Gold Class Fighter

Chapter 81


Yang Lei shook the wine in the glass, thinking about Er Hei's words.

seven years. Seven years is enough to change a lot and obliterate a lot. Seven years is enough to make all the thick and intense things quiet and settle down.

He used to think that some things would last a lifetime, no matter what they experienced, but at this age, he realized that there are not many things that can be tested in this world, and the test itself is a luxury.

Only at a young, frivolous and ignorant age, can you think of it for a lifetime at every turn. Looking back now, Yang Lei felt that he was the only one who dared to think about it for a lifetime.

Four years ago, when he happily counted the days and hoped that Fang Yu would be released from prison, when he asked Fang Yu in the prison to have a phone call with him alone, Fang Yu told him that because he helped others in prison, he took the lead. There was a gang fight, and the consequences were serious, and he was sentenced to one year in prison.

"What? You..." Yang Lei was thrown a basin of cold water on his head, he was angry, anxious, and dubious! But this thing is really like Fang Yu's style. He is loyal, and it is the same everywhere!

"...Why are you so rude!! You..." Yang Lei knew that blaming Fang Yu wouldn't help. "I'll be back from leave in a few days!"

Can Yang Lei make Fang Yu punish him? ! But Fang Yu insisted on refusing.

"No, I have to squat this year. Otherwise, if I go out, I don't have the face to stand up."

Fang Yu's voice was calm, but his attitude was firm.

"Face? You go to jail for face? Are you stupid?!"

"I'm quite used to being in prison. I'm here for everything, and I also pointed out that after I go out, I'll bring these people back together and do big things. If I just go out like this, I've been reunited with people in vain for the past few years."

Yang Lei didn't think Fang Yu had such ambitions before. He didn't expect Fang Yu to think about this. Maybe the years in prison will change a person's mind. Yang Lei feels that such a house is a bit strange.

"It's hard for you to ask for leave during the training camp. Don't come back. I'll also squat when you come back. Besides, you still have one year to graduate, and I'm out now, so it's no fun to be alone. I've been sitting for three years, and it's not bad this year. "

Fang Yu said.

Yang Lei finally did not insist.

He knows Fang Yu, once Fang Yu really decides, it will not change. He knew Fang Yu's tough temper, and even if he went back and begged for a commutation of Fang Yu's sentence, Fang Yu would not go out. He knew even more that Fang Yu didn't want to cause him any more trouble because of his mistakes - Fang Yu was just like that!

Yang Lei finally listened to Fang Yu's words and waited another year.

At that time, he believed Fang Yu so much. He believed every word he said, every reason he gave him.

"Then let's come out together. According to the time, I will come out before you. I will pick you up when the time comes!"

One year, Yang Lei thought, just gritted his teeth and passed!

On the phone, Fang Yu paused for a moment and said "OK". This brief pause did not attract Yang Lei's attention at that time.

Yang Lei finished the graduation report exercise, and on the day he got his diploma and left school, he almost ran out of the school gate. There was only one thought in Yang Lei's mind, to go back to Jianghai to see Fang Yu. Fang Yu will be released a few days later, and he will pick up Fang Yu with his diploma. He wanted to see him, wanted to give him a surprise, he imagined Fang Yu's expression when he saw him, he wanted to hug him fiercely, and tell him how he spent the thousands of days and nights apart. …

When Yang Lei walked to the school gate, the guard stopped him and said he had a phone number.

"He said his surname was Fang!"

Yang Lei was stunned for a moment, stunned.

He dropped his luggage and ran to answer the phone...

"After you became a soldier, you haven't contacted your brothers in the past few years. Everyone said that you have no conscience, and you can't remember your old buddies after walking down the road."

Er Hei's voice was still babbling in the smoke.

"... Thinking back to when we were together, we were so fucking energetic... I don't remember, when you followed Brother Yu, you brought Chuanzi Li San and the others, and we did it with Wu Kun and the others at the Military Club, haha, take it Then Wu Kun ran away with his panties on! Those panties are still red! Let the brothers have fun! Haha!…”

Er Hei seemed to be talking about what happened yesterday, he laughed and couldn't stop laughing.

"… so fast."

Er Hei's smile faded, and his face was no longer the youthful and vigorous face of seven years ago.

"...I don't mix anymore, and I'm rich. I don't know why, but I keep thinking about the past."

Erhei said, drinking again.

I don't know when, Er Hei will be high.

"...I really regret..." Er Hei was already drunk, and his voice was crying.

"... If it wasn't for me back then... there wouldn't be anything like that...!!"

Under the stimulation of alcohol, Er Hei had already burst into tears.

“… These years… I haven’t had a better day…!!…”

Erhei was completely drunk, lying on the table, crying...

Yang Lei listened to Er Hei's cry and smoked silently.

He thought of his old brother. During the crackdown in 1995, not many people stayed in Jianghai. Li San and Chuanzi were not in Jianghai. The brothers had their own way out. Even Ding Wen, when Yang Lei left, asked Ding Wen. Since Ding Wen knew it, he asked Ding Wen to help take care of Fang Yu. If you can take care of anything, take care of it. But now, even Ding Wen is no longer in Jianghai. I heard that he suddenly changed his job to a company out of town, and the people moved away.

Swallow B's industry has done a lot, involving real estate, building materials, decoration, and catering, not only in Jianghai, but also in various places. Now "Eilian Group" has become a key private enterprise in the province, and it has become famous in China. As the most successful social eldest brother in Jianghai's transformation, Yan Ziyi is no longer the underworld boss. He is now a well-known domestic entrepreneur.

Yang Lei went to see Yan Ziyi, and Yan Ziyi also invited Yang Lei to change careers early and work with him again. Yang Lei smiled.

"Brother, now you don't have any talent under your command, do you want me?"

"You are different. As long as you are willing to come, big brother will always reserve a place for you."

Yan Ziyi treats Yang Lei with sincerity.

"Thank you, eldest brother. However, I guess I won't be in Jianghai in the future."

"Are you going too?"

It's easy to understand that others go to Yan Ziyi, but Yang Lei's background, general manager, second-generation official, does he have a future in Jianghai

"After wearing this military uniform, I don't plan to take it off so quickly. The first dispatch in the army can leave at any time."

"What's wrong with Jiang Hai, there's nothing for you to miss?"

Yang Lei did not answer.

"Let's go one by one." Yan Ziyi sighed. "You and Fang Yu, I can't keep either of them."

Speaking of Fang Yu, Yan Ziyi thought of Luo Jiu. It's been too long since I remembered the old things, and Yan Ziyi also sighed.

"At that time, I stayed in Fangyu, but I couldn't keep it. He drank too much, and he said a word. Jiang Hai has too many old things, and when he thinks about it, he will be sad..."