This man he used to be unwilling to bow his head in front of him, but now he is willing to kneel at his feet and beg him.

This is his greatest hope, and this is Fang Yu's only hope.

Yang Lei once hated this family, and hated that fate made him born in such a family and had such a father. But now, Yang Lei has never been so grateful that he was born into such a privileged family. At this time, there are only privileges that he can rely on. If he is just a commoner and he cannot save Fang Yu, Fang Yu will be sentenced to death. After ten or twenty years, or like a big tiger, he is shot. Even if Fang Yu can run away, he will always be a wanted criminal, living in the shadow of fear, ruining his life. Subduing the law, commuting the sentence, only privilege can help him, things in the world are so cruel.

"... That Fang Yu, what kind of ecstasy soup did he give you? You want to do this for him??"

Seeing his son kneeling at his feet, Yang Dahai was also shocked and heartbroken.

No one knows Yang Lei's self-esteem and unyielding better than him, and now he actually knelt down and begged him! For an underworld criminal who shoots and kills!

"...I owe him my life!"

Yang Lei gritted his teeth.

Yes, he owes Fang Yu a life, not because he owes his life to Fang Yu!

"Don't bring your Jianghu habits into my door!"

Yang Dahai was furious.

"You are what you are today just by hanging out with this kind of person!!"

"Lock him up! Anyone who dares to let him go don't enter this house!"

Yang Dahai walked away.