Gold Medal Coach

Chapter 213: Extra 06


[Extra 06]

After killing the two members of the French team, Jiang Shaoyu said calmly, "Stop the car."

Pei Feng immediately parked the car at the edge of the woods.

Jiang Shaoyu said: "Leaves go to pick up the equipment, snipers pay attention to cover."

Ye Qingming got into the woods like the wind and went to pick up the dropped equipment treasure chest. After the death of French sniper Albert, his sniper gun fell to the ground, Scout Nick's [bee dagger] and [sand eagle] also fell, in addition to several magazines and medical bandages.

Ye Qingming came back with a lot of equipment, Jiang Shaoyu distributed the medical bandages to Pei Feng, and asked Xiao Pei to act as a temporary medical treatment. The dagger was given to Ye Ye, and the magazine was given to Liu Shaozhou and Lao Lin.

Jiang Shaoyu said, "Abandon the car and go into the woods."

The crowd followed.

Lao Lin and Ye Ye opened the way in front, Pei Feng, Jiang Shaoyu and Liu Shaozhou followed, and quickly sneaked into the woods.

At this point, the three teams of Australia, the United States, and France have all been eliminated. The South Korean team disappeared; the German team had 3 players left, and the Italian team had 3 players left; the Brazilian team had a complete set of 5 players. They had a very good luck in this game.

In order to save their lives, these surviving players took the time to come to the safe zone.

Five minutes into the game, a system prompt pops up again on the screen: The safe zone has been refreshed.

The red circle on the minimap suddenly shrank to one-fifth of its original size. Team Huaguo was in the outer circle of the safe zone. After shrinking, they were immediately affected by the "medium" state, and they continued to lose blood. Everyone must go to the new safe zone before running out of health. The five people had just walked forward for a distance, when Jiang Shaoyu suddenly whispered: "Attention, at 10 o'clock, there are five people."

His hearing is very acute, and he can tell the number of opponents by the sound of footsteps. At this time, the audience from God's perspective can see that the five members of the Brazilian team are rushing to the safety zone, and they are very close to the players of the Huaguo team.

After hearing Jiang Shaoyu's prompt, the teammates quickly hid.

Jiang Shaoyu climbed up the tree neatly, Pei Feng and Liu Shaozhou hid behind the tree on the left and right, while Lao Lin and Ye Ye moved forward.

After a while, the five Brazilians appeared in the field of vision.

Because the Brazilian team chose the location of the parachute well, they did not encounter any enemies at the beginning. They collected a lot of equipment along the way, including various bulletproof light boards, first aid kits, throwing weapons, firearms and ammunition. After arriving in the safe area, Captain Yara said excitedly: "Everyone, be careful, we are equipped with luxurious equipment and 5 people are complete! As long as we don't encounter the Huaguo team, we can live to the end!"

The stormtroopers at the front were responsible for clearing the way, the assaulters and scouts followed closely behind with guns, the snipers were protected in the middle of the team, and the last team members carried a first aid kit on their backs, apparently the doctors of the Brazilian team. .

Jiang Shaoyu hid in the tree and opened the scope, and said lightly: "Lao Lin, blow up his bulletproof light plate, and solve the medical treatment first."

Lao Lin: "Received!"

The Brazilian team had no idea that they had already been targeted by Jiang Shaoyu.

They walked forward cautiously and unknowingly entered the encirclement of the Huaguo team.

Suddenly, the deafening sound of gunfire sounded, Lao Lin jumped out from behind the tree, and a wave of frantic shooting, the bullets sprinkled over with a Martian torrential rain, instantly destroyed the bulletproof light plate of the Brazilian team's medical treatment!

Almost at the moment when Lao Lin exploded the bulletproof light plate, a bullet calmly shot out from the gap between the leaves in the distance—


[-Wing] killed [BRA-Rafa] with a headshot with [MSG-Aurora]!

After Jiang Shaoyu lost the medical treatment with one shot, he immediately dodged behind the branches. The front row of the Brazilian team turned to shoot at him, and he avoided him in time. At the same time, Pei Feng and Liu Shaozhou on the left and right sides of Jiang Shaoyu also started to act, and the gunshots of Balot and AWM sounded one after the other!

[-Fred] killed [BRA-Ruddy] with a headshot with [Balot-Jungle Hunter]!

[-Shadow] killed [BRA-Josip] with a headshot with [AWM-Meteor]!

The three snipers of the Huaguo team formed a perfect "triangle position" one front and two back, and they killed the three Brazilian team members in a blink of an eye.

Ye Qingming was not idle either. Taking advantage of the chaos in the Brazilian army, he suddenly appeared and dropped the scout they were hiding in one second. The last sniper who wanted to turn around and escape was shot through the back of the head by Jiang Shaoyu.

The commentator said excitedly: "This wave of cooperation is so beautiful, it will directly destroy the Brazilian team!"

"Team Huaguo sensed the movement of the Brazilian team in advance, and attacked in ambush, catching turtles in the urn! Coach Jiang got 2 more heads?"

"So far, Coach Jiang has 7 heads in hand!"

After the players of the Brazilian team died, all their equipment fell.

Pei Feng and Ye Qingming actively ran to pick up the equipment.

This wave of destroying the Brazilian team brought the Huaguo team a great harvest. Not only did they find a key first aid kit, but also a sniper, an AK and several grenades. Jiang Shaoyu gathered everyone's equipment and redistributed it. After settling, set off again.

When netizens saw this, they spit out the barrage:

[The Brazilian team sent people thousands of miles away, the ceremony is light and affectionate!]

[It's so funny, I came all the way to send a wave of luxury equipment spree]

[This time, even the first aid kit, AK, grenade | bombs are all alive!]

[The Huaguo team has the best equipment in the game, and Coach Jiang has the most people in the game. Come on!]

In the kill rankings of this game, Jiang Shaoyu leads by fault, with 7 heads at the top.

The players of the German team, the Italian team and the South Korean team all had mixed feelings, and trying to kill the Huaguo team in the battle royale mode almost became a difficult task from hell. Team Huaguo has devoured several countries in a row and has become the biggest boss in the game. Not to mention the luxurious equipment, the strength of the players is also world-class.

Any team with a complete 5-man team will have little chance of winning against the Huaguo team.

What's more, the German team and the Italian team lost their members in the previous battle, and only 3 people are alive.

The captain of the German team, Kaiser, said calmly: "We only have three people left. It is impossible to kill the Guanghua National Team. There is only one way to win - let the South Korean team and the Hua Guo team PK, we hide and pick up the leaks."

At this time, South Korean captain Kim Minho also had the same idea: "Let Germany, Italy and the Chinese team fight, we will ambush and attack to find opportunities."

Sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight, can you reap the benefits. Facing the current Huaguo team, whoever they play will die.

The best way is to let the other teams come first, hide and steal people's heads, and maybe they will survive to the end.

The safe zone continued to shrink, and the woods suddenly fell silent.

Jiang Shaoyu said lightly: "It seems that they don't dare to come out and confront the Huaguo team head-on."

Pei Feng said with a smile: "They know that the Huaguo team has the best equipment now, and they all want others to die first and pick up the bargain themselves."

Jiang Shaoyu said calmly, "Ye Ye, Lao Lin, get ready to search."

Do you think it's safe to hide

You know, ACE's strongest point was the cooperation between the front row and the sniper. Ye Zi and Jiang Shaoyu cooperated in parallel search points; Lao Lin and Jiang Shaoyu cooperated to suppress the far and near firepower, no matter how the opponent hides, they can search out and kill people!

Lao Lin and Ye Qingming cooperated with each other to search for points. Jiang Shaoyu and Liu Shaozhou were aiming at a distance, ready to collect people at any time. Pei Feng followed behind Lao Lin and Ye Ye as medical support.

Jiang Shaoyu's strategy is very simple - since you don't want to come out and die, the Huaguo team has to take the initiative to find you.

The safe zone is further reduced.

The woods are dense and dangerous, and there may be enemies hiding in every tree. Lao Lin and Ye Zi searched side by side. Relying on the medical team, Lao Lin shot the submachine gun directly at the tree. This kind of carpet search made the hiding enemy invisible.

Soon, they found the three members of the Italian team. These three people were wretched enough. They hid in a bush. If Lao Lin didn't shoot directly, would they hide to the end

The Italian captain was swept into blood by Lao Lin's random bullets, so he had to jump out and fight. The three of them set fire to kill Lao Lin. Pei Feng immediately stepped forward and helped Lao Lin with the first aid kit. Ye Qingming seized the opportunity and killed him. Scouting of the Italian team.

In the distance, Jiang Shaoyu and Liu Shaozhou shot at the same time, accurate long-range sniping, and the remaining 2 Italians were quickly killed!

Jiang Shaoyu's kill count became 8.

The voice of the commentary became more and more excited: "There are only three teams left in the finals: South Korea, Germany and Huaguo!" "There are only three German teams and five South Korean teams. South Korea is the biggest threat." "Jiang The coach should be careful about the sneak attack by the Korean team."

The tropical rain forest of Neverland has a complex terrain, with towering giant trees everywhere, and a small river not far away.

Ye Qingming and Lao Lin searched the river. At this time, the audience from God's perspective could see that the brothers Kim Minho and Kim Minzhi of the South Korean team were sneakily lurking downstream in the direction of the current. Just now, Jiang Shaoyu and Liu Shaozhou shot at the Italian team. They have locked the positions of the two snipers!

Kill the sniper first! This is Kim Minho's decision.

The two brothers went ashore quietly downstream, and the black barrel of the [Sha Ying] was aimed at the two big trees where Jiang Shaoyu and Liu Shaozhou were hiding. As long as the two of them appeared, they could quickly get rid of the two people.

Jin Minhao said calmly, "Heyong, seduce a wave."

In the river, Gao Heyong and Cui Zhen of the Korean team suddenly jumped up. The submachine guns and assault rifles in their hands fired together. The rainstorm-like bullets swept towards Lao Lin, and Lao Lin and Ye Qingming immediately counterattacked.

Deafening gunshots rang out by the river.

In the distance, Jiang Shaoyu and Liu Shaozhou really emerged, aiming, opening the mirror, and shooting—

boom! boom!

The bullet burst into the air, and Gao Heyong by the river was instantly shot and killed by Liu Shaozhou!

Then, three messages appeared in succession on the screen—

[KOR-King] killed [-Shadow] with a headshot using [Shaying-Judgment]!

[-Wing] killed [KOR-King] with a headshot with [MSG-Aurora]!

[-Wing] Killed [KOR-KillerJ] with a headshot with [MSG-Aurora]!

Jin Minhao killed the rising Liu Shaozhou. But what he couldn't believe was that at the most critical moment, Jiang Shaoyu didn't stare at the river in the distance, but turned his head in an instant, a simple and beautiful 180-degree sniper, shot two consecutive shots - actually killed South Korea Team Scout Brother? !

This wave suddenly turned back, and the operation of sniping and killing the sneak attackers behind him made the audience all over the world cheer with excitement.

There was a deafening applause at the game!

[I really want to report that God Wing has been hacked!]

[Does Coach Jiang have eyes behind his head?]

[Wuwuwu, how can he be so handsome, he can even kill two people when he turns around and snipe!]

[Our coach Jiang has already killed me by 10 people!]

There were only 40 players in this game, excluding teammates, 35 players from 7 other countries, 10 of them died under Jiang Shaoyu's gun.

Such a terrifying number of kills made domestic audiences unbelievable.

At this time, Coach Matthew, who was sitting under the stage, said excitedly: "Fred is helping him see the vision behind him! This pair of master and apprentices is amazing!"

Although Matthew is not the world's top coach, but he is watching from the perspective of God, and can immediately understand the operation just now.

By the river, Lao Lin, Ye Zi, Pei Feng and the Korean team got into a 3V3 battle. Lao Lin was the first to die, and South Korea's Gao Heyong was the second to die. Pei Feng did not rush to save Lao Lin, but suddenly opened the scope of the sniper rifle and glanced behind Jiang Shaoyu.

Because he guessed that the Korean team had been dormant for so long and suddenly jumped out to fight. Such an abnormal operation must be the drunkard's intention not to drink.

Sure enough, he saw the pair of brothers quietly climb up from the lower reaches of the river, trying to sneak around and attack Jiang Shaoyu.

Pei Feng said, "Master, be careful behind you."

The tacit understanding of their master and apprentice does not need to be said too much. Pei Feng only reminded Jiang Shaoyu, Jiang Shaoyu knew what to do.

Reverse sniping is not difficult for Jiang Shaoyu.

Pei Feng opened his eyes and looked at the master behind him. Liu Shaozhou took the lead and killed the South Korean team's charge with one shot. Jiang Shaoyu pretended to hit the front, but suddenly turned around and killed the two reconnaissance of South Korea in a row - the cooperation of the three snipers of the Huaguo team was very tacit.

Although Liu Shaozhou sacrificed, but replaced the three members of the Korean team, it was not a loss at all!

Pei Feng smiled and said, "Nice, wait for me to save people!"

He first helped Lao Lin, who was nearby, and quickly ran over to help Liu Shaozhou.

Five members of the Huaguo team survived, the remaining two members of the South Korean team were quickly killed by dumplings, and the three members of the German team were unable to fight back.

In the final 5V3 decisive team battle, Jiang Shaoyu got 2 more heads.

Kill leaderboards:

First place, -Wing, kills: 12.

All-time MVP!

The golden MVP logo at the back made fans cheer.

[Coach Jiang is the MVP!]

[There is no one of the most handsome coaches in the world!]

[The coach of our Huaguo team is really the strongest!]

[Fred honestly doesn't deceive me, no wonder he praises Master every day, I'll blow it up if there is such a master?]

[-Wing, our sniper is back!]

In the soundproof room, Pei Feng excitedly stretched out his arms and gave the people around him a warm hug: "Master, that's great."

Jiang Shaoyu patted his shoulder lightly and said in a low voice, "You're great too."

In fact, in the sneak attack of the Korean team just now, if Xiao Pei's overall situation was not strong enough to judge the situation, instead of saving people, he first provided Jiang Shaoyu with a vision behind him... It is very likely that the Korean team's assassination would be successful. The Huaguo team is very difficult to play.

Pei Feng made the correct judgment at the critical moment, first solved the Korean reconnaissance, and then turned around to save people. The 5 Huaguo team survived into the finals and successfully won the battle royale mode victory.

Behind Jiang Shaoyu's brilliant record of 12 kills, there is the silent support and cooperation of his apprentices.

The name Wing appeared on the world stage after a lapse of 6 years, and as soon as he appeared, he was the MVP who shocked the audience!

At this moment, the head coach of the Huaguo team with 12 kills has become a star figure that e-sports fans around the world are paying attention to.

He is a behind-the-scenes coach, how can he be so strong

Is this science? ! :,,.