Gold Medal Coach

Chapter 216: Extra 09


[Extra 09]

Pei Feng and Jiang Shaoyu defeated South Korea's Kim Minho and Kim Minzhi brothers 2:0, taking the lead in scoring 2 points.

In the next group stage, the two masters and apprentices met Venus and Simil of the US team. Venus used to be recognized as the strongest sniper in the world, and Simil was a scout with very good consciousness.

After watching the match between the mentoring group and the Korean brothers, Venus adopted the strategy of "2 packs 1" after facing the pair of mentors.

He wanted to kill one of Fred or Wing first, and then the other.

Simil is in charge of searching the opponent's position, Venus is in charge of long-range fire support, and see who kills who. However, what they didn't expect was that Pei Feng and Jiang Shaoyu actually adopted the same strategy - Pei Feng was in charge of searching the enemy's position, and Jiang Shaoyu was in charge of long-range sniping.

In this way, the two sides have become exactly the same style of play, and the fight is speed.

At the corner of the building, Pei Feng and Simil found each other for reconnaissance almost at the same time, followed by gunshots at the same time from the tall building in the distance.

[-Wing] killed [USA-Simil] with a headshot with [MSG-Aurora]!

[USA-Venus] hit [-Fred] with [AWM-Judgment]!

Jiang Shaoyu's shot was 0.1 seconds faster than Venus's, and he accurately missed the opponent's reconnaissance; Pei Feng made a "flashback" operation at a critical moment and hid behind the building. The sniper's bullet on the opposite side flew past his shoulder, only wounding him, but not killing him.

The U.S. team originally wanted to kill one person with 2 packs and 1 first, but the pair killed 1 person instead.

Venus was forced to face a 1-on-2 situation, and was eventually double-teamed by Pei Feng and Jiang Shaoyu, who joined forces to kill.

The second round was the home game of Pei Feng and Jiang Shaoyu. The two chose the complex terrain of "Yuehu Park", and they used the double freeman style of play, pulling back and forth to cover each other. Simil and Venus were dragged into a war of attrition, and eventually died helplessly under the guns of the master and apprentice.

Looking at the grayed-out screen, Venus sighed and said, "This pair of master and apprentices, probably only intelligent AI can beat them."

Simil's face was full of surprise: "There are almost zero mistakes in the marksmanship, how did you do it?"

Venus said with emotion: "Both of them are talented. Also, their usual practice must be very hard!"

Players who can play e-sports are not bad in talent, but talent alone will soon be surpassed by rising stars. Many reactions on the field are actually based on the accumulation of usual training. Jiang Shaoyu and Pei Feng are undoubtedly very talented players, but they must have worked very hard and worked hard when they trained in private to maintain such terrifying shooting accuracy.

Especially Jiang Shaoyu, who has been able to maintain such a strong competitive strength after retiring for so many years, is really surprising and admirable.

Behind the superficial scenery, it is actually his years of hard training.

Most retired players will not have the determination and patience to do basic exercises over and over again. The boring practice is actually a kind of torture, how could Jiang Shaoyu do it? It is no wonder that the Huaguo team has a new look under his leadership.

After the game, Venus and Simil took the initiative to walk to the middle of the stage and shook hands with Jiang Shaoyu and Pei Feng.

Venus said with a smile: "You are very strong, I look forward to you winning the All-Star championship."

Simil said: "I want to be friends with the two of them. I will have the opportunity to play in the international server in the future. I don't know if I can?"

Jiang Shaoyu nodded: "Of course."

They took the initiative to ask for Jiang Shaoyu's friend position, which is enough to prove that Jiang Shaoyu's strength has been recognized by these players.

In the third game in the afternoon, facing the German team's Kaiser and Miller melee combination, Jiang Shaoyu and Pei Feng did not give the opponent a chance to struggle, and simply defeated the opponent 2:0.

The first day of the group stage is all over.

The combination of Wing and Fred reached the semi-finals first in the group with a 2-0 record in three consecutive games.

Compared with the "Nightmare Mode" in Group A, the game in Group B was much milder. In the end, the first team in the group was a pair of assaulters + medics from Italy, and the second team was a sniper from France. + Charger combo.

In the next semi-final, the two will face the second place in Group A.

The match was scheduled for the afternoon of the next day. The French pair were far inferior to their opponents in Group A. Jiang Shaoyu and Pei Feng won very easily.

The more and more domestic audiences watched, the more excited they became: "Sure enough, the master-apprentice group has entered the finals!"

"Devil Master and Apprentice! Who can stop this pair of Bosses?"

"Shouldn't it be a complete victory to win the championship?"

Up to now, everyone's concern is not whether Pei Feng and Jiang Shaoyu will win the championship.

But will they win

The two masters and apprentices continuously defeated the ace combination of South Korea, the United States and Germany in the group stage, and defeated the French combination in the semi-finals. In the final, they met Jason and Nicholas from Italy. The former is the captain of the Italian national team and the ace raider. ; The latter is the most popular star medical care in Italy.

Assaulter + Medical, this two-person combination is more difficult to fight. The medical can block the opponent's attack with a bulletproof light plate, and rush with the Assaulter in melee combat; you can also let the Assaulter to fight, and then hide and find a way to save people.

In the first game, the home court of Italy, the map chosen by the two was the simplest "circular corridor".

After seeing the picture selected on the opposite side, Pei Feng brought a submachine gun in this game, and his style of play was even more violent.

Jiang Shaoyu brought an AK, a gun and smoke bombs.

Jason's idea is very simple, fight the war of attrition with this pair of master and apprentice? That is impossible to win. The two men have one of the best skills in the world for handling complex terrain. Therefore, the only way to win is to fight quickly and fight for luck.

For a simple and crude map like the "Circle Corridor", the two sides are refreshed on the diagonal, and there are two choices: left and right. Sometimes luckily, the right choice is made, and it just goes around the opponent's back, and a wave of raids kills the opponent in seconds. It is also possible.

After the game started, the two men from Italy marched in a group, but Jiang Shaoyu and Pei Feng acted separately.

The audience stared nervously at the big screen. The moment the two sides met at the corner of the corridor, Jason set up AK and it was a sweep!

Jiang Shaoyu was not afraid of his violent suppression. Using the corner of the corridor as a cover, he drifted back and forth to shoot, and the bullets shot out a row of beautiful curves, covering the opponent's position like a dragon swinging its tail, forcing Jason to stop. Don't step back!

Although God Wing is famous as a sniper, he is not relentless in melee combat.

Jason actually didn't fight him. He was beaten and retreated to the corner. The medic stepped forward to add blood to him and erected a bulletproof light plate.

Jiang Shaoyu only had about 30% of his health remaining. Jason emerged from behind the bulletproof light plate and wanted to sweep Jiang Shaoyu to death. At this moment, Pei Feng, who was walking the other way, arrived at the scene in time. The moment the master and apprentice met, Countless bullets smashed down like a torrential rain!

[ITA-Jason] killed [-Wing] with [AK-47-Iceflame]!

Jiang Shaoyu with residual blood was unable to resist the opponent's attack and fell into a pool of blood.

Followed by two kill messages swiping the screen—

[-Fred] killed [ITA-Jason] with [Thomson-Flame]!

[-Fred] killed [ITA-Nico] with [Thomson-Flame]!

The death of the master was exchanged for the double kill of the apprentice.

In this wave, Jiang Shaoyu would have risked his life to take the lead and give Xiao Pei a chance.

He believed that Xiao Pei would not let him die in vain.

Seeing Pei Feng's neat double kill, Jiang Shaoyu raised the corner of his lips and said, "Not bad."

The praised Pei Feng smiled: "Hey, it's rare for Master to praise me."

Jiang Shaoyu said lightly: "Continue to the next round, play well."

The second game was their home game, and Jiang Shaoyu chose the difficult map "Rainy Night".

This time, the master and apprentice directly brought out the double sniper lineup. Pei Feng took out his best heavy sniper [Balot], Jiang Shaoyu brought his favorite light sniper [MSG], and the two hunted in the dark rainy night. The enemy, the two Italian players couldn't find where they were at all.

The sound of the rainstorm broke the tranquility of the night, and the snipers hidden in the night made the whole map in danger.

The heavy rain covered up the footsteps of the two of them, and only the audience from God's perspective could see clearly. In this game, Pei Feng and Jiang Shaoyu used the "diagonal walking method". One of them walked clockwise and the other went counterclockwise. Keep a distance where you can support at any time.

Pei Feng could see Jiang Shaoyu behind him.

Jiang Shaoyu can also protect Pei Feng's back.

This search method can search the entire map in the shortest time.

Suddenly, Pei Feng clicked a marker on the map, and he saw two figures in Italy with an eight-fold scope.

In this game, the Italians wanted to use the method of "waiting for the rabbit", hiding in the corner, and attacking when Pei Feng and Jiang Shaoyu appeared.

Unfortunately, Pei Feng knew all about the hiding places on this map, and it didn't take long to discover their location.

"Master, wrap it up." Pei Feng smiled.

"Okay." Jiang Shaoyu calmly opened the bolt, picked up a light sniper suitable for mobile warfare, and quickly dived into the dark night.

The master and the apprentice, one left and one right, went to the location where the Italian team was hiding.

Jason noticed the mixed footsteps in the rainstorm and knew that someone was approaching, and immediately set up AK nervously.

Just as Jiang Shaoyu appeared under the lights at the intersection, Jason resolutely shot off—

However, the dull gunshots belonging to the heavy sniper suddenly sounded behind him!

The medical hurriedly erected the bulletproof light plate, blocking Pei Feng's first shot, but Pei Feng changed the bullet very quickly, and the second shot came over again.

On the other side, Jiang Shaoyu also jumped out and calmly pulled the trigger.

As soon as Pei Feng penetrated the bulletproof light plate, Jiang Shaoyu lost the medical treatment in Italy with one shot!

Immediately after, Pei Feng's bullet shot from a distance, killing Jason with a headshot.

Whoever you kill, whoever I kill, the tacit understanding between the two does not require verbal communication.

The four consecutive bullets of the two snipers, like a program that has been calculated a long time ago, are almost seamless!

Such cooperation, probably only intelligent AI can do it

Italian players fell in a pool of blood. Pei Feng and Jiang Shaoyu stood one after the other in the dark rainy night, like two calm killers playing a hunting game, any enemy's struggle in front of them would be futile.

This terrifying pair of mentors and apprentices actually won the All-Star Doubles Championship with a 100% record!

There was deafening applause at the game.

The barrage in the live broadcast room is even more densely brushed.

[It's too good!]

[The BOSS duo is so handsome!]

[Wuwuwu, how can they be so tacit? Killing one by one is just as good!]

[Today is another day for the emotion of mentoring and apprenticeship!]

[Double champion is great! Wing and Fred are the strongest!]

In the soundproof room, Pei Feng took off his earphones and turned his head to meet Jiang Shaoyu's gaze.

Jiang Shaoyu, who has always been indifferent, his eyes are rarely gentle at this time. Obviously, he is also in a good mood at the moment.

Pei Feng unceremoniously stretched out his arms and hugged the master tightly in his arms.

Jiang Shaoyu didn't struggle, he reached out and hugged back gently. Pei Feng, who received the response, tightened his arms even more forcefully. He resisted the urge to kiss Master in front of the audience all over the world, and said excitedly: "We are the champions of the doubles competition! The whole world can be worthy of Master and follow him. The only person standing side by side with Master is me!"

Hearing his proud tone, Jiang Shaoyu's heart softened slightly and whispered, "Well, only you."

They stood side by side on the All-Star Doubles Championship podium.

They are the people who know each other best.

Being able to keep up with the other party's thoughts and play a tacit cooperation - such a heart-to-heart connection is something no one else can do at all.

At this moment, when Pei Feng was holding him tightly in his arms, Jiang Shaoyu realized that, before he knew it, Xiao Pei had already entered his heart.

to the most important position.

It has become his special case, unique and irreplaceable.